Hacking Demons


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1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Just recently I have been having major problems with hacking demons.
My horse is just 4 and currently not ridden due to lameness problems. I have had her since she was 2 so although I have owned a horse my riding has been very limited over the last couple of years.
I am fine on our old semi retired cob - he could do anything and I would just sit and smile. But recently I have ridden a friends horse out a couple of times. He really isn't naughty at all and I am guessing the problems stem from me. I'll be riding along more than happy and the horse will spook slightly or jog a little and I clam up. Completley just sit and tremble. I always manage to stay on and get going again and then all is fine but I hate feeling like this.
In the school I am fine i'll get on most things and won't be worried at all.
I think it is probably just a lack of riding - I went from riding everyday to now (over the last couple of years) only riding at most onc a week sometimes I won't ride for weeks on end.
Can anyone tell me how to get over this? I know I need to ride more but without a horse to ride its very difficult and I want to be able to (when she is sound) hack my baby out and give her lots of confidence.


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5 March 2008
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This is a tricky one, i feel for you. My very spooky horse and i were hit by a car whilst out hacking. He only goes in a lorry so don't compete much so hacking is a major part of what we do. Our confidence was shot after the accident. He is bad in traffic and I get worried before each hack, but i keep on doing it! I moved to a quieter yard with better hacking but have to go on some roads.
My advice is to keep on doing it as much as you can. If you have to go on roads, pick your times carefully, go early if poss when it is quiet. Try to take someone with you, on another horse or on a bike maybe, this helped me loads. You sound like a competant rider, so have faith that you can deal with whatever is thrown at you. I know that my boy and i spark each other off, so i try and breathe, sing (!) and try not to hang on to his mouth, have a relaxed(ish) contact wherever possible and try to see when a spook is coming, and go with him, not tense, and talk to him. Do small routes, don't put yourself under too much pressure.
I know this is always easier said than done, it does get a bit better. Hope this helps a bit.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2007
East Sussex
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Halfpass i totally understand i used to ride at least 5 times a week until my horse was PTS and now i have a yearling. I only ride my daughters pony on occasions and its amazing how quickly you loose confidence. Sorry no advise just understanding though. x


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26 June 2008
Picardie France
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I think you need to ride more. I was exactly the same, until it didn't phase me what so ever when my horse spooked. (which he does all the time). It took about a year for this to happen. I think maybe you think of the worst when you are riding this other horse. You might be worried of falling of or getting hurt? The only advice I can give is to ride more often, and feel as if YOU have complete control over this horse.


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18 March 2008
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Breath in for 11 and out for 7, it's the fastest way to bring your adrendalin level back down to earth

I would try riding out with company if possible, it's always easier to laugh off a silly spook with someone by your side. I have a silly spooky mare that I can giggle at when she shoot away from under neither me but if I was on a new horse that I didn't know to well I would tense when they spooked aswell.

It's only natural to fear the unknown, as you get to know this horse better you will find yourself tensing less and recovering from spooks quicker.

Gorgeous George

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2 April 2007
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I get nervous out hacking at times, I find singing really helps, and if I want to go for a longer ride I go with someone, either on horse or bike and stick to short routes on our won at least until my confidence is a bit better.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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I think you need to ride more.

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This is the problem though I really dont't get chance to. Its not that I don't want to, I would get on anyones horse if they asked. The trouble is ( I think ) is that people don't see me ride so therefore can't decide if I am capable or not....


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Breath in for 11 and out for 7, it's the fastest way to bring your adrendalin level back down to earth

I would try riding out with company if possible, it's always easier to laugh off a silly spook with someone by your side. I have a silly spooky mare that I can giggle at when she shoot away from under neither me but if I was on a new horse that I didn't know to well I would tense when they spooked aswell.

It's only natural to fear the unknown, as you get to know this horse better you will find yourself tensing less and recovering from spooks quicker.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will try the breathing - thanks for that. The trouble is I never get to ride just 1 horse regularly enough to help me. People see me get nervous and then decide they don't want me riding their horses.....


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I wonder if you could try a different horse. Sometimes we just 'feel' happier on different horses (although the reason is not always obvious) - and regardless of what they did, would not be worried.

A friend has a mare that I ride (and would really rather not). She's never put a foot out of place - but I simply don't trust her. Another horse of hers I ride is a bit of a plonker - but I feel as safe as houses on her, and would pick her every time given the choice.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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You have answered the question yourself. It is down to the horse you are riding. So don't ride horses that you don't feel safe on as they are not safe. I will happily ride a horse that i trust straight through the centre of London. there are other horses I would not go anywhere near to as they just cant' cope.

Don't wind yourself up riding unsuitable horses.

Stick to ones you feel safe on. It is just not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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I wonder if you could try a different horse. Sometimes we just 'feel' happier on different horses (although the reason is not always obvious) - and regardless of what they did, would not be worried.

A friend has a mare that I ride (and would really rather not). She's never put a foot out of place - but I simply don't trust her. Another horse of hers I ride is a bit of a plonker - but I feel as safe as houses on her, and would pick her every time given the choice.

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Funny you should say that. i rode our oldie the other day and got a bit left behind and he was cantering sideways and trying to bolt and I just sat there laugjing!!!
The particular horse I was talking about I have ridden before but never felt like this on him.........having said that I have probably ridden him in the school more than I've hacking him out.