Have you given up keeping horses?


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25 June 2011
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ive recently sold mine as not had time for all the daily duties etc etc and tbh im loving been free from it all.i still go and see him and ride him occassionally but im not missing been tied to him 24/7.ive had horses for over 30 years and thought i would.have you given up your horse and if so for what reason and how has it affected you if at all?


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11 October 2006
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I haven't owned for around 5 years now.
Just ride other peoples and still manage to ride 3/4 times a week. :D
I do miss the one to one relationship but thats about all.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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Gave up for five years after losing my dear old mare after 25 years together. Can't really say if I missed having her or horses in general. I know I missed the social aspect as all my friends were horse related and I felt I couldn't talk to them for ages and lost touch.

Five years on and I am loving being around horses again, and although I am not riding at the moment, it doesn't matter, we are enjoying looking after the big lad together. OH is getting lessons and I am looking forward to riding (maybe) when I lose weight.

When my old horse died I had started the menopause, given up smoking and obviously given up yard work, so put on loads of weight, which is (too) slowly coming off. Now I have a whole new meaning to life. Winter is, of course, a tie, but unlike years ago, when we used to have to stable at night throughout the year, now it is normal to turn out for the summer so it is possible to go out for the day or on holiday leaving a friend to oversee.

Sorry to waffle!:eek:


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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I've given up horses for the past two years :( it was due to time and finance. At first it was lovely but over the past few months am really missing them, I don't know anybody in the area am in that is horsey to even go and do some stable chores as all my horsey friends are 200 miles away. I was thinking of doing a part loan/share but after 20 years of owning my own horses I don't know if I would find it odd. I have booked a lesson next week at what looks like a really good rs it appears instructors have competed at decent levels :) . Am really excited now :D


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31 March 2011
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Why not join your local riding club Annaellie. That way you can join in as a helper/steward. You will soon get to know people & may find a horse that needs more riding than its' owner can manage. Worth a try.


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21 November 2008
Funny farm
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I gave up horses for about 4 years when I was younger, although I missed them, I wasn't as completely bereft as I thought I'd be. Was nice to live a normal footloose and fancy free life for a while :)


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27 September 2010
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Not given up, but had to get my boy a sharer due to my shift work. I love the fact I get days off now to do my own thing, but couldnt imagine life without smoke in it :) works great for both of us, I get cover for my late shifts, help to exercise him and some 'me' time, as well as a very experienced sharer, and she gets time still with horses, however much or little she wants, and she doesn't pay a penny, even though she's sweet and does offer :)

However my mum gave up last August. We had our 2 beautiful mares pts as we couldn't bear to see them struggle through another winter at 39 and 35. She appreciates not having to go and feed them this winter, though she isn't fully out of the water as she still comes and teaches me.

I guess with some people it will just always be a part of life!

Bexcy-bee x


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14 March 2010
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I gave up two and a half years ago when it became too much for me to ride a hack only horse in winter. I was going through a rough patch of lots of change, depression etc. I liked the first few months as it took the pressure off, but I took her back a year ago just to ride (Mum did the care). Sadly she died of colic six months ago and now I REALLY miss it all! I'd get my own again if I could afford to! I'm making do with a share on full livery and Mum's new pony - just riding both. I keep window shopping!

I definitely needed the break, TBH. I could never give up entirely - I've actually ridden intermittently all the way through. The bug always bites me again :)


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1 May 2010
Rothbury Northumberland
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Have seriously considered it this week.
Lost our horse last Monday to colic, watching his
friend grieve doubled the heartbreak, last time I was this down
was when my mum died.
I know it's early days, but Bruce wouldn't leave the barn, the one day
he was ridden he was a bucking lunatic, desperate to get back home, off his food, anyhow I had a text written offering him to a girl I know who would
love him and I couldn't send it.
Now on the hunt for another dope on a rope, but Ozz is a hard act to follow.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2011
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I tried to give up once but it didn't work.

I missed having a horse so much I got really depressed. I think it's because my horses are my excuse for some "me" time. If I'm out in the field I don't have to worry about the kids, cooking tea, paying bills or dealing with people. It's my escape.

I might feel differently if they were on a livery yard and I had to muck out and do things at certain times. I love them living out.

What a Mare

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31 August 2010
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I'm just about too.

Due to my financial situation I'm in the process of arranging for my mare to go out on loan for the next 18 months for 2 yrs as a broodmare just give me some breathing space. Every day I ask myself if I'm doing the right thing :(


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I gave up for twelve years!

I used to work with horses, but realised I would have no money for the rest of my life, so went to university to do languages. I spent many years abroad, and then ended up working for an airline for a couple of years on graduating (that couple of years has turned into 15!) so was always busy busy.. I still did the occasional ride now and again or taught for a pony club or something.

Finally seven years ago I had a big relationship break up and moved back where I grew up. My old instructor told me she had seen a horse for sale that would be just right for me. I wasn't even thinking of getting a horse! I went to see it, didn't like it, but it did seriously put the bug in my head, and I carried on looking. I then met my husband (introduced by my old riding instructor) and we ended up with four horses at one point. We are now down to two!

I don't regret the years without horses at all. I did a lot of travelling and fun things, and had money for a few years - enough for deposits for houses etc. I do love being back around them again now.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2012
Still own my horses but they are at a full care retirement farm. So the impact they have is on my budget and not my day to day life. They retired May 2009 and everyday without them is still a gut wrenching ache. Due to circumstances beyond my control it was the best decision and they are in great hands and beautifully cared for by someone I have the utmost faith in. It doesn't take away the hurt I feel without them as my whole life used to revolve around them.

Trinity Fox

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12 April 2010
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I think I am a lost cause from a horsey family my parents still own and ride hunt have pointers, I cannot really be away for more than a couple of days or it gets to me.

I spend all day with horses and other animals,I read about them talk about them probably a bit too much.
I do think if they are not making you happy then have a break or it would just be too hard, I blame my parents it is really ingrained in to me but funnily from a large family and only one of my siblings rides , was not forced on to us.

I have been mad about it all since a very small child and my parents are the same I do worry about when I will have to give up because I will not be physically able to be around them any more now that really scares me.


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21 June 2005
Isle of Wight
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I haven't given up yet - financially I need to but struggling to find even a sharer for my mare!
To be honest the way things have been recently I think I could do with a break, but then Dolly looks at me and my heart breaks at the thought of being without her. Tough one really.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2012
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Have given up owning a couple of times but it never lasts long. Currently have 3.tried to get the numbers down and sold one a couple of weeks ago only to be given another one this week. It was too good to turn down so I have taken it.

The thing is if horses are in your blood there is nothing you can do about it, they always find a way back into your life somehow:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I was forced to give up for a little over 30 years.

I was heartbroken at first and I never really came to terms with it. Life goes on, and I enjoyed mine, but there was a big aching gap where horses should be.

The only way I could cope was by staying away from horsey people. I moved away and dropped my horsey friends. I didn't even watch anything horse-related on tv. It hurt too much.

I never thought it would happen, but I'm amongst horses again. It's not easy (and if I'm honest it does take a toll on my health) but I'm so happy to be back.

Hopefully I'm here to stay now and eventually I'll be one of those eccentric old horse-riding ladies who never quits. I intend to make up for lost time. :)


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4 January 2009
East Kent
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Like Fiona. I gave up for a long time (27 years) after riding since a tiny child, doing my AI at nineteen and working with SJers. My parents divorced, I had to sell my horse and became disillusioned with the wages and treatment of horses, also the lack of respect for grooms and the long hard hours spent working for a pittance.
I gave up completely, didn't watch horses on TV or read horsey mags, then got married and had three kids, so no money!
Then I saw an ad for a sharer in my local Pets At Home, phoned up on a whim and started sharing Blaze. Three months later I bought her. Now I have two, work 48hrs a week (nights) to pay for them and I'm more into horses than I ever was!


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29 March 2007
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I gave up horses after my mare died when I was in my early twenties. I got married , had kids , had a job etc so didn't have the time. Then about 18 years later I had a ride on a friends loan horse and realised what I had missed. I then got a pony cob for my daughters and I to share. Eventually my daughter outgrew ponies, and we got a horse. Unfortunately she also outgrew riding!!! So I took over the horse full time. I loved it but after a serious of falls I gradually lost my confidence and decided the best thing for both me and the horse was to sell. I haven't had a horse now for two years. I do miss the horsey lifestyle and have thinking about getting another again so who knows!


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30 December 2004
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I sold my last horse 3 years ago, when my eldest child was 6 months old. Non-horsey husband, high maintenance baby, and no local family to support us... I struggled to juggle everything, didn't have the time to ride or enjoy my horse so decided I couldn't really justify the time or the money.

Was very sad to give it up but it made life so much easier and I know it is just a temporary thing, I will have horses again when my children are a bit older. I can relate to the poster who mentioned losing touch with horsey friends; when my horse was sold he stayed on the same yard and I found it too difficult to visit as often as I would have otherwise.

Luckily I still get to spend plenty of time with lots of different horses as I make my money painting them now :)


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12 July 2009
Cheshire - I'm part of the Cheshire Set!
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Yes mainly due to finances.

I was a real pony mad kid, always down the stables then later i owned horses for years as an adult i never dreamed i would give up but i lost my job and although found another it paid less so money was really tight.
I lived on beans, pot noodles and the reduced section at the co-op. I struggled to put fuel in the car and i had to drive around on a space saver tyre for a month because i couldn't afford to buy a new one!!
My horse never went without anything he needed but that was the problem. I was spending £60 a month on hay but couldn't afford to eat myself!!!

I think this depressed me as i was worried about money all the time. I tried sharing but by this point i didn't want to do it anymore.

Then we had the worst 2 winters in years on the trot and i just thought that i didn't want to go through another one.

So, i sold up, i've had a winter without a horse (first one in 26 years!!) and loving the freedom, having spare cash, time to do things. Not missing the early mornings, late nights, bad weather but i do miss the folks at the yard and as someone else mentioned the yard banter.

I don't feel like i want another one yet, maybe that will change but I'm enjoying where i am at the moment.