Have any of you ever considered giving up??


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
Northern Ireland
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Ok so feeling as if I should maybe sell up the horses and give up riding!

There are a couple of issues... my good mare ( the rescue horse) who I have had for 5 yrs has had to be retired in the last few weeks due to a severe heart murmur and liver disease. She was a very consistent horse and we always came away with a rosette.
Also I'm struggling with the new horse and am not sure if he is going to work out. I do not feel particularly safe on him and with the recent tragic fatalities, especially Stephen Moore, who was 2 horses after me at Glenarm and I was very lucky to walk away from a fall at the same fence as him, after my horse did exactly the same thing his did, I'm not sure if I should give up now before something bad happens?!

So really the point of this long moany post is... has anyone else ever considered giving up riding?


Well-Known Member
15 February 2006
wales somewhere!!!
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oh dear sounds like the weather is getting you down!! Chin up, keep going, you will only miss it if you do!! I have had days like that where I think whats the point, but when I wake up the next day and have a good day i'm glad I kept going!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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stephen moore did not die as a result of the fall - although the fall may have helped
he only got a broken collar bone as a result of the fall

-I spent 1 entire year getting eliminated at EVERY ode i went to - seriously. on my grey pony - i really felt like giving up on him as it wasnt working out! i was getting cross with myself at every event - at Beeches we got over 400 xc jumping penalites and at the area trials at Kirkenny i stopped at practically every fence and jumped it the 2nd time. then we got elim for 3 stops at the water. I was seriously close to giving up, but some stupid stubborn streak made me keep going and the next year we won all round us - odes, area trials, area dressage, area showjumping, tetrathlon etc. we jumped clear xc at sansaw and clear xc in the tetrathlon at Thirsltane in Scotland. i had the best year i ever had and now i am glad i stuck with him - he is now with a less experienced rider and is acting as a xc schoolmaster as new owner only does whp and sj mainly, but is trying eventing.

dont give up - i spent 4 years with my pony, and only in the last 2 did everything click and fall into place.

sorry to hear about your old mare

with your new boy - go get some lessons from steven smith or one of the crawfords - they helped me get going with merlin (although it wasnt that difficult
lol ).

persavere and you will be at ballygraffen/tatts/necarne


Well-Known Member
13 November 2005
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I must admit I do think of my mortality these days.... (old and with a family though)

I tend to keep to the safer side of riding and dont push us very hard at all...... mind you, nearly died of fright when on holiday with Ravenwood when merlin decided to slip on a rock and nearly fall backwards into a river with me

So even hacking isnt really what you would call safe.

But the thought of fixed fences is now too much for me to cope with...... wouldnt mind trying jumpcross though.

Dont be hasty.... its been a nasty shock to your system, especially with you being involved in a bad fall at the same fence as a fatality.... it just brings it all home how dangerous it really is.

I feel like giving up everytime it gets to November.... or rains, whichever is the soonest!!!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I suspect it is the recent deaths that makes you feel this way, that and the crappy weather and I can see why tbh, I sometimes wonder about it!
You and the new horse seem to be doing quite well as far as I can see!
I think it is very personal, are you happy to continue knowing the risks or is it time to hang up the boots?
p/s -only_me-do you definitely know that re: Stephen?


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Yes I have, but more because of the money issues and exhaustion!

But the thought of selling all my stuff, my best friends the ponies and everything I've worked for for 20yrs upsets me more, and I realise I'm just having a bad day/month.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
Northern Ireland
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Thanks everyone!
I don't want to give up (There are lots of things I would still like to do) and can't imagine not having the horses around but I also don't really want to be riding at the mo!
Thats the thing about horses i suppose, you can't just take a break for a while!
I went through all the tantrums with the mare and worked with her when people said it wasn't worth the effort. She was starting to be a rosette machine and now I can't even ride her!
Not sure though if going into the start box worrying if you are going to get round in one piece is healthy?!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I do that too ;p
You have to evaluate is it a real fear i.e are you likely to have a fall? Or is it just nerves?


Well-Known Member
17 November 2007
Somewhere in Ireland up north to the west abit , t
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A friend of mine was there working and watched stephen fall , It has put her off jumping for awhile also , shes lost abit of confidence since then too , I think we all go through these phases .

I dont think it was the actual fall that killed him either , wasnt there something else ?

Anyways .... Dont be giving up

Im only starting out again after 3 years of not riding, going to friends on wednesday to ride , God my legs will be killing me the next day


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Well, when it comes to shows, as soon as I've actually started my round I love it, and I get a huge high from jumping clear... and on a day to day basis, even when I have a day of rubbish riding, I have PF and the Ginger Beastie who are both lovely and always so pleased to see me... and even when YO's horses are horrible and undisciplined, my two restore my faith in my ability to do something right!

The Original Kao

Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
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i gave up for 5 years, i'm very glad to be back

i do think the break was needed, tho maybe not for quite that long.
my riding and general confidence has gone downhill tho, so another part of me wishes i had never left


Well-Known Member
9 January 2008
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Having read all the other encouraging replies all I can add is that on the other side of the coin if you ride to each big fence on a regular basis thinking that you may seriously injure yourself or worse then maybe you ought to drop the XC for a while because, as we all know, our thoughts transmit straight to our horse so you will not ride with determination & conviction that is required and possibly cause your horse to feel the same way which will, inevitably increase your chances of what you have had in your mind from the beginning. We all loose our confidence for one reason or another usually age, parental responsibilies or a bad fall in the past but it doesn't mean you are a failure to take it a little slower and maybe put your riding skills to a different discipline. If horses are deep in your blood, you won't be able to take them out of your life for good so enjoy what you've done and enjoy what you will do instead. Good luck


Well-Known Member
4 November 2006
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I think it would be unusual not to feel this way occasionally, especially as one gets older. There are so many things that contribute to your enjoyment of riding, and if something unnerves or upsets you it throws it all into question. I've never been particularly confident, but was very happy on my older horse who has gone on loan as a hack as he has KS. I am completely different on my young horse, and regularly find myself on the verge of chucking it all in. Then I think of the progress I have made with him and it makes it all worth while. Remember that a horse doesn't know he's meant to be anything other than a horse! All you owe him is a comfortable life, and if that means stepping away from competition for a while to rebuild your enjoyment and enthusiasm, so be it. Some people make you feel that your horse is "wasted", but no horse that is well cared for and enjoyed is ever wasted!


Well-Known Member
28 January 2008
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OK I don't compete at anywhere near your level, I just do some very basic unaffiliated dressage but I really felt very deflated this last month. I moved my boy and he started being a bit silly probably doing stuff most people can cope with but my nerves got the better of me and I got the wobbles when I got on him. Anyway he has now settled and back to his normal chilled self and I feel so much better and more confident. So there you go if I can do it you can and the sun's out today xx