The one opposite our place was done 2 weekends ago. It's now coming green again due to the rain and muggy weather we've had. I feel it happens early every year now. The field down the road has had 2 cuts of silage (the stuff they don't bale) off it already this year.
I don't think it's massively early. When we lived in Lincolnshire there was always a great rush to make hay before the start of harvest (when help and tractors disappeared) hay was usually mid June so first week July I this is normal ish. Everything was early this year because of the very warm spell early on - weeds had set and were too late for spraying by end of May which is usually OK.
Have had tractors past my house non stop since April, and the combine has been seen regularly since early May. The cereal crop at the yard was cut last month.
I presume it's all fairly normal, the difference is that I am now aware of it from working at home
I guess in my head I still associate the late summer with harvesting from when I was a kid - the autumn-y smell of galloping on the stubble fields before they got burnt ...
? I would consider the above very early.
The crops here were a little behind this year due to the awful rain I think.
They are starting here this week.
nb- no idea for silage and hay etc. Don’t consider that harvest, think it’s just done with the weather
For the last 30 years we have always seen the first fields of barley cut when travelling to/from Harrogate for the Great Yorkshire Show. The GYS should have been next week so it is not very early really.
Winter barley being harvested. Yes, it is slightly early, or would be around here, but there is always someone on lighter land who gets going first of all.