Well-Known Member
I rode out with a friend yesterday. Wiggy and I have ridden out with her before with both of her horses and nothing remarkable has occurred so Wig is used to meeting a horse out and about and is very sociable so gets on with them all. Crucially, however, she has geldings. Yesterday, we were joined by another friend and her mare who is, frankly, a complete tart. She was very impressed with Wiggy and was definitely flirting with him. At one point she reversed into him and just stood there as if she was expecting him to hop on. He didn't seem that interested and still behaved perfectly but he started doing things with his tongue (he had a very loose cavesson noseband on) that I've never seen before. The only way I can describe it is it was behaving in a way that maybe, erm, another body part might . It was stuck out of his mouth a really long way and it was completely straight. He was swinging it side to side and poking it out the front. As soon as we peeled off to go home, he put it away and was perfect again. I've never seen this before, has anyone else? He wore a grackle when he arrived and I couldn't understand why so I changed it to a cavesson with no issues at all until yesterday. Maybe he was ridden with mares in his old home and this is what they were preventing?
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