
20 February 2013
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Animals In need is a registered Charity, in Northants, but Bella is in my home, as they have over 70 other dogs in their kennels, and are full to busting. infact they have over 400 animals, all thrown out by people, and as Bella was very sick after being spayed, she was not ableo get enough care she needed in the kennels. I am not a registered charity, i am just a person who is trying to help, as I have had much help from these people in the past when we fell on hard times,w hen my husband was made redundant. I have a FB page that anyone who wants to see, can, i have nothing to hide, and if you want any more info, just come along and ask, bella's page is not locked xx


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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So when Tessybear said you'd adopted her from the charity and then backtracked and said you were fostering her what was correct? Do you not think it irresponsible to take on ANY animal when you do not have the funds immediately available to treat the animal and you financial background is not secure? You mentional how lethargic Bella is and that she has Kennel cough amongst her other troubles, does this not ring alarm bells for you?

Finally, if Tessybear's friend is Bobbie, who are you?

And who are the donations going to you as a private individual or to Animals in Need? What safeguards are in place to ensure traceability of funds provided?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Finally, if Tessybear's friend is Bobbie, who are you?

I can answer this part :) Bobbie is a nickname for Nicole, im sure if you don't believe this and want to play the part of Sherlock Homes, Nicole would be happy for you to ask this on Bella's page and many friends on there will support this. My fault if anything.


20 February 2013
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ok, I foster animals from the cahroty and my youngest son and i volunteer there, so they know me well. It is a no kill charity, so even if i didnt take her, they wouldnt have her put to sleep, but she would be languishing in kennels, on concrete, which hurts her paws.
I am not in finacila difficulties now, as my husband has a new job, and we are well off enough to pay regular vets bills for our own animals as wel as their food and anything else. however, after 6 months of being out of work, and not caliming any benefits, but using our own savings, we have no spare funds amounting to what bella needs, at the moment. nd she needs it now, as she is pain, and if we wait and save up, she will suffer longer. The charity are stretched to their limit, and are regularly fund raising, with such things as shrak dives, walking on broken glass, walking on burning coals etc etc
yes, Bella is mine, as my husband bought her for me as a present, after losing my old dog of 17 years, but I have the blessing and support of the charity she came from. Tessybear was confused, as she knows I have many foster dogs from there all ready, and have homed many for them since she has known me. The reason Tessie Bear called me bobbie, is that is my nickname, simple as that. Many call me that, many call me Nicky, and some call me Nicola. I answer to many names :)
When Bella first came to us, she did not have kennel cough, but as stress and being in kennels are 2 of the 4 predispositions to getting it, i am not surprised, as it is very virulent in dogs who have not been vaccinated. Luckily she is getting better now, as she is an otherwise very healthy young dog, and as my 3 have been vaccinated against it, they are fine.
I think that is all the questions for now, im sure there will be more, but i am on my way out to dinner, so will answer more later. :)


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7 May 2011
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village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I still cannot understand why you would take on another dog when you were not in a position to support it, especially one with such expensive needs.

So Bella is yours privately and you are now privately begging for the funds to pay for her - there is no charity involved anymore? Why take on a dog you couldn't afford to treat!

I'm sorry, I think you and the charity have been totally irresponsible. I also think that given the treatment involved and that you suspect she will end up with prosthetics and she will certainly know a life of pain you are being cruel by prolonging her existence.

Take the money you have already blagged, have her peacefully pts and give the rest of money to a charity - preferably a more responsible one than Animals in Need.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Animals in need in Northampton is a fantastic place I know as I have been there, their website is or if you go to and scroll down to posts on the 7th of feb you will see the details there.

I can understand people have mixed feelings but if you don't agree or want to support then just click off the thread?? :)

Oh yes, there are details there including this gem: Animals In Need - Maxicare There is no surgery that could help her I wish there was her front paws are totally deformed, she can walk though. Margery Hinchliffe, Pam was fighting back the tears x

That poor animal, she deserves better than the media circus:(


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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AIN - Maxicare was apparently formed to take dogs off "Death Row" and try to re-home them. Did this girl come through that route?


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14 November 2012
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AIN - Maxicare was apparently formed to take dogs off "Death Row" and try to re-home them. Did this girl come through that route?

You really are on one:cool: Dee why not post this all on the facebook page, im sure you will be happily corrected by people inolved with the charity then ?


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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You really are on one:cool: Dee why not post this all on the facebook page, im sure you will be happily corrected by people inolved with the charity then ?

I am always horrified by the cruelty that people carry out to be seen as saviours - whether they are registered charities or not:(

Why don't you link the fb page to here?


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14 November 2012
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20 November 2006
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Nicola, you have obviously seen that most of us on here feel it is wrong to put Bella through this surgery, when she is apparently in a lot of pain. I appreciate you love and care for her but sometimes we have to put our dogs first. It takes a brave and caring owner to admit that letting a dog go is sometimes the best thing for that dog, from the information I have seen I honestly believe it is the kindest thing for Bella to be pts.


9 July 2012
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I was horrified when TessyBear first posted the link to the FB page - whilst I have no doubt that everyone involved feel they are doing things with the best of intentions, this poor pup has very low quality of life and it would be far better to humanely put the poor thing to sleep :(


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7 April 2010
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Why do people feel the need to be Heroes! Poor puppy should be put out of its misery :( I hate things like this it just upsets me that people think they are being kind when in actual fact they are being quite the opposite! Shocked :(


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25 June 2010
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If I don't have the funds to give my very sick dog the treatment he requires to no longer live in pain , I would max out every credit card myself or have him PTS. I wouldn't go asking the public for money, for this one dog with a fairly bleak future VS the thousands of healthy rehome-able ones that don't get a look in. This dog may go on to live a wonderful life and prove us all wrong, but from what I've read, it's not really likely, is it? £4000 is a lot of money!

good luck to whichever way this goes.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Pony in the lounge, anyone?

So this pup, who has been spayed at under 6 months (why, she's hardly capable of sustaining a mating!) is privately owned yet the charity are fronting a campaign for funding? That puts the charity in a very poor position, IMO. Once a dog is rehomed, most charities expect the burden to pass to a new owner, surely? And why on earth would the husband give it as a present?!

I paid over £3000 to fix my dog, but two years later, when I saw he was suffering, I put him to sleep. Broke my heart, but it was the best thing for him.

You, Nicola, need to put aside the feelings you have for this little one and consider the constant suffering. She is not a normal bouncy puppy if she's lethargic. No wonder, with the pain she must be enduring.
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20 February 2013
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sorry, just got home. I agree, if Bella's feet were irritrievably deformed, but as we got a second opinion, and a third, and fourth, from some very eminant orthopaedic vets up and down the country, all of whom have said her feet are easily treatable, I do not believe it to be so that she will suffer. We have since spoken to the vet of choice, who also believes that she will not need prosthetics, and she will not be in pain once her left foot is straightened. He described it as the same problem as a club foot in a child. the other foot may well not need surgery, as it seems t is only the left fort that is twisted. yes her feet look awful, but we are not worried about the aesthetics, just whether it pains her to walk, which because it is bent under somewhat, it does. All it needs is a realignment of the bones, so the tendons are not stretched, as they are now, which will then stop the pain. the lady who posted that her feet were inoperable asked her local, very sweet vet, but not an authority in orthopaedics. all the vets who have seen Bella.. 4 in total, are all of the opinion she is worth operating on, and as they have all offered various amounts off their fees, i dont believe they are just in it for the money, especially not the vet of choice, who has offered to do the operation at cost. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you dont like what I am saying, I am not forcing you to give me anything, my dear friend just offered to help me, when she saw I was asking my FRIENDS to help. I highlighted the word friends, because that is all I asked at the beginning, and the people who know me, have been very kind and willing to help, as they know I have often done the same for them. I did not beg any of you, and I wouldn't expect any of you to give anything, so why are you attacking me and my dear friend, when you dont know us, or our circumstances, or what else we do for other charities? As for Deoderant repeating that we are not solvent, I would like to remind her that we are solvent, just unable to fund this ourselves straight away. If it could wait a few months, I would, but by leaving her, that IS cruel. Operating and putting her foot right, so she can run and play like a normal puppy means she wont be in pain anymore


20 February 2013
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sorry, just reread some of the posts, and like 2 of you, who read my posts wrongly, i read yours wrongly to. She was spayed as she was physically old enough, and working in the shelter, i have known dogs as young as 4 months successfully mated, sadly, and often have ended up with badly deformed pups because of it. If you would like to visit her page you will see she is not as badly suffering as you guys like to make out. I think you are all feeding off each other. She was lethargic because she developed KNNEL cough, which she is now lamost recovered from. She can run, but on 3 legs, she does play with my other young dog, but only on 3 llegs. she is normal and as bouncy as any other puppy. I had a disabled son, but i didnt put him to sleep, and his quality of life was 1000 times worse than Bella's. Now I respect your opinions, but i am getting abit fed up of the rudeness. i have not once been rude to any of you.. why would i, i dont know you, but i would ask you to please stop being rude to Tessie bear, as she is a lovely sweet,, gentle person, who really has done nothing to deserve your vitreol. Please be nice, or don't say anything at all to her?


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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I trust you read about that cat that was given "new feet" by Fitzpatrick?It kept having them fall off,that was after six months...a VERY long time in a cat life..of suffering.Now it needs amputation further up the leg to make a "new foot" implant.So after about 18 months of "life" with five sets of "feet" reattached to the implant it now needs more major surgery,more suffering.It is,in fact,nothing short of vivesection.They need these animals to experiment on to improve on their techniques for humans. Great idea..a vivesection case supplied AND an owner pays for it. For God`s sake ,and the dog`s,do the RIGHT THING.I am really against vivesection,think about you claim to be?:confused:
Watch very carefully the filmed Fitzpatrick interviews,in one he admits that in the future we will run out of dogs "to practice on"..there,in a nutshell you have it.


9 July 2012
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A number of thoughts crossed my mind when reading your replies Nicola, however the main one is that at the moment, by your own admission, the puppy is in pain. Therefore she does not have an acceptable quality of life, and it would be in her best interests to PTS.

I find it very sad when people keep any animal alive against that animal's best interests, which is the case here. Please put your own feelings and thoughts aside, and think of the puppy :(


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15 September 2009
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I think it's really up to the 4 vets and the people who see and deal with this dog to decide-by some of your logiv any animal (foals who need surgery to correct wonky legs, dogs who require legs pinned/plated after breaking them) should be pts asap to make room for a more healthy one..


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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The dog is in pain and will not be helped soon by all accounts. If the issue was being addressed now, then fine. The waiting is what concerns me. If it can't be fixed quickly, why let the dog suffer?

I disagree also with the way in which this has been presented as though the charity is asking for donations. The dog is privately owned and the owner ought surely to take financial responsibility.


20 February 2013
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The PUPPY, Bella is on pain relief, which although working now, is not a long term solution. If at any time i thought Bella was going to suffer greatly, she would go. i am sorry if you have been misled, but maybe you didnt read the FB page properly? as at no time have i not told the truth. This is beginning to amuse me, as you are all judging me, all asking quite personal questions, and not telling me anything about yourselves. Are you vets, do you know, or have you seen Bella, do you know me, or the animals I save Do you understand about orthopaedics in animals? Would any of you put your money where your mouths are and come and visit Bella, and see how happy and bouncy she is? as far as not being helped soon, her surgery is scheduled for as soon as the vet can find a slot, but none of you bothered to ask that... So, Im sorry that you dont like it, but I am out of here, as apart from one kind lady, and one polite lady, the rest of you just seem hell bent on being arguementative, which makes me laugh. Good night everyone, sleep well in your perfect worlds, where you have the answer for everything, wont you? And Tessie, im really sorry you got dragged in to this love, dont try and fight on my behalf anymore, it really just is not worth it. You have far more important things to do with your time. You know me, i know you, we know we are good, kind people, that is all that matters. See you soon, take care xxxx


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12 January 2007
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I dont think there has been any attacking, just general questions and input of other peoples opinions. If you (make requests) for donations then this is what you must expect, questions, input, curiosity, against as well as (for) and it also educates others and gives them food for thought.
I will make no comment on the dog it's self and the condition, however I do strongly agree with cinnomen (this is YOUR dog) and you should fund the operation (via) a credit card if you have no funds at present (like any owner would have to do) and let those willing to raise £4000 do it to save some healthy dogs now circling, pacing, freezing, stressing out and living in concrete cells to rehome them or help them.
Another point (correct me if I am wrong) you said "if I never had her she would be at the rescue in a kennel on a concrete floor which would hurt her pwas/legs":confused: did I read that correctly? this is a (no kill shelter) that would keep such an animal in a kennel? this worries me as to what else is kept in kennels with similar ailments.
Good luck with this, but I do think maybe you should use a credit card and pay the bill if you are to go ahead with the operation.
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Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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Animals In need is a registered Charity, in Northants, but Bella is in my home, as they have over 70 other dogs in their kennels, and are full to busting. infact they have over 400 animals, all thrown out by people, and as Bella was very sick after being spayed, she was not ableo get enough care she needed in the kennels. I am not a registered charity, i am just a person who is trying to help, as I have had much help from these people in the past when we fell on hard times,w hen my husband was made redundant. I have a FB page that anyone who wants to see, can, i have nothing to hide, and if you want any more info, just come along and ask, bella's page is not locked xx

Just think what the money you are raising for this poor pup- who will never live a normal life, and will always be in pain or on pain meds could do for the 70 other dogs they have in their care.

No kill (of healthy, rehomeable) animals is admirable, prolonging suffering because of this policy is not,