Have fluff, but no bark, meet Fröjdis!


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Been quite busy lately, because I got myself a new kitten around 2 months ago! Supposedly a cross between Ragdoll, and Norwegian Forest cat. It took her one or two weeks to not be so scared of Blomma, Blomma on the other hand liked her from the start (except when Fröjdis does things like trying to use Blomma as a trampoline).
Cilla the old moggy hated the sight of Fröjdis when she arrived, and she still doesn't like her. But at least she no longer growls as if she wants to rip Fröjdis apart as soon as she sees her. We've separated the house into 2 parts, by putting up a homemade net door so that they can see each other if they happen to be at that door opening at the same time, but so that Cilla still gets to spend most of her time in peace away from Fröjdis.

Anyhow, I chose the name Fröjdis because it comes from Frej/Frö (Freyr or Frey in English) the Norse God of Peace (and fertility + some other things, but it was the peace part I liked), and the ending dis in this context stands for Goddess. Fröjd is also a Swedish word which means A higher degree of joy. So basically, I hoped she would bring peace, and joy to my life, and this far she's definitely delivered on the joy part.

By the way, as you will see in the photos, she sometimes likes to jump up, and lie on top of one of my Ficus Benjamina (Weeping Fig?), so I've had to hang a towel on top of it to stop her from gnawing on the plant to entertain herself.






If my HHO Secret Santa sees this, this last photo here below is so far my absolute favourite photo of Fröjdis (wish I could crop out the electricity related thingy on the wall below my veterinarian's computer table, but my phone have refused to cooperate with doing such things lately):



There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Congrats FL on the new addition to your family! I see a lot of goddess in Frojdis but not much peace, she has a look which says “fun, fun and more fun!” ?.
Looking forward to lots more updates and photos!
View attachment 101732

Aww, you've cropped it for me
Thank you so much!

She is indeed lots of fun, but we don't always agree about what is fun. In my almost 40 years as cat owner I've never before had this much trouble with a cat wanting to gnaw on things, there's always something new to learn I suppose :D.
And photos, my God, if you only knew how many I've deleted because they turned out to only be a blurry brownish fluff. :D:D
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There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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What a cutie! Can you tell us how to pronounce her name, FL?

I'm terrible at phonetic transcription, so instead I'll say that the Swedish vowel Ö actually sounds a lot like when you in English pronounce the vowel in the word bird. I also just made this short little Fröjdis video where I pronounce her name for you, hope that helps.

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