Hello from the states again. Chad and Cudo are prepping for the 2019 season- FINALLY!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Hi Everyone!!!

My apologies for going so long between updates but I am not sure that 12 weeks of "It's cold and frozen, everyone is bundled and enjoying their vacation" would have been so interesting to read. :)

So now that it's finally not raining or snowing every few days we have finally made it to the point of having jumps in the ring and our first jump school since December was this past Sunday.

Videos are included at the bottom.

Chad: Went first since he's the newbie. And realistically I only had 7 weeks of getting to know him before 12 (or so) weeks of time off. So though the ring was set the same for both of them, we kind of built for Chad and made Cudo suffer over the simple and low stuff that Chad needed. Given that we have had a lot of mud in their field we have worked to try to get their soft tissue and joints back in the mode of walking and working on better/ harder footing so there isn't a constant pulling going on from the suction. They each did a week and change of walking on the lovely short private road I have by the barn and so far are legs are good and cold and life has progressed.

In the ring I set up a double bounce that started with poles and one raised rail in the middle and eventually graduated to a (roughly) 1' high rail on each side. After that we worked on jumping two bales of hay between to little filler gates that made it sort of a narrower jump face. We then worked on a line of 3 trot rail into a vertical, 60' to a small 2'6" oxer. Painfully low but a good exercise coming out of winter. Lastly we did a fake liverpool/open water against the outside rail that was 2 yoga mats (GREAT tip from a friend as we can use them in the warm ups here) and it was maybe 4' wide or so.

It's not an understatement to say that Chad did everything very well. I am rusty and it would only be odd if I wasn't. 3 months off for me showed but it wasn't too bad. Chad's mind remains his hallmark feature and I am hopeful that this will keep us moving forward as the shows emerge on the calendar either in April or May.

Cudo: Was the wild fireball. He was opinionated, stubborn and looking around for his own personal assistant who could be beckoned to raise this filthy amateur course from the sorrid ranks of backstreet ponies to the true heights that only he as the future champion of the world could show his true talent over. And I promise I was rolling my eyes and laughing at him as he kept on acting like a prima donna. He had an absolute heart attack looking at the yoga mats (that he's easily jumped 100 times) and true to form, he grabbed the bit, spun and ran towards the barn bucking while squealing. Oh Cudo. Now the plus side of this pretty lackluster video is that he's currently being ridden in a regular thin mouth snaffle instead of the slow twist or waterford that he went in last year. He feels like he's growing up and being more adjustable. So there's a bit of light as we make our way through the tunnel.

Last night I rode them both in the ring again and Cudo worked on trotting over all the poles (lowered from the jumps they were to be on the ground) and I took off the martingale and kept working on asking him to reach down to the fences and not have the feeling of holding his head up and high on approach. THAT skill may take a while but we should try at least. Chad worked on flatting not over the poles since it was dark. But he was quite good as well.

I'm tentatively aiming for a show on April 28th to be the first show for Cudo. Chad might go to schooling show sooner. But I really want to ensure that they're legs are solid before going out. Hills are in the forecast as soon as I can find someone to ride with or who can come with me so I don't die. Ha ha ha.

Chad Flatwork video:

Chad Jump video:

Cudo Jump video:

Goals for the year.... God I'm almost afraid to type these.

Chad: Young Jumpers for 5 yr olds (1.10-1.20 later in the year)

Cudo: Get more solid at 1.25. If we can move past those random stops then the next level. But I want to get lots of rounds without the glitches first.

That's the update from here. Hope you're all doing well!!!!



Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Ooh lovely an update! Weather and location looks gorgeous. Interesting to hear how you’re getting on and yes cudo does look very full of himself!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Your position will come back quickly once you and they are doing more .
I recent had four months off jumping and my first time was arrrgh .
A few sessions on despite only having one to jump as my other is having a shoeing break I feel much more with it .
I enjoyed your update the weather looks glorious and your ground dry I am envious.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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so jealous of your weather and your set up. It looks glorious. I like your new one, Chad. Must have missed that update, how is he bred , how old ? He looks very sweet and willing, with a lovely scopey jump


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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so jealous of your weather and your set up. It looks glorious. I like your new one, Chad. Must have missed that update, how is he bred , how old ? He looks very sweet and willing, with a lovely scopey jump

To clarify the weather may look better than it was due to my short sleeve shirt. It wasn't warm, it was one of those moments that I had over dressed and I asked john to bring a different shirt and he picked a short sleeve shirt. I was cold until I warmed up, hence the jacket in early footage on each horse, but in reality the temp was only 7 degrees celsius. Not exactly beach weather!

Our farm is here and if you zoom out you can see where we are relative to the whole USA.


Thanks so much Asha. "Chad" is a KWPN 5 yr old this year. He was bred in Holland and somehow VDL was involved but I don't think they were his breeders, but they owned the sire. He is by "Zirocco Blue VDL" out of the Indoctro mare "Windoctro Ryal K."

Here's his pedigree on Horetelex: https://www.horsetelex.com/horses/pedigree/1643916/jirrocco-ryal-k

The dam has certainly been what I would call a decent producer, but then remember that here in the USA getting jumpers to the FEI level starts at 1.40 as we really don't have many 1* or FEI classes sub 1.40.


You can see what videos I have of Chad on his playlist on youtube:


I have had him since Nov 2nd and so we only really had 6 weeks of bonding/ playing together before I gave all of us the winter off. I knew he was special but he's immensely talented with a nice brain.

He has been well received here by some of the bigger names in Eventing. Boyd Martin was watching as I had a lesson at his farm and thought he was pretty nice, or at least that's what he told me when he was helping me get back up off the ground after he caused me to get dropped!! LOL.

Kim Severson and I are old friends and she was really impressed by his first videos that I posted on Facebook.

Admittedly he's meant to be a jumper but I think he really could do any discipline. His movement is really fancy.



Well-Known Member
4 March 2010
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All great video's love how you keep them so calm and rewarded Cudo when he finally settled in his work. I also laughed when I looked at where you are, we have been very close to you many years ago. We shopped in the King of Prussia shopping centre, visited York and also had a drive in an Armish horse buggy in Intercourse. We really enjoyed PA.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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All great video's love how you keep them so calm and rewarded Cudo when he finally settled in his work. I also laughed when I looked at where you are, we have been very close to you many years ago. We shopped in the King of Prussia shopping centre, visited York and also had a drive in an Armish horse buggy in Intercourse. We really enjoyed PA.

We love it. And all of those places are quite nearby. King of Prussia mall is still a favorite and only minutes from John's family home. So we do get there every once in a while. Intercourse is a running joke for many tourists and there's almost nothing there but yet people come. Ha ha.

York is a nice town. We went to a concert there last fall. I don't head that way much but occasionally.

@HappyHorses:) Thanks. I missed posting but there was literally nothing to say. Which is a rarity for me. Enjoy the quite while you can. :)



Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Good Morning Uk'ers!!!!

Newest Jump School Post from today:

Videos are up!!!!
Chad: https://youtu.be/oXjucTjWzFI
Cudo: https://youtu.be/bk2jMCwqoAs

Recap: Ok so I am getting better but little bad habits are there still. Leaning back and driving isn't needed. I did watch 8-10 motivation videos before I rode today and my shoulders were better. Cudo went first and this week he says he can't fit in a 21' in and out. LOL. He seems to forget the 9' bounces last week. He's on a different plane this year and is definitely getting better in a ton of ways. We are still over a month from his first show. I can't help but think the homework we are planning and doing is getting somewhere good.

Chad had a little bit tougher day and I tried to leave it in the video so folks understand that he's green, our togetherness is not established yet and that this is what growing together can look like. Gymnastics are great for him but we need to build a relationship with singles and lines etc. And when we started to work on that today I found the chasm between where we want to be and where we are. It's not hopeless it'll just take time to build up a relationship. We had some great glimpses of the future and of course he typical "Go big or Go home" loft jumps are really fun now that I know to be ready for them. He's a completely different ride from Cudo. So I am trying to adapt myself in little ways and testing what works for him.

I am so grateful for John Salvaggio spending hours during his 1 day off during the week to help me in this silly pursuit of knowledge and success. Thank you honey. I really do appreciate you and I am sorry I was snippy here and there.

The Lowes purchases worked well but I hauled out the fillers and the gates and built stuff that I knew Cudo wouldn't like and that Chad should see. The Christmas tree was fun to jump with Cudo. I chose not to attempt it with Chad today. There's just some moments where pointing a 1300 lb not yet 5 yr old at something that's 4' on it's side.....and he usually adds a foot or two to something the first time he jumps it....I just chickened out. 🐔 Next time.
Both boys are headed to the clinic with Jimmy (Wofford) Wednesday. So they will be managed between now and then with light work to allow them to be energized and rested for another jump day 3 days from now. They got soapy baths and fluffy stalls tonight and I am pretty darn tickled with both of them.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I enjoyed watching these.
I love love love the five year old he’s ace .
Cudo he looks like a cheeky chappy he will be better after he’s been out and about a few times .
Theyboth look great .
On your upper body time and mileage is what you need .
One thing that helped me was working hard on my posture at all other times my physio taught me how to correct and check ( at first using a mirror ) I lost all core strength following an accident .
Enjoy your clinic and I look forward to hearing how they went on it.
I love your place do you have padddocks and access to hacking ?


Well-Known Member
24 April 2014
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Great videos. I'm so lazy with setting up jumps at home but seeing this type of schooling report gives me a bit of motivation!
I love Cudo's attitude and enthusiasm, even though he looks like he thinks you are wasting his time with the small stuff in the first vid, ha.
Hope you have a great clinic and look forward to hearing about it!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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I just looked at a couple show videos from last year and I guess we haven't quite made it to the verticality of the UK riders I have seen.

I watch Mclain's rounds often to try to channel being more upright and not hunching. But he's still coming from a very different ride with Lauren:

That video is still enough to give me chills. I don't know that I have ever told the story that goes along with it. So bear with me as I reminisce a bit.

A friend of mine had agreed to go see him and ride him for me. She was coming from about 90 minutes away so it was a big favor. It was January so things were always wet or dark. She came and I got to hear her thoughts when she called after her ride and then she said she would send videos. Thanks to the time difference I had to wait until morning. And in the morning I saw videos.....of him in hand and free moving. Confused I sent her a message asking where the riding videos were. "OH yea my phone battery died I didn't get any." Shock. Awe. Confusion and totally lost as to what to do. Since Lauren was kind of expecting me to decide if I liked him or not.

So I explained to Lauren that there were no videos and I couldn't see how he'd gone and that I was frankly befuddled and not sure what to do. She so stepped up. She offered to rent a different ring with better lights, find a friend with a proper video camera and get some footage. I couldn't have been more relieved. I asked her to pop a 1.30 fence or two. Just to see what bigger looked like.

She messaged me when she was done (remember that time difference) and was ecstatic that he'd been perfect and awesome and promised me the video the next day. I have never mentally held my breath as long as I did for that 24 hours. I finally got the video and I was awestruck. I saw the Cudo that you all are fawning over now and one that might be able to do much more. I was telling my husband.. "Screw the vetting throw him on a plane NOW." But being the voice of wisdom he declined and said we did have to vet him. But I think I sat at my computer and watched this video over and over for an hour dreaming of well....my life as it is now. :)
