Well-Known Member
Hi there, we've recently bought a pony for my daughter and have a cracking little guy...I've only ever had horses before so ponies are new to me! I'm very aware that it's important to watch their weight due to laminitis risk (never really worried so much with horses!)...and that we will probably need to restrict grazing in the spring/summer. When do we need to start worrying about this? He hardly has any hard feed at all, has a haynet at night and is out most of the day 9-4.30ish in a large paddock (possibly about 10 acres) with 6 to 8 other horses. His condition score last month at his vetting was 3/5 and I'm checking his weight with a tape every few weeks. He's not had laminitis to our knowledge. I'm told that the livery yard does move the horses to a smaller paddock in spring and the ponies can go in smaller areas for this reason. Thanks