Happy hunter trial report!


Well-Known Member
31 December 2013
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I had a fabulous, if a little rainy, day at Pembrey hunter trials yesterday! I took my lovely Baz to do the Novice which is 3ft. He has only ever done one cross country (and zero xc schooling) and that was a 2ft6 minimus with me (when I'd had him just a month last October) so I am absolutely over the moon with him :D We were fence juding all morning so Baz was loaded at 7am and stood on the box aalllll day without making a sound until 3pm. He was so fizzy warming up and even had a little bronk (so unlike him!) but can't blame him really. He worked in beautifully so it was off to the practice fences which he also popped sweetly and then it was our turn to go! First 2 fences were straightforward, a tyres at 1 and a big ski jump at 2, he settled onto a lovely rhythm and popped them effortlessly. The 3rd fence was a large log hanging over two boulders with a steep drop away to the other side and I kicked and he stood off and leapt the whole thing in one!! I was grinning from ear to ear so popped the next 2 fences nicely again, a skii and a huuuuge saw bench - he really demonstrated his scope to me, I am so excited to see how high he can go. The next fence was a dreaded trakhener :O I have been terrified of trakheners since an accident with one when I was 10, since then I have only been able to jump them on two xc schoolmasters, any horse I have brought on myself has refused them purely because of my nerves stopping them at the last minute (sounds silly, but I am petrified of them). But little Baz was bounding on so beautifully I really shouted at myself (internally!!) WE CAN DO IT!! and you what...we did!! :D he flew it, I wish I had taken a picture of it, it really has a monster of a ditch underneath and he has never seen anything like it but he did not bat an eye. I felt invincible! After that it was smooth sailing, we had one run out at a very skinny skinny, Baz was like 'Mum, there's a way round this funny looking thing!' so I took the less skinny L so as not to risk upsetting him with more runnouts. Then there was a dog leg double of skinny half roll tops which I deliberately circled in between as it was a very tight turn and he just has no experience with that kind of thing so played it safe. But he jumped normandy banks, a SECOND trakhener (which I cheered as I went over to the fence judge's delight!), a triple water combination, a triple bank combination, tables, rails and brush fences all without hesitation and with no training! I am absolutely over the moon and practically burst into tears afterwards I was so proud of him and it is so rewarding seeing him progress!! Plenty to work on - mainly skinnies, banks up, doubles and fitness. We are off XC training in the Easter break so very excited for that. Phew, sorry that was so long, in case you couldn't tell I am very excited with my baby horse :D :D enjoy the photos!


Well-Known Member
31 December 2013
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thank you :)
I agree that it is not ideal, but he had constant hay/water/supervision, a midday feed and an hours grazing/walking before I got on. He does not get stressy or upset and without the partition he has room to move about. It was unfortunately unavoidable as we were fence judging all morning