Guinea pigs people or qualified vets!?


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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Some of you may remember guinea pigs Babe went to the vets to have her cyst drained and squeezed.

That was successful for a while. She was on baytrill and had a hibiscrub each day.

But I have a few problems now.

The slit wound has not healed. It has got bigger and the edges seem to be bloodied though I have never seen then with fresh blood round the edges.

It has also filled back up with pus and has become quite stinky. Some of the pus is a reddish colour and the rest is a lighter colour of the greenish colour of the forum!!

He back has also become quite sensitive. She has always been sensitive on her back but more so since she had her lump drained. It's a pain trying to pick her up as I have to corner her and then swiftly grab her other wise I get kicked and scratched. She has also attempted to bite me, thankfully missing!!

I *think* Mum is phoning the vet sometime over the next few days to book her in to get it drained again and for the vet to see if there is anything else she can do for Babey pig.

I was just wondering if there is anything I could do?
Me squeezing it is out of the question, I'm okay with human treatment but treating animals make me ill!!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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How old is Piggy E? The problem with Piggies is that they are so small so even a raw wound the size of a 5p piece is HUGE for a Piggy. I'd go straight back to the vet and talk the position through with honesty and courage. Fingers crossed that it turns out to be nothing but I've had some pretty futile attempts at resolving serious skin problems in piggies.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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She'll be 6 come the end of November.
The cyst was the size of a large grape
It drained almost completely and went flet but has filled back up again. The wound is open and looks pretty sore.
The other option we had was for her to have an operation. I said no as Babe panics more then out other pig when stressed, plus her age and size and the vet said she wouldn't pull through. If we have to keep going to the vets every time it needs draining I feel it will become quiet expensive

I'll try to find the post I made about Babe.


Well-Known Member
8 February 2006
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Elizabeth it sounds just like my boys problem, he has a cyst which has formed due an overactive sebaceous (sp?) gland - this has produced the puss as you described but it wasn't runny more like toothpaste consistancy.

My boy too has a "hole" where his was removed twice now and each time it has come back (he is 5) I will have it removed again one last time prob March time. The hole has a covering of skin underneath but it took some time to close. He is not put under to have this proceedure done at the CCT.

He doesn't like it being touched / poked / prodded and I am careful to avoid it when picking him up (its on his shoulder) if I poke or "clean" it it gets very sore and he objects very vocally so I simply leave it alone.

I will try to get a piccie for you 2moro when I have an extra pair of hands to part his fur for me (and he has just got his dinner late so prob wouldn't be very pleased if I took him out of the cage meaning his friend could eat it all!)

Whilst I appreciate you are too far away to visit the CCT they should be able to give you advice over the phone. If you want to PM me I can give you the phone number.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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Yes, the pus is more like toothpaste rather than being runny.
I may beable to get a picture tonight depending if she will let me or not!!

Thank you shellonabeach!


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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Happy Horse, you're perfectly welcome to come and have a go!! Have you got your gas mask handy!?

m_x_q- She is perfectly happy and the cyst doesn't seem to bother her. I think it bothers me more than it does her as it just looks quite gory. My other piggy doesn't seem bothered by it either and doesn't touch it (I think the smell repels her).

I have text the person at the CCT thanks to shellonabeach and will probably phone the vets at the weekend too.

Thank you everyone


Well-Known Member
8 February 2006
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Ok I got some piccies of my boy Rodney. The hole isn't very clear anymore but the lump was removed about 18 months ago so well healed.

You can just make out the outline of the hole here:


It's size of the lump is what is in between my fingers (excuse the state of me had just got in from horse duties!)


And it's location & Rodney's cute face - he looks just like the guinea pig in the backround of all the egg adverts. He's smooth coated the whirl in his fur is where I parted it to find the hole:



Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
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I too have a fairly elderly GP who has a cyst on his side. It's about the size of a 20p piece. The vet has had a look at it and says it is just a skin thing, it doesn't go any deeper and she says it is best left well alone. I did ask what I should do if it went manky, she said some watered down Savlon would be good.
I was happy with that as he is elderly and I feel that an operation at his age might prove to be too much. He seems happy enough and is still eating very well so atm I am just watching the situation and applying Savlon if the patch looks a bit raw.
best wishes to Babe!