Hello The Dunoon area and everyone.


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4 October 2024
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I'm shortly going to be moving myself, hubby, 3 dogs and 2 donkeys to the Glendaruel, West Highlands, Scotland area and have a few questions please.
Can anyone recommend a donkey farrier in the area and also a hay & straw supplier in the Dunoon area. A recommendation for an equine vets would also be handy.
Looking forward to chatting to anyone local or not.
Many thanks,


Well-Known Member
19 February 2017
Admiring Loch Long, slowly rusting
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Hello, I’m near Dunoon and it was a nightmare trying to find grazing etc. I assume you have a place organised or purchased. Cowal and Bute vet are the main big animal vets in this area, but I don’t know if there are others further north or west of Dunoon.
I’d recommend joining a few local Facebook groups, such as Argyll Horsey Stuff for networking and recommendations. There is a barefoot trimmer towards Campbeltown but no idea if she is taking new clients.
I sent my youngster to a yard in Ayrshire eventually as the yard I was in didn’t work out for various reasons, and the midges were horrendous. It was so wet this summer that hay was late being cut and I struggled for weeks to get bales.
Hopefully you will have a better experience.