Happy thread! :)

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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There's no question that we need a 'Like' button, and for the simple and joyful posts such as yours, craizymaisey. I may be wrong, but I suspect that 'generally' happy people, have 'generally' happy dogs, and I suppose that the reverse is probably true.

An excellent pic!



Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Lovely picture craizymaisey.
Yes I agree Alec but dogs can get you through tough times when you are not happy. During a bad patch I found myself doing my best to be cheerful to keep the dogs happy!!


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10 May 2014
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Ah thanks for the replies :) the pup is from working stock with all the usual traits but we give her a calm life, she does agility and is a beautiful natured pet. I'm well aware that in the wrong hands they get passed around, they are not first time dogs!! She's one in a million. She does very musical yawns and we encourage her by laughing.

Tom, the hound/collie mix is 7ish. He's a rescue I've had for 6 years. If he gets chilly at night he sneaks into my bed (under the covers) and I'll wake up with his head on my pillow. He's such a mummy's boy. He also does agility.

Annie, the shep X is also a rescue who I've had 5 years. She's a reformed character who used to be aggressive and boisterous. She used to run off all the time. Not now - she's soppy! She lives to collect tennis balls which she's confiscated from the others, to wipe her brown dog fur on my work trousers, to eat stolen chinese food and to sleep!! She has a heart murmur so we forgive her for only getting out of bed for food or walkies! :)

Testament to how we love our pets... I had brain surgery late 2012 after a haemorrhage, it was nearly time's up but incredibly I was ok. I'm the luckiest person in the world. Something that got me through was a photo of Tom and Annie at the end of my bed. My family even tried to work out a way of bringing them to London because they knew.

Maisey was negotiated at the same point in time whist I had my boyfriend over a barrel as they say. Anything to get me through.

This is why all my time and disposable income go on my dogs and horse, why vets know me on first name terms, why I go back to work on monday for a rest (!) ... and why I always give my dogs a cuddle before bed! ... After I've cleaned their teeth! Hehe :D


Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Nothing like a life changing experience to make you appreciate the good things in life and dogs are up there with the best.