Heavy weight on horses?


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19 July 2012
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About diet, when I want to loose weight, I work it out by gradually removing the highest calorie food. So I start off by reducing high fat stuff, like butter, oil, using leaner meat, etc... Once I am settled in those changes I reduce carbs and replace by fruits and veggies (for example green beans instead of pasta, lettuce instead of potatoes, rice cake instead of bread, etc...). It's the total amount of calories that count but you also need the meal to be filling so look out for food that has a low amount of calories per unit of weight, basically fruit and veggies are very low but check the packaging on the foodstuff you buy/like. Average daily calories needed will be about 1500/2000 so you have to be below that to loose weight. 1 kg of green beans is about 300 calories, a burger (for example a big mac) is about 500.
I am only considering the case of someone who has no health problem here.

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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I hope you are trying to be constructive, but that came across as super condescending.
I don t know about condescending, OP says she does not want to eat rabbit food, and has tried binge dieting, without success so maybe she needs a kick up the backside, most of the posts will be better phrased, but in order to lose weight one has to cut calories and increase exercise.
EDIT , she later mentions metabolic issues, so perhaps she should ask doctor for a suitable diet or use a forum specialising in these issues.

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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I don t know about condescending, OP says she does not want to eat rabbit food, and has tried binge dieting, without success so maybe she needs a kick up the backside, most of the posts will be better phrased, but in order to lose weight one has to cut calories and increase exercise.
EDIT , she later mentions metabolic issues, so perhaps she should ask doctor for a suitable diet or use a forum specialising in these issues.

That was 3 different people :lol: The OP was asking about weight carrying and diets, then Emmad96 said about rabbit food, then I said about metabolic problems.


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13 November 2010
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I find the easy way to build up sweat with my horse is have a proper hours lesson with an instructor once a week. By the time I've finished I'm absolutely knackered, but actually feel like I've had a proper workout. If the horse is sweating as well then I feel it has been worth it. Yes I like to have an amble but even just 15-30mins of really getting your horse working will get your heart working too. Muck out quicker, run to the field to get your horse and then trot him back, just little things that make you breathe a bit deeper and feel like you've done something. Might help if you don't like the thought of going to the gym!!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2012
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I won't give my exact weight but lets say it's the 'wrong' side of 13 stone! My 13h highland cross carries me just fine, I stick to walk and ride in a Thorn saddle pad to get around the saddle sizing issues. x

I normally ride bigger horses but went out on a Highland pony in Scotland for a blast around (oh boy can they jump!) I asked about weight limit and was told, in a broad scotch accent, that his previous job had been carrying dead 18st stags so I wasnt going to be a problem!
10 March 2009
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Cant see this mentioned, but you also need to factor in the weight of the tack. I had a very heavy saddle that weighed nearly a stone with the stirrup irons !