Well-Known Member
Hope some of the cob owners out there can help me... Jack is my 15.1 MW Irish cob. He is 8yo and I have had him for 2 years (I have had horses for 25+ years) In May he was diagnosed with Bilateral check ligament desmitis behind after being 'Not Right' behind off and on for about 3 months. He has had 1 month box rest, 1 month walking out of the box for 15 mins twice daily plus a course of shockwave therapy and hydrotherapy. He has behaved exceptionally well throughout all this apart from becoming a little handy with his teeth (not unusual for him any way, just worse than normal)
He has now had the go ahead to return to work very slowly and be turned out. He is now in during the day and out at night and we have got to build up his walking starting at 20mins, by 10 mins per week over 2 months. I am currently on week 2 at 30mins daily on a hard surface (ie fields or road) My problems have only begun since I started his fittening programme 10 days ago. He has become increasingly unsettled on the yard (not in the stable, but when tied up) I have seen him grabbing the knot in his rope and windsucking. When ridden he will troll along quite happily on the bit for about 15 minutes, and then suddenly a blade of grass will move (!) and he will explode into the air and then try to cart me. (handy when you're only supposed to be walking!) I can only hold him in a kimblewick, which frustrates him because he knows he cannot get away from me in it, so he gets behind the bit and jogs along sideways. If I use any leg pressure he plunges and tries to get away from me. I have been doing most of the work in the fields as I have no short rides around my area and if I go up the road for 10-15 minutes and then turn round to go home, the next time I go that way he will try to whip round as soon as he thinks we have gone far enough!. Plus the roads are quite busy round me and I would prefer not to take an unpredictable loon out among Joe Public! When I have (in an effort to stay alive!) taken him in the school (not recommended by vet but don't want to die yet!) he turns into old plod and slugs along like a donkey.
He is fed simple systems soaked Alfalfa (350gms daily) with Lunar Eclipse (their calming mix!!) plus glucosamine, salt and seaweed, and has 2 slices of hay durring the day in the stable. He is strip grazing the field and gets about 3ft x 10 yds extra each day. Tonight to add insult to injury I barely got his headcollar off in the field before all 4 feet were off the ground and he yanked himself away from me, and theen he threw his bucket of feed across the field and stomped off!!
If any psychologists/psychiatrists out there can point either him or me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful - I am at my wit's end with his unpredictable irrational behaviour and can only imagine that this is what it is like to have a toddler on speed with ADHD!!
thanks for reading! :crazy
He has now had the go ahead to return to work very slowly and be turned out. He is now in during the day and out at night and we have got to build up his walking starting at 20mins, by 10 mins per week over 2 months. I am currently on week 2 at 30mins daily on a hard surface (ie fields or road) My problems have only begun since I started his fittening programme 10 days ago. He has become increasingly unsettled on the yard (not in the stable, but when tied up) I have seen him grabbing the knot in his rope and windsucking. When ridden he will troll along quite happily on the bit for about 15 minutes, and then suddenly a blade of grass will move (!) and he will explode into the air and then try to cart me. (handy when you're only supposed to be walking!) I can only hold him in a kimblewick, which frustrates him because he knows he cannot get away from me in it, so he gets behind the bit and jogs along sideways. If I use any leg pressure he plunges and tries to get away from me. I have been doing most of the work in the fields as I have no short rides around my area and if I go up the road for 10-15 minutes and then turn round to go home, the next time I go that way he will try to whip round as soon as he thinks we have gone far enough!. Plus the roads are quite busy round me and I would prefer not to take an unpredictable loon out among Joe Public! When I have (in an effort to stay alive!) taken him in the school (not recommended by vet but don't want to die yet!) he turns into old plod and slugs along like a donkey.
He is fed simple systems soaked Alfalfa (350gms daily) with Lunar Eclipse (their calming mix!!) plus glucosamine, salt and seaweed, and has 2 slices of hay durring the day in the stable. He is strip grazing the field and gets about 3ft x 10 yds extra each day. Tonight to add insult to injury I barely got his headcollar off in the field before all 4 feet were off the ground and he yanked himself away from me, and theen he threw his bucket of feed across the field and stomped off!!
If any psychologists/psychiatrists out there can point either him or me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful - I am at my wit's end with his unpredictable irrational behaviour and can only imagine that this is what it is like to have a toddler on speed with ADHD!!
thanks for reading! :crazy