HEHE - would this be naughty?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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When I get my boy back I am moving back to the yard I was at before, but there has been an influx of TEENAGERS
. Now them I don't really mind, it seems to be the parents - the NON horsey parents! Seems there is one in particular that has been throwing his weight around and if anyone tells his daughter what to do when she has done something wrong he is like "what do you know bl;ah blah blah
". My mate is very eager for me to come back as 1) the yard is a PIG sty and I AM the yard police so it WILL be cleaned
and 2) cos she knows I will lose my temper with this guy at some point.
She thinks - for some bizarre reason - that I should pretend to be a complete novice
- and let HIM tell me how to do something, then when its wrong be like "well thats funny, cos when I was at college doing Equine Management I was told XYZ". I can just see the steam coming out of his ears now!
But htey do need sorted out - the girl made her parents buy BLACK tack for showing in as she was told you NEVER show in BROWN tack
, and never grooms her horse - she prefers bouncing on the trampoline!

Hmm, I dispair!!! Kids these days (not all kids I know - just seems to be the ones from a particular riding school up here
) I encountered a girl who had been riding for 8 years, yet did not know how ot muck out, and couldnt groom to save her life! EEK!

God, I'm in the mood to rant today - haha


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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It sounds like you should roll your sleeves up and get stuck in, they obviously need you. The downside is, it will be very time consuming for you and your "me" time may disapear. Good luck


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Beau2005 whilst I believe what you say of said person through other liveries,I personally have never found him like this but we are not in that barn so tend not to have that much contact and think to be honest he is VERY protective of his daughter as he has brought her up himself since she was really young.I know hes not doing her any favours but if you meet the girl and talk to her you may realise why.Personaly as long as their not being cruel I leave them to get on with it.And at the end of the day you can only advise and not enforce(get J to do that if really bad) as its a total DIY yard with no one person in charge,
As to the mess its much the same but it doesn't help where hay and straw is,wind blows it right up the barn and the fact that nearly everyone keeps there stuff right outside stables.Mostly in boxes/wardrobes but when you have 4/5 stables each side it fills up and does look untidy and limited space for everyones feed bins/boxes in that barn also don't help much.Fraid that barn tends to be the untidiest,then our wee bit would be next(Well my teenage daughters bit)
If she was told wrongly that it has to be black tack for showing then you can't really blame her,either somebody told her genuinely that it was black or they were taking the P.And if she trusted the person she would have had no reason not to believe them.And if she doesn't want to listen well she'll find out in the show ring.
Glad to hear Beau is getting on great tho, he is a good looking nice chap.
Not having a go at you just am in a very non-judgemental mood probably due to working recently for social work dept!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Hey ya,

No probs!! You can probably guess where my info is from so I guess its a bit like chinese whispers - if you know what I mean - and it did come from a 14yr old (and yes I know at my age I shouldnt listen to them!).
As fr the mess factor, J said something about being open to suggestions, my OH suggested making an upstairs in the big barn and he seemed happy with the idea, but god knows how it would work, although it would give like a WHOLE entire tack room at the front. Its just a thing with me though, every where Ive been at I've thought of ways to inprove it, which probably comes from places Ive worked at as I was always there during refurbs etc. Or would get bored and tidy/rearrange stuff. But hey I seriously dont mind - and contrary to what Ive been told sweeping a yard in the P***ing rain is not madness, you cant sweep a damp yard - its got to be REALLY wet or REALLY dry.
Plus - it has its rewards in calorie burning and it tones your shoulders

I can understand the protective part, and if said advice is coming from E then it was probably very - direct. I just sometime dont get people who dont want to take advice, or at least take it on board and if they have doubts about it being correct look into it - But then as you can tell I am a nosy one (although I prefer enthusiastically inquisitive

Don't worry, wont be causing any trouble/upheaval - probably just regular amusement as I try and perfect my breaks -haha! Will have to make sure 999 is on speed dial

OH any news on the possibility of an indoor school???


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Don't think J will be doing anything soon,might be wrong(hopefully am wrong) as there is the issue of bypass going right by him definitely not good for business being on your doorstep literally so he may put that on hold.Had spoken about trying to relocate(purpose built facility) to other side of road which would be better as access to more fields.As he now has over 30 liveries grass has got to give at some point.Nearly all nearby fields are in use ,only one winter field layed aside.Still no shortage of grass in most fields tho.Straw/hay and a few cows are in the barn he spoke about converting.Someone said he had got planning but that is gossip so don't know if true.
As with all yards has good and bad points but folk are friendly enough.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Yeah, I would have thought bypass woul dbe good as with a decent school he would be the 1st yard you hit when you get to aberdeen. And that side of the Brae is better for hacking surely? My only problem coming back is that Beau cannot be in one of the fields that requires walking too far to as he will be a pain crossing that road, and going along the railway line in the dark - oh that sounds fun! He will just be off like a shot! But he cant go in with Jakey or any 'playful' horses as his neck was covered in scabs from bites and there was a 'mounting' episode when one of the other geldings took a fancy to him and he got a bit of a sore back. He would be happy with a field full of mare though - or a pony, preferably white - he loves white ponies!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Doesn't sound naughty to me - sounds pretty childish though. I'm guessing that you are a teenager too....


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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TBH...sounds like sticking your nose in!
If it is not your yard, you cannot tell anyone in it what to do unless advice asked for -sorry.
As for the mess, up to you but I suspect you are just going to end up doing all the work..