Has anyone had interesting behaviour results from Echinacea?


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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I am grasping at straws here and, quite probably it is the grass coming through (new field next to old, so same grass but more of it, moved a week ago), but for the last 2 days Ted has been a maniac in his box in a morning - rearing, bucking, etc. Now he was in on box rest and was fine, has been back out for over a week and this has started, and he double barrelled the door today and cut his coronet band
As soon as you go in to the stable he is absolutely fine, lovely as always to handle, etc, so no worries there.

Before you ask, yes, other horses are turned out before him, but no, he is not left in alone, and he was fine when he was on box rest on MORE food (as I was hiding anti b's) - then he was on half to three quarters scoop of Power and Performance (dry, fed soaked), half a scoop of pasture mix and 2 large scoops Alfalfa chaff split between 2 feeds, and he was fine. Now he is on half scoop mix, 2 scoops alfalfa chaff split over 2 feeds, so I am pretty 100% sure it is NOT feed related.

However, I have just introduced Echinacea, and as this is the only new thing in his feed I thought it worth asking. I have no idea of the brand, a friend gave me thisbucket full, it is dry, grassy with white barky bits in and I am feeding 2 x large measuring scoops per day.

He was ridden for 2 hours on Sunday, so he had no reason to be fresh yesterday morning. Yesterday was day off day and he came in from the field absolutely pooped, I actually thought there was something wrong with him as he was so tired LOL!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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We had a shetland who was much better behaved after he was taken off Echinacea. Pickle has been on it before and perked up a bit but that what a huge positive for me, as he is a bit too chilled out at the best of times. It was reccommended by the vet to perk him up.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Oh Jess I love you
I thought people would probably think I was insane asking if something that is so good for you can cause this effect LOL! I will stop forthwith, although Mr Ted could do with sparking up under saddle I do NOT want him injuring himself in the box!


Well-Known Member
4 January 2008
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Weezy you're not going mad, i popped mare of mine on it and she went utterly bonkers. I kept feeding it as OH rides her, she's now off it to say the least, damn i quite like the idea of OH falling head first in ditches off her and then its not just me!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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MrsT, yes it is, but it is absolutely what I want to feed him ATM, he is doing very well on it and has been on it for over a month with no ill effects. I only introduced the Echinacea as he has been a bit snotty, so I thought it would be a good idea!