Well-Known Member
I have a yard, I have lots of fantastic liveries who all have want the best for their horses and work really hard to provide it. They ask if they don;t know and they increase their knowledge by asking questions, reading around the subject and having lessons.
Except one!!!!! We had to sell her last pony for her as she bought something totally unsuitable which she made worse on a daily basis. It barged, it pulled, it kicked, it reared. It was 8 years old but rode like a 4 year old. She is about 60, has allegedly had horses all her life and appears to have managed to acquire no equestrian knowledge along the way. She does not accept help graciously and works hard to maintain her level of ignorance.
Her new pony arrived yesterday, its on a trial period for a couple of weeks. 14hh hairy cob mare. Lovely little mare. Clearly a very good doer. Should be perfect for her. Just a plod. Not complicated. Easy to do everything with. I go to check her last night and discover the biggest haynet in her stable. and the pony clearly sees it as a challenge. So I remove it , halve it and put it in small holed nets. I also discover they have done her a feed for tea and breakfast. This morning I turn her out in a restricted paddock and they arrive. THey ask for a field with more grass. I refuse as she is clearly a potential laminitic and explain this to them, I explain about hay and grass and they agree she needs to be restricted as they are worried she might become laminitic. They did sound very concerned about laminitis, as though they knew what it was and how serious. I then suggested they did not give her hard feed, just restricted grazing and perhaps a small amount of balancer to ensure the correct vitamins and minerals. They said - oh she doesn;t have much feed, just a scoop of Simple Systems and a scoop of mix. Plus 3 carrots, 2 apples and a hand full of treats twice a day.
Help - dear god are they trying to kill her. I looked at the mix - its conditioning mix, carrots are as dangerous as spring grass, the treats are full of sugar.
Some people do not deserve horses. For a DIY she is more work than a full. I have to check everything they do as they really are dangerously ignorant.
I have spoken to Simple Systems and they are sending me over a laminitis feed sheet - one which details all the dangerous things they can do to a laminitic. If I cannot get them to accept the danger I am seriously thinking about contacting the people who are selling her and suggesting it might be better not to sell her to them. I have also spoken to my vet who is coming out to do the vetting to get him to bring out their laminitic fact sheets and to ensure he really rams home the message about responsible management
Sorry rant over - I really am not an ogre of a yard owner but blatent ignorance of basic facts is criminal in my mind. If you don't know - ask - we are all happy to help.
Stiff drink to everyone who has been through this. You know who you are, the yard owners with the grey hair and the nervous twitch.
Except one!!!!! We had to sell her last pony for her as she bought something totally unsuitable which she made worse on a daily basis. It barged, it pulled, it kicked, it reared. It was 8 years old but rode like a 4 year old. She is about 60, has allegedly had horses all her life and appears to have managed to acquire no equestrian knowledge along the way. She does not accept help graciously and works hard to maintain her level of ignorance.
Her new pony arrived yesterday, its on a trial period for a couple of weeks. 14hh hairy cob mare. Lovely little mare. Clearly a very good doer. Should be perfect for her. Just a plod. Not complicated. Easy to do everything with. I go to check her last night and discover the biggest haynet in her stable. and the pony clearly sees it as a challenge. So I remove it , halve it and put it in small holed nets. I also discover they have done her a feed for tea and breakfast. This morning I turn her out in a restricted paddock and they arrive. THey ask for a field with more grass. I refuse as she is clearly a potential laminitic and explain this to them, I explain about hay and grass and they agree she needs to be restricted as they are worried she might become laminitic. They did sound very concerned about laminitis, as though they knew what it was and how serious. I then suggested they did not give her hard feed, just restricted grazing and perhaps a small amount of balancer to ensure the correct vitamins and minerals. They said - oh she doesn;t have much feed, just a scoop of Simple Systems and a scoop of mix. Plus 3 carrots, 2 apples and a hand full of treats twice a day.
Help - dear god are they trying to kill her. I looked at the mix - its conditioning mix, carrots are as dangerous as spring grass, the treats are full of sugar.
Some people do not deserve horses. For a DIY she is more work than a full. I have to check everything they do as they really are dangerously ignorant.
I have spoken to Simple Systems and they are sending me over a laminitis feed sheet - one which details all the dangerous things they can do to a laminitic. If I cannot get them to accept the danger I am seriously thinking about contacting the people who are selling her and suggesting it might be better not to sell her to them. I have also spoken to my vet who is coming out to do the vetting to get him to bring out their laminitic fact sheets and to ensure he really rams home the message about responsible management
Sorry rant over - I really am not an ogre of a yard owner but blatent ignorance of basic facts is criminal in my mind. If you don't know - ask - we are all happy to help.
Stiff drink to everyone who has been through this. You know who you are, the yard owners with the grey hair and the nervous twitch.