Has anyone seen Warhorse yet?


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1 December 2011
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I really want too but i shed a few tears at the advert and I don't think i'll make the film. I will be as bad as I was watching 'Marley and Me'.

Oh, Tears! :'(


18 September 2001
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Saw it when we were just in the States. It was pretty terrible. Beyond cheesy. The lack of believability in the core characters - the boy and his horse - ruined the rest of the film. (War scenes well done).

Really.... how to teach a young Thoroughbred to plow a field.........sniff, sniff... please Joey... you can do it! Never before harnessed, haltered or otherwise broken youngster now standing stockstill, hitched to plow, refusing to go forward. Please Joey...we must plow the field or lose the farm... come on boy... Finally with trembling hand... boy lifts the ....wait for it... the boy lifts the WHIP! Gasp! Tears flow.... Rest assured... Joey the young and valient Thoroughbred plows the field and saves the farm. Phew!

By the end, I wanted to shoot both boy and his horse... really the misery needed ending. lol!

Nicely filmed, and I'm sure there will thousands who love it,... but not for us.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2009
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I really wasn't that impressed with the book (I've just started reading the book about the original horse warrior), I am hoping the film will be better.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Saw it when we were just in the States. It was pretty terrible. Beyond cheesy. The lack of believability in the core characters - the boy and his horse - ruined the rest of the film. (War scenes well done).

Really.... how to teach a young Thoroughbred to plow a field.........sniff, sniff... please Joey... you can do it! Never before harnessed, haltered or otherwise broken youngster now standing stockstill, hitched to plow, refusing to go forward. Please Joey...we must plow the field or lose the farm... come on boy... Finally with trembling hand... boy lifts the ....wait for it... the boy lifts the WHIP! Gasp! Tears flow.... Rest assured... Joey the young and valient Thoroughbred plows the field and saves the farm. Phew!

By the end, I wanted to shoot both boy and his horse... really the misery needed ending. lol!

Nicely filmed, and I'm sure there will thousands who love it,... but not for us.



Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
Soth West UK
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We had the pleasure of watching Mr Spielberg and 600 others filming the farm scenes up here on Dartmoor, as soon as I saw the ye old split chestnut fencing going up in the middle of the moor I knew we were in trouble.
Things only got worse when over the hill came 3 Argentinian horse trainers with there charges who were following like poodles ready to plough, lie down, stand 'on point' act dead, look interested, look angry, give birth or just stand there being made-up.
We spent most of the time looking up to see when ET 2 was going to come and tell us it was all a dream.
Probably great for Cream Tea sales this summer, but I think I will wait for it to be free with the Sunday Mail in a couple of months!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2007
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I really wasn't that impressed with the book (I've just started reading the book about the original horse warrior), I am hoping the film will be better.

I loved the book. It is a children's book, remember, but I think Michael Morpurgo writes about such a momentous event with truth and clarity to a young audience. I read it to my son several times when he was young. I always blubbed at the point when the little girl, who helps Joey recuperate, dies. She doesn't feature in the stage play, which is brilliant in a completely different way. I'm hoping the film will capture another element of the story. But Hollywood does have a habit of getting hold of a good story and then ruining it!


Well-Known Member
6 September 2009
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I hope it's not like ps I love you, the book was a real tear jerker, the film utter utter American drivel. We are going next Saturday though the trailer looks amazing so finger crossed


18 September 2001
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We had the pleasure of watching Mr Spielberg and 600 others filming the farm scenes up here on Dartmoor, as soon as I saw the ye old split chestnut fencing going up in the middle of the moor I knew we were in trouble.
Things only got worse when over the hill came 3 Argentinian horse trainers with there charges who were following like poodles ready to plough, lie down, stand 'on point' act dead, look interested, look angry, give birth or just stand there being made-up.

PMSL ;-)


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Saw it when we were just in the States. It was pretty terrible. Beyond cheesy. The lack of believability in the core characters - the boy and his horse - ruined the rest of the film. (War scenes well done).

Really.... how to teach a young Thoroughbred to plow a field.........sniff, sniff... please Joey... you can do it! Never before harnessed, haltered or otherwise broken youngster now standing stockstill, hitched to plow, refusing to go forward. Please Joey...we must plow the field or lose the farm... come on boy... Finally with trembling hand... boy lifts the ....wait for it... the boy lifts the WHIP! Gasp! Tears flow.... Rest assured... Joey the young and valient Thoroughbred plows the field and saves the farm. Phew!

By the end, I wanted to shoot both boy and his horse... really the misery needed ending. lol!

Nicely filmed, and I'm sure there will thousands who love it,... but not for us.

:D:D sounds as bad as Titanic and the raft scene :D
I saw the theatre production and that was brilliant - the puppeteers are so good, but think I will only watch the film on DVD or when it hits TV now.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
Truro Cornwall
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See the production at the theatre in london a few weeks ago, it was amazing...incredible how they made the puppets so life like it really captured ur emotions and I was a blubburing mess and desperate to get home and check my horse was ok!!!!hehe....loved it but not sure if I cud watch it at the cinema, esp if the barbed wire scene is in it :-(


Well-Known Member
26 November 2004
Well. I've seen it and loved it! Even my non-horsey OH and daughter enjoyed it! It will make you cry and laugh. Just go and enjoy it for what it is, and don't be too critical. Yes, there are inaccuracies, but aren't there always in films depicting historical events? Its a film of a children's story about a boy and a horse in war time, so don't judge it too harshly. Like I said, go along and enjoy it, but take a few tissues too! All I know is,nearly everyone who was in the cinema, came out dabbing their eyes and commenting on how much they enjoyed it. I didn't find it cheesy, but then, maybe I'm just a sentimental old fool !


18 September 2001
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Agree... Stage production... brilliantly done. The stage craft and equine pupeteer work is SO well done you don't care about a thin story line.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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We had the pleasure of watching Mr Spielberg and 600 others filming the farm scenes up here on Dartmoor, as soon as I saw the ye old split chestnut fencing going up in the middle of the moor I knew we were in trouble.
Things only got worse when over the hill came 3 Argentinian horse trainers with there charges who were following like poodles ready to plough, lie down, stand 'on point' act dead, look interested, look angry, give birth or just stand there being made-up.
We spent most of the time looking up to see when ET 2 was going to come and tell us it was all a dream.
Probably great for Cream Tea sales this summer, but I think I will wait for it to be free with the Sunday Mail in a couple of months!
Please explain, why did things get "worse"?