Happy ending (so far) for post Basil Facebook pony purchase


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22 January 2014
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Popping this in here as a few people have asked after him who don’t roam the comp section!

Won’t bore you with the full lengthy details but for the first time since Calmsden BE90 in 2016- I finally left the start box again!

This is my Connemara, who I bought a few weeks after losing Basil to a broken leg when standing up from colic surgery. Purchased off Facebook from Ireland, bloody stupid decision. Renamed “Boggle” instead of “Jack” when he stepped off the lorry at the M4 chievley Services. He’s been a nightmare from arriving looking like a rescue to lameness to major travelling issues to major ridden issues to pretty much everything really. The number of times I’ve sobbed over his issues and wished I bought a ready made Horse when I was ready instead of rushing into filling my stable with SOMETHING in the horrible aftermath of losing B. My confidence was on the floor, even when he came sound he was just so fiery, sharp, nappy, difficult and I didn’t want to get on board. But couldn’t sell him, not least because of lameness history but because despite all his difficulties he has the most wonderful engaging personality. Eventually got help from superb local young jockey who rode him a few times a week alongside me, did all his first competitions in dressage and SJ and slowly produced him into a super horse. Another setback when I had x rays done to check his feet (where he had bruising issues from last year), showed his angles had actually changed for the worse after six months of barefoot and self trimming. Posted on here and had a half and half opinion on how worried to be and what to do... had minor melt down. Decided to proceed with caution and listen to my vet and more importantly my pony, waiting for any changes in attitude or behaviour. He’s gone from strength to strength, he’s more muscled than ever, stronger than ever, fit and whilst still sharp as anything at ridiculous things my confidence on him is soaring and I love his jolly nature. His jockey took him to a few unaff 80’s and then Millfield BE90 where he absolutely flew around to come 7th.

But still not me on board, I still had major confidence issues with jumping. Bit the bullet, entered an unaff 70. Had huge confidence crises days before and nearly withdrew. Got a super boost of moral from you lovely bunch on here and with support from his jockey, lots of cigarettes and some cans of pimms we went off yesterday.

So in Basils saddle, his bridle, a bit of his tail in my pocket and with him firmly at the front of my mind we got the best dressage in the section... nothing spectacular but correct and sweet. Boggle decided to have a roll and a snack whilst lying down after this, making himself thoroughly at home!

We parked up with two horses from our yard which unfortunately meant he spent the whole day whinnying and being rather silly, though not badly behaved. A clear SJ so sitting in first place. A fantastic clear XC (whilst still whinnying- impressive) but we got plenty of time faults for taking it steady, they had worked so hard on the ground and it was super considering the dry weather but with past hoofy issues in mind and current imperfect hoof angles we took it slow. But so damn proud of my boy, who instead of exploiting my weakness, jelly legs and nerves, held my hand and showed what a fantastic horse he has grown up into. Here are the pics and a SJ video (hesitant to post... I am so rusty and haven’t jumped an SJ course for years so forgive the stupid riding, I held and held and held and shortened his stride instead of letting him go forward). But last picture is of course my beloved Basil who I miss every day.

Who knows what the future will hold, whether he will stay sound or whether something tragic will happen as per Basil. But for now I am enjoying my super pony. No concrete plans for what we will do next, will see what happens with the weather and the ground. I plan on keeping him ticking over through summer, we are using all weather gallops for fitness and will plan some events around rain/old turf and see what happens or if no rain wait until autumn. But if we don’t do another one all year I am just ecstatic about yesterday!

Arrival March 2017

SJ video


Basil <3

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Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Well done, onwards, upwards, etc. :) I'm inclined to say things like "That's just horses", but I know how hard the last year or so has been for you. Effort is its own reward MOST of the time, so I wish you the very best of luck. He's a smart young horse. (Can't see the video BTW, but that must just be me).

* They have Pimm's in CANS now??? I'm doomed!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Well done, onwards, upwards, etc. :) I'm inclined to say things like "That's just horses", but I know how hard the last year or so has been for you. Effort is its own reward MOST of the time, so I wish you the very best of luck. He's a smart young horse.

* They have Pimm's in CANS now??? I'm doomed!

Thank you so much C :) but if there ever is another Connie purchase, next time I&#8217;m flying over and dragging you with me :p

Yes they do, you can even get a crate of pre mixed pimms it&#8217;s glorious!!!!


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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You legend! Really well done!

He'll never replace Basil but he is really very lovely and you're doing a fantastic job with him. :)


Well-Known Member
8 September 2010
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Well done both of you. A wonderful report and a brilliant result.

Be proud, very proud, of what you've achieved. Here's to your future :)


Well-Known Member
28 February 2013
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You both look amazing, you should be very proud of yourself for not giving up. I think your SJ round was very nice :D Onwards and upwards from here for you two :)

Ruby's Mum

Well-Known Member
6 March 2018
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Fantastic update and well done to you both, you should be extremely proud of yourselves (can't leave him out of the credits as he has come so far and done so well against many odds!).


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Gorgeous pics - love that he managed to fit in a cheeky roll between classes!

You have just done such an amazing job with him, he is looking absolutely smashing.

Really well done for getting back on for competing - like you say, you've done it now, so you can take your time, enjoy and be picky about the timing of the next one.

I have massive admiration for the work you've done with him :)


Well-Known Member
18 February 2015
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Fab update, well done to you and Boggle - he's grown up into a lovely young horse :). The SJ round looks great too, don't be so hard on yourself!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Thank you- and especially for your post re hoofy issues, it gave me the nudge I needed and I just hope I am doing the right thing and not compromising his longevity. He’s pretty quick to tell me when I get it wrong so I think I’ll know if things are going off track fairly sharp :p

Gosh it seems a million years ago I was posting about not even being able to travel this horse!!!!

Gorgeous pics - love that he managed to fit in a cheeky roll between classes!

You have just done such an amazing job with him, he is looking absolutely smashing.

Really well done for getting back on for competing - like you say, you've done it now, so you can take your time, enjoy and be picky about the timing of the next one.

I have massive admiration for the work you've done with him :)


Well-Known Member
3 May 2014
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What an amazing confidence giving round he gave you. He really does look like a fantastic pony, and how easily does he come back to you?!

Definitely onwards and upwards!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Thank you- and especially for your post re hoofy issues, it gave me the nudge I needed and I just hope I am doing the right thing and not compromising his longevity. He&#8217;s pretty quick to tell me when I get it wrong so I think I&#8217;ll know if things are going off track fairly sharp :p

Gosh it seems a million years ago I was posting about not even being able to travel this horse!!!!

Oh god, I can't tell you how many times I've had a severe wobble re hooves. But one of the main reasons I love keeping horses barefoot is that they are a window into the rest of their body - and you can really tell if there is something not quite right with them... They just don't develop quite right. My physio is brilliant and is my invaluable voice of reason, very like your vet sounds to be.

It does seem an age ago! But then you have achieved a lot with him in a very short time :D


Well-Known Member
6 February 2015
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I saw your post on one of the FB Eventing pages last night - such a lovely post. You should be very very proud, of him and of you. You’ve been through soooooo much in the last few years, you deserve some joy! Very well done. Ps. The sj round didn’t look too shabby at all in my humble, yet-to-make-it-to-a-real-event opinion!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Oh god, I can't tell you how many times I've had a severe wobble re hooves. But one of the main reasons I love keeping horses barefoot is that they are a window into the rest of their body - and you can really tell if there is something not quite right with them... They just don't develop quite right. My physio is brilliant and is my invaluable voice of reason, very like your vet sounds to be.

It does seem an age ago! But then you have achieved a lot with him in a very short time :D

Yes although unfortunate that he&#8217;s now got shoes on &#55357;&#56861; will likely come off again in October though, It&#8217;s quite sad that I film his hoof landing pretty much every other day.. I did have a major panic a few weeks ago when he started landing laterally on one hoof but seems to have stopped now!

Good physios/vets are worth their weight in gold aren&#8217;t they :) though I think both of mine do think I&#8217;m nuts...


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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He is completely transformed, and congratulations on overcoming sgettilegs and achieving what you did. You go, girl!


Well-Known Member
17 April 2008
N. Bucks
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What a lovely pony, very very smart. A huge well done to you for persevering, for listening to him and for being brave enough to stick with it. Youre very hard on yourself, that round of jumping was lovely to watch, you didnt look to me as if you were holding on to him, just keeping to a nice steady rhythm and giving him every chance to put himself right and jump correctly. Onwards and upwards you go x


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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What happened to the other little pony you had bought to bring on BTW Michen? Was it Harry?

That was several years ago now! We sold him to a livery yard owner, it was sad as when the time came to sell him we had a girl view him who gave him a boot when he was cantering and on wrong lead/unbalanced on a circle. He got a real fright from it and took off around the school and after that was very tense and upset, sold with full disclosure but sadly about a year later despite having no issues and his new owner doing a fab job, he one day reacted the same again when something went wrong and went through a fence- totally at random :(.

We actually bought him from someone whose recently been convicted of animal cruelty (tongue saga if you&#8217;ve seen it on Facebook). Wonder if he had a horrendous backing process and never quite forgot. Was a shame as he was a fun little chap.

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Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Bloody marvellous, and beautifully ridden!!!!!

Must admit to feeling a bit of a tear in the eye reading this. I'm so pleased for you xxx


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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Lovely post. Always good to hear a positive story, especially when so much work has been put in. I hope you continue to get out there and enjoy him (you both look fab in the SJ).


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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So glad you’re having a great time with him. You’ve been through a lot and deserve some good times. I have to say what an amazing transformation down to your hard work. I don’t think I could have ever envisaged that from your first photo.