Hay storage. Freaking out a bit.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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I can't help with advice, but I just wanted to drop in and say that the night after I read this thread (when it was first posted) I then had the most stressful, complicated dream about my hay catching fire and all my stables burning down. Was not a restful night!

Oh no! Sorry about that! ?

All bales tested so far colder in the middle that they are at the top! And none of them feel warmer than a pony back in the sunshine.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Was thinking of you and your hay lass this morning. Need to get some in and just wondering where to put it and what to cover it with and do I have enough pallets to stand it on (and hoping D2 doesn't nick any more for her furniture making!), and what am I going to cover it with (and should it be covered, I've not met it as yet as don't know how many I can reasonably store... and so the questions go round and round in my head).

Your thread and all your questions are helping a good number of us! Thank you :)