Well-Known Member
At my stables I have an outdoor water tap which I fill tub trugs daily. It was -12 last night and -7 all day, forecast for very cold basically until Xmas now. My tap is frozen solid despite me wrapping it in insulation and wrapping a rug over it every night. Now my indoor shed tap has frozen solid today too so Ive had to messily lug buckets in and out of my house filling up their tubs along with going out several times during the day to break the ice. Overnight they're not getting enough water I feel as its just freezing solid, Ive tried adding a bottle of salted water to the tubs but does nothing. Ive tried keeping a tub in one of their open stables but still freezes. My OH has a fish tank heater (which you drape in the water) however I feel this would be dangerous around horses who might bite the cable and wont be designed for outdoors / cold temps anyway etc. I do have power in my stables so could use something safe. In the UK we dont seem to be equipped for these temps despite it often getting like this in Scottish winters! I have very little money but is there any type of heating element that is safe for horses to even just keep one big tub unfrozen overnight? What do horse owners do in much colder countries who are used to this?