Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! Just to let off a bit of steem I thought I would come on here to rant. So yesterday was my first hack alone on my 4yr after a while of hacking in pairs. Anyway he was an angel didn’t notice a difference in his behaviour at all and took it all in his stride. So today I thought it would be good to take him out again as I had some rare free time in the morning. The day went of well left the yard around 9:30 at the yard I’m at you go left or right out of the gates. On this day I went left as I had been right the previous day. When you go left there is a bit of a blind bend but nothing major people can see you still and you can see them -you can see them through the bare hedge-. I headed out of my yard as the cost was clear, I was at the peak of the bend and I heard a car - didn’t think much of it and carried on, little did I know it was at high speed and in the middle of two lanes. It took us both by supprise she came flying past so quickly I couldn’t even look for number plate or even ask to slow down she saw us and sped up!?. Luckily I was tucked right by the hedge but it was a near miss. Then after a successful hack and a canter in the woods I came back to another driver speeding. This one was in clear view. I was high vized up the nines -hay silk was reflective, ear bonnet was reflective, hi viz jacket, and 1/4 rug for my horse that was also hi viz. I’m pretty sure you could of seem me from space (just how I like to be?). He came flying past it was a big van I politely asked to slow down using my hand and I got bibbed for a good 5 seconds and he flew past me, this lane is a small lane so I stood still and hoped my horse didn’t move a muscle! Luckily he’s absolutely fine and didn’t bat an eye lid. Again so fast I couldn’t even see the reg but he had a company van and it had a Lamborghini picture on the back??. I was in complete shock. I hope that will the last time I see that n*b. I hope everyone else’s day was better than mine. I just worries me because if I wasn’t on a horse as good as mine it would have been completely different story!