Hack Up Bespoke ingredients


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22 July 2007
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I'm not the most tech savvy and find the Hack Up website difficult to navigate. There's no drop down menu or anything. What I want to find is a list of ingredients in their digestive supplement so that I can compare with other products. Don't want to contact them direct as I know they give you the hard sell which I don't want. Do they publish their ingredients?


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12 April 2019
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They do if you get a quote. I spent a fortune with them and my vet said its rubbish. Also the so called calmer sent my gelding off his trolley because of the levels of magnesium in it. The vet just said steer clear as no evidence. I am not buying anymore


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22 July 2007
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They do if you get a quote. I spent a fortune with them and my vet said its rubbish. Also the so called calmer sent my gelding off his trolley because of the levels of magnesium in it. The vet just said steer clear as no evidence. I am not buying anymore
I've got to be honest, I have used them before (not for a digestive aid tho) and also didn't have much success with the product so I stopped buying it. I always found him to be a rather pushy salesman hence I just wanted to have a peek at their digestive supplement 'under the radar'. OK, I'll probably give it a miss then.


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12 April 2019
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I know loads of people totally swear by it but I didn't realise it isn't proven. Mine was really expensive so not best pleased. I used cortaflex HA at huge cost for years and I don't think that did anything either for my horse. I know others swear by them all.


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5 December 2010
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I just wouldn't trust any company that doesn't clearly put the ingredients and amounts on it stuff. if it's supposed to be so good then they should have no issue proudly stating what's in it.

we have different horses here on a load of different supplements, so I research like crazy and the best brands I typically found for most stuff (apart from specific hoof stuff) are Feedmark and Science Supplements.




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16 September 2012
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I use Hack Up Bespoke (I know a heresy on H&H) and it has really helped my mare. However, I am a believer in some supplements work for some horses and not for others.

My mare has a digestive supplement from them (among other things) and I am happy to post what's in the digestive bit (they send you a breakdown). I have also questioned them on ingredients and they have been honest about them.

Digestive bit:

Pre & Pro Biotic - Contains high levels of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (Sc47 (4b1702) pro-biotic at more than 1 billion CFU per gram. The prebiotics (fructo-oligosaccharides) serve to feed the good bacteria living in the horses’ hindgut.
Chamomile - Supports digestion and helps with calming often seen at seasonal times of the year. This powerful herb is becoming more and more prevalent in calming formulations all the time as it helps support healthy serotonin levels.
Peppermint Powder - Peppermint has a natural relaxing effect it calms and aids digestion. It is an excellent flavouring to add for fussy horses and is an anti-oxidant which mops up free radicals.

On the bag, it has the amounts but the bag is at the yard.

I also use Feedmark joint supplements and I find that they are very helpful too.

I was initially very skeptical about Hack Up but tried it because I had tried practically everything else. I am impressed at how well it has worked for us.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
What put me off was when they messaged me via Facebook after a BD dressage outing in a class that the owner of the company was judging. That made me feel really uncomfortable..... That horse is now retired but he stood out amongst a sea of dark bay warmbloods so I didn't like the feeling I was being targeted however innocent it was.


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31 August 2007
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At the end of the day, no (or at least very very few) supplements have solid evidence to back them up.
I have used hack up as it made a difference to my boy with head shaking, and found it cheaper then off the shelf products.
There would be nothing stopping you from researching ingredients specific to your requirements and then either buying them yourself or asking some one like hack up to make it up for you.
For example this is (partly) what is in my mares supplement - this was made up in the spring when her first season was driving her a bit potty, and making her really uptight and she was getting a bit girthy.
It did originally contain mag ox as well to try to calm her but soon realised this had the opposite effect, so it was removed.

Personal experience has been very good, especially in regards to customer service.
I had a phonecall yesterday from the 'boss' as he had noticed I hadn't ordered anything for a while.
Basically told him one horse is turned away and the mare has mellowed out so no longer needs a supplement. He adjusted my file to reflect this, and so that I don't get regular text msg with discount codes etc.
I have heard others have not had good experiences, but mine have always been positive. I think with any supplement you will have people who love it, and those where it doesn't make a difference, it's a bit of a minefield


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28 February 2017
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I believe trading standards have been involved RE their lack of clarity before - if you join the Horse Feed & Supplements Campaign group on FB you should be able to find the details, sadly that groups been very quiet of late though, it had some very information posts.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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What put me off was when they messaged me via Facebook after a BD dressage outing in a class that the owner of the company was judging. That made me feel really uncomfortable..... That horse is now retired but he stood out amongst a sea of dark bay warmbloods so I didn't like the feeling I was being targeted however innocent it was.
Really?? Wonder if BD know that? I'm sure that's a little naughty?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I just wouldn't trust any company that doesn't clearly put the ingredients and amounts on it stuff. if it's supposed to be so good then they should have no issue proudly stating what's in it.

we have different horses here on a load of different supplements, so I research like crazy and the best brands I typically found for most stuff (apart from specific hoof stuff) are Feedmark and Science Supplements.


Indeed, I have to research ingredients v carefully. I can't feed her the science supplements gastro kind as it contains alfalfa (rocket fuel to a Welshie) but I do have her on the Feedmark Gastric Comfort. She seems to be doing fairly OK on it, but I've always got my ear to the ground for anything better. Think I'll be giving Hack Up a swerve after what I've read on here.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I use Hack Up Bespoke (I know a heresy on H&H) and it has really helped my mare. However, I am a believer in some supplements work for some horses and not for others.

My mare has a digestive supplement from them (among other things) and I am happy to post what's in the digestive bit (they send you a breakdown). I have also questioned them on ingredients and they have been honest about them.

Digestive bit:

Pre & Pro Biotic - Contains high levels of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (Sc47 (4b1702) pro-biotic at more than 1 billion CFU per gram. The prebiotics (fructo-oligosaccharides) serve to feed the good bacteria living in the horses’ hindgut.
Chamomile - Supports digestion and helps with calming often seen at seasonal times of the year. This powerful herb is becoming more and more prevalent in calming formulations all the time as it helps support healthy serotonin levels.
Peppermint Powder - Peppermint has a natural relaxing effect it calms and aids digestion. It is an excellent flavouring to add for fussy horses and is an anti-oxidant which mops up free radicals.

On the bag, it has the amounts but the bag is at the yard.

I also use Feedmark joint supplements and I find that they are very helpful too.

I was initially very skeptical about Hack Up but tried it because I had tried practically everything else. I am impressed at how well it has worked for us.
Ah that's great, thank you. I need one that contains lecithin and pectin (currently use feedmark gastric comfort) which Hack Up doesn't seem to. Looks like I'm probably not going to improve on what I'm already using.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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Ah that's great, thank you. I need one that contains lecithin and pectin (currently use feedmark gastric comfort) which Hack Up doesn't seem to. Looks like I'm probably not going to improve on what I'm already using.

Probably not and I think sometimes that is just how it is, you go with what is working the best for you. I don't think that my mare would be better on a different supplement to her Hack Up one (and for us it has worked out cheaper than buying separate digestive and anxiety one), so I stick with it. I have always had positive experiences with them but it's like any company, there will be good and bad.

I would imagine the Feedmark Gastric Comfort is good quality compared to other supplements, they tend not to add any unnecessary ingredients.