Grazing muzzles


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5 June 2012
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I just had a Shires 'ordinary' webbing kind. Pony wore it 24/7. I found that for the first few weeks of wear I needed to pop a bit of Vaseline on any bits that looked like they were rubbing, a couple of times a day, but after that it was fine. Did a good job in terms of allowing some intake but meant I could keep his weight down.


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6 January 2012
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Greenguard - expensive but worth it. I have tried various other makes and they only last 5 minutes. My v good doer wore it 24/7 and had enough intake but kept weight under control. Currently have my horse and pony in them at night then they come in during the day. So much easier than continually messing about with electric tape to strip graze or putting them in starvation paddocks. I think grazing muzzles are the best horsey invention!


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2 December 2008
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I have just put our fat NF pony in one tonight for the first time & am feeling VERY anxious about it.

She's had it on in the yard under supervision but hadn't even tried to eat anything, i suspect she will rub it off as i left her having a go on the fence.

I really hope it works & she can get used to it as it will solve the constant nightmare of watching her weight.Will let you know how we get on.


Well-Known Member
5 June 2012
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Yes, they can wear them all day, just check for rubs regularly. If you only have it on for part of the day then there is a tendency for the horse to gorge the rest of the time so you may not see that much benefit. You may find that on the first time of wearing that it takes a while for your horse to work out they can eat. It took mine the best part of a day.


3 June 2014
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Thanks it is very comforting to know how successful the muzzles are! I feel anxious about doing it but it seems like the better compromise!!! Really hoping he gets use to it!!


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
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I have been using the shires deluxe muzzle this year and have been very impressed with it. It has rubbed under his jaw a little but I sewed some extra padding on and problem solved!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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I found the best solution to rubbing was to buy a size bigger so the bucket bit doesn't touch and rub. They can be shortened enough to fit the head still. I have a section A in a cob size one currently and he hasn't had a rub at all neither did the section A I had here all winter. They do need to wear them the entire time they are out to be effective though.


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9 May 2007
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How do you keep them on? I have been using Shires Deluxe for past week on the Irish boy and it hasn't rubbed at all. I do take it off at night but was already showing good results. However my other horse (brainy ex-racehorse) is taking it off his mate! We were wondering how Irish Bog Pony was getting it off as fence is electrified and spotted TB brainbox pulling it off him this morning!!!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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I'd get the biggest you can with the straps still going small enough. I'm going to go to the tack shop and have a look for one for my connie (the welshies inherited his previous cob sized one) as the makes vary a bit.

I plait the current welsh's in or he removes it.


Well-Known Member
19 February 2011
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Use to be able to get away with using a shires type muzzle but I think pony found it hot and irritating so started removing it (despite all sorts of extra hurdles, plaiting mane in, head collars over the top etc) so now have splashed out for a green guard which he's much happier with so doesn't put so much effort into removing.
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Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Fantastic inventions enabling fat ponies to have plenty of turnout - however they do get better at using them the longer they wear them so the weight loss does stabilise especially if you have lots of grass.

They all rub to some degree if left on long enough but what I have found is to have a few different makes as then they rub in different places so you can then rest the rubbed areas. Over time the skin hardens and the muzzles soften so they don't rub so much.

Keeping them on can be challenging but if you do the throat lash up tight and have it in the throat grove this tends to help. I also put vet wrap on the Velcro also helps deter human helpers from removing muzzles!

I liked the old style shires ones that they don't make anymore as they stayed on best, I also like the best friend have a heart with expandable nose and you can make the nose part wider and they are quite airy.

The fleece shires one look quite hot.


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Very disappointed to find pony muzzle free & muzzle no-where to be seen, this morning.

Am going to try putting a headcollar on top tonight as someone on the post suggested & also look at the cost of a Green Guard one. I've got to get it sorted as her best friend is a skinny TB who needs all the grass i can get into her.

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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Worst thing ever invented in my opinion but then everyone to their own Horses eat far more are less likely to lose weight and in fact are far more likely to damage teeth and are a possible cause of gassy colic due to gorging. A horse can eat 20 kgs of grass in an hour if starving so even an hour without it will give the opportunity for them to eat far more than they would if grazing shortish grass. They are easily removed so if the horse has laminitic tendencies the fact they are on good grass means if they get it off they are at a very high risk of foundering especially if they get it off within the first hour of wearing it. This isn't quite so important to a horse on a diet to a laminitic it could be fatal and I wouldn't take the risk. They lull people into a false sense of security thinking their pony is safe wearing it as they can't get too much grass and of of course there is a huge risk of it getting caught up and breaking the horses neck as it struggles especially if there is no break free if there is a break free they are again easily removed so I would never use one