Had the best lesson - forward planning

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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Yesterday I had a very good flatwork lesson, I was thrilled. The mare went really really well, and for once I felt like I was riding to the best of my ability. Amazing what losing a few Ibs and getting fitter can do! (Me mainly)
Anyway, thanks to the progress that is now evident in the 2 months since she arrived, we're really seeing talent in this horse. OK, she's not Valegro, and I'm far from being the next CDJ, but I've been persuaded into entering a dressage party... I'm a bit excited, i've even tried on my jacket that I haven't worn for about 10+ years, and it fits again (it really didn't 2 years ago!)
However, dressage isn't my 'love', I do like to jump a bit too.. The mare jumps, maybe not a Classic Moet, but we're working on that! lol This brings me into planning mode.... I've come across the Cotswold Cup?? Anyone here know about it or do it? I'd love to give it a go!
If anyone else is aiming or thinking about it, maybe we could have a thread about our training or how to settle rider nerves as the months tick by and then meet up at an event?!?
(I do know it's a long way off!)