Well-Known Member
i hate them. they rub the face, horses cant breathe nicely, they wear down the teeth, they cause stress all of these have an impact on horses welfare. turn horse out at nite, stable other half of the day, fence off area, strip graze, exercise even lunge if cant be ridden.
Sadly sometimes life isn’t always that easy. if you fit properly and find a muzzle that suits your horse they are fine. I have done everything and of all the things we’ve tried - muzzling with restricted night time grazing works best of all. I think those of us with EMSPonies know how hard they can be to manage - with some it’s a combination of methods that keep these ponies sound. I have used the flexible filly for three years - not noticed any unusual tooth wear and the horse graze quite happily in them. They are not at all restrictive and because of their design are light and airy.