Have you ever been asked to LEAVE your yard?


Well-Known Member
15 December 2009
Binfield, Berkshire
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Yeah I have, I posted in the previous thread. I had moved mine there without really researching the yard and made massive judgement error of the girl who ran it. Anyway, having given her the benefit of the doubt countless times and seen some serious acts of stupidity I decided I better hand my notice in before something really serious happened. I wrote her a letter and wished her well with her business but was sure she'd agree things weren't working out. Anyway, it was fine for about 24 hours until I told my two friends I'd handed my notice in as enough was enough. They then decided they were going to do it too. It made sense, they weren't happy and we all went out and hacked/competed together so it wouldn't have taken a genius to think this may happen. We also arrived together!
Anyway, the girl went potty and summoned the courage to text me (yup brave girl) to say I had to get out of her yard because I was poisoning everyone against her and making them leave. I had to go that day. I already had a place at the other yard so I just called and said I was coming a bit early. I messaged the girl back (she wouldn't pick up to me) and said that was fine and seeing as she wasn't honoring her end of contract I expected my months livery returned which was £500 odd for part livery (she did this on the second day of the month). She said that was fine so long as I got out.
My friends decided they weren't hanging about because she had said seeing as they were on notice they couldn't have turnout as she'd save it for those who were staying. One was away and asked me if I could also move her horse so I went in, gathered my belongings took them to the new yard, went back, took hers, took them to the new yard (no one said anything) then me and my friend (a different one not the owner) got mine, got hers and rode them out. At this point my friend hadn't told the girl she was going because she wanted her horse off the yard beforehand in case she refused to let it go. Funnily enough no one battered an eyelid that I was leaving with an extra horse!
I did take her to small claims court for the money because she then decided she wasn't going to pay and had her dad come and threaten me which was particularly unpleasant. I had proof and even the text message conversation which I saved online went in as evidence. I was damned if I was losing £500 having paid for 3 unnecessary call outs due to her stupidity and gone through a load of rugs as she turned all the horses out in the indoor school for hours on end together, with no hay and in stable rugs so they got shredded. I won and had my money returned to me. The girl went bust pretty soon after which wasn't a surprise!


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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It's interesting how, apart from those whose yards were closing down which is altogether different, not one of you who has been asked to leave has ever done anything to deserve it :rolleyes:

In 20 years as a YO I have only asked two clients to take their horses away. Both of them were complete nutjobs (the horses were lovely though :)) and both of them have continued to do the rounds of all the local and not so local yards - and both have ended up having to get their own bit of land/stabling because nobody else will take them.

It's a good thing all of you are such perfect liveries :D


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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why the :rolleyes: Rowreach, do you think I did anything wrong in my post? I wasnt the violent drunk with my kn@b habitually out :D (well Im a girl, sooo, anyway). Do you think asking for some hay was wrong? I was very politely asking :)


Well-Known Member
15 December 2009
Binfield, Berkshire
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It's interesting how, apart from those whose yards were closing down which is altogether different, not one of you who has been asked to leave has ever done anything to deserve it :rolleyes:

In 20 years as a YO I have only asked two clients to take their horses away. Both of them were complete nutjobs (the horses were lovely though :)) and both of them have continued to do the rounds of all the local and not so local yards - and both have ended up having to get their own bit of land/stabling because nobody else will take them.

It's a good thing all of you are such perfect liveries :D

I think its safe to say that there are plenty of bad YO and bad liveries. I would hazard a guess that those who actually were bad liveries and were asked to leave for good reasons may simply not want to post it up here!


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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It's interesting how, apart from those whose yards were closing down which is altogether different, not one of you who has been asked to leave has ever done anything to deserve it :rolleyes:

In 20 years as a YO I have only asked two clients to take their horses away. Both of them were complete nutjobs (the horses were lovely though :)) and both of them have continued to do the rounds of all the local and not so local yards - and both have ended up having to get their own bit of land/stabling because nobody else will take them.

It's a good thing all of you are such perfect liveries :D

Well a lot of us have been quiet and just enjoyed the stories. There is no such thing as true perfection for either side, just a true acceptance of what is really necessary - so I would love to have access to a large indoor arena (so would my YO) but a friendly yard with a floodlight normal sized school where my dogs are welcomed is more important....


Well-Known Member
8 February 2006
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It's interesting how, apart from those whose yards were closing down which is altogether different, not one of you who has been asked to leave has ever done anything to deserve it :rolleyes:

In 20 years as a YO I have only asked two clients to take their horses away. Both of them were complete nutjobs (the horses were lovely though :)) and both of them have continued to do the rounds of all the local and not so local yards - and both have ended up having to get their own bit of land/stabling because nobody else will take them.

It's a good thing all of you are such perfect liveries :D

I have to say the experience I had with the YO who upset me and my horse so badly it has never been forgotten. I was blamed for my horses behaviour when it was she who turned him out next door to the mare and foal plus there were also 5 more horses in with him. I also think that if he was a rig / fence breaker he would have shown this at some point apart from the few weeks she claims he was a problem in the last 16 years! I had already been looking for a new yard after she brought a stallion onto the yard and banned me from using the facilities because of it.

I am still friendly with my last 3 YO's where I stabled over the last 10 years, 2 I moved from as I moved county and the last I moved from as I found a field to rent down the road which would allow me to have a second horse, but I still go back to use the arena and in return organise the dentist, vaccinations, saddle fitter for everyone :)


Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
Wet and windy NW
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Thank goodness no. I left one because my horse was hit, Rowreach he really was, and because the standard of care was not up to scratch.

I will never know why my YO did not throw us off the first 18 months we were there! Captain was a nightmare, he broke gates, he pushed over a couple of fence posts, he knocked over and pawed her colt, he fought with her TB, he knocked over her OH and he also pulled all the electrics on the yard down, threw all the head collars and turned on the water so it flooded! She is so amazing, she would not even let me pay for the colt's medical bills. He has been as good as gold for the last 2 years thank God! My YO is amazingly tolerant and a lovely person, I am very lucky.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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I was asked to leave a yard because i was pregnant! A cranky bloke owned the yard and wouldnt let you hav much straw and when mucking out we had to make sure we emptied our wheelbarrows right on top! He said to me one night i think it would be better if you found somewhere else to keep your horse as i dont like seeing you in winter pregnant and doing horses - what a to@@er!!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
22 November 2009
East Yorkshire
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I got two days notice to move last weekend. Thankfully I found another yard run by a friend, so we went there. I take some responsibility for the situation in that I was outspoken on my opinion of YO and treatment of MY horse, but she treated me and my horse very badly for a lot of this year. So, getting kicked off will probably do both me and my horse a big favour in the long run.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
up a hill
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I have had to ask 2 clients to leave the yard in the 5 yrs I have been running it.

The first one crashed into my car, refused to pay the repair bill, and left broken glass on the hay barn floor.

The second was conducting an affair with her boss and was using me unwittingly to provide cover for the horse - I try not to get involved with liveries personal lives, but things got very awkward when her husband turned up asking questions!


Well-Known Member
12 July 2009
Cheshire - I'm part of the Cheshire Set!
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Yes but it wasn't mine or any liveries fault...

The yard was up for sale but the YO didn't tell anyone and it wasn't until one of the other liveries saw a picture in the local estate agents that we found out.
When we challenged the YO about it at first she denied it then a couple of weeks later over heard a few of us talking about going to view other yards.
She kicked off saying we weren't being loyal and if we didn't want to be there then we should leave as soon as our month was up.

We did want to be there but the yard was up for sale and i didn't want to be told to leave and have to find another yard along with 15 other people at the same time.

I found a space on a fab yard and left that weekend...I gave a weeks notice but the YO told me to leave straight away and she was very disappointment with me. I was going to be the bigger person and still gave her a bunch of flowers and a box of chocs to say thanks for her support before this whole episode.

One month later the yard was sold to a developer and converted in to 3 houses...someones kitchen was my stable!!

I fully understood that it was her brother making her sell the barns and she didn't want too but she couldn't see it from her liveries point of view that they were going to be yardless and needed to look elsewhere.