Help!! Confused....


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1 May 2007
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It seems you have had advice from all sorts of "experts" - trust me, a great many of them will know next to nothing. Many of us on here would never attempt to diagnose a problem without actually seeing the animal, palpating the area and taking a history - which is what a vet will do. If you are seriously concerned then you either need a professional with all the training (i.e. a vet) or failing that, someone who can clearly demonstrate to you that they have all the knowledge and experience required to be able to advise you well after seeing the problem. And if they treat your pony they will be breaking the law.
I take it from your replies about cost that you don't have vet fees insurance?


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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Can't say I've ever heard or done box est for a splint. Field rest maybe while it settles but never box rest.

OP I think the reason people have been "rude" as you put it is because you actually used the words getting a vet is expensive.

Sorry but that's like a red rag to a bull putting that.

Horses are expensive end of, using the excuse of its my life and I couldn't live without horses isn't a valid reason to have one let alone two horses if you cannot afford to get the vet out for them. Their safety and well being comes way above your wants I'm afraid.

If your mum is so experienced then why did you feel the need to come on here? Surely something must have made you think she is wrong. And then you jump on people who say get the vet.

Top and bottom of it is there's something wrong, neither you nor your mum can be sure what it is and so that should be enough to at least phone the vet for some advice.

Don't take offence when people get angry that you've used the excuse the vets are expensive as a reason not to have called them. We all have all horses interests at heart and it's horrible for us to watch horses potentially end up suffering in the long term. If there is something in there and it causes an infection the infection could get into a joint and if that happens it can easily be game over for the horse.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I listen to everything my mum says and she said box rest because everyone on my yard believed it was a splint, which was not reducing in size so I cold hosed it and massaged it everyday. my pony was turned out a few days ago and now her leg is being rested, and hurray it is decreasing in size, so clearly what we are doing is working. I only wrote on this page to see if anyone had tho before

But box rest is not the treatment for a splint, I think you need to take your mum's experience with a pinch of salt. Who in their right minds box rests a horse that's not even lame, for a pain free lump on the leg???

Nugget La Poneh

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28 May 2012
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Sorry, I didn't mean to offend - it's just that I was very surprised that for a suspected splint that required 4 week boxrest/limited turnout and had what appeared to be an addition that it not normal for a splint, that a vet hasn't been already to advise. As for treating the pony without being a vet, 90% of horse owners do this to a degree :) In my experience, splints cause a horse to be lame for about 2 days, then I have been able to turn out after about 4 days max of box rest. The resulting lump more often than not never really goes down completely, and if there was a scab like you mentioned and you still thought splint, it would've been a call to the vet to check there hasn't been a complication like a bit of bone floating through a breakage (maybe knocked by the other hoof during high jinks).

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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It seems you have had advice from all sorts of "experts" - trust me, a great many of them will know next to nothing. Many of us on here would never attempt to diagnose a problem without actually seeing the animal, palpating the area and taking a history - which is what a vet will do. If you are seriously concerned then you either need a professional with all the training (i.e. a vet) or failing that, someone who can clearly demonstrate to you that they have all the knowledge and experience required to be able to advise you well after seeing the problem. And if they treat your pony they will be breaking the law.
I take it from your replies about cost that you don't have vet fees insurance?
No one has really offered to diagnose the horse over the ether.
Time and time again people are told to get a vet, and they don't.
I am not angry, I just spelled it out the the OP, and she did not like it.


Well-Known Member
13 April 2008
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Actually box rest is commonly advised for treating splints whilst they are forming, alongside anti-inflammatory treatment. However 4 weeks is far too long and I agree that a vet call out is now overdue. Sounds like a foreign body might be in there.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2007
New Forest
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Ae much as I think what the op has done is wrong.
Not getting a vet and the attitude of vets being expensive, yes they are but if you can't afford to look after your horse properly then don't have one.

My horse recently developed a splint, he had about 3 weeks box rest.
From the 2nd week was allowed on the walker then careful turnout and riding.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2013
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Oh please not another one.

Get a vet or you'd be better off just keeping goats.

The people up the road from us had goats and we sent my dad round to read them the veterinary riot act as the poor things were neglected. If someone can't be bothered with the vet because it's "too expensive" then they should have a 90s throw back and get a tamagochi.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Actually box rest is commonly advised for treating splints whilst they are forming, alongside anti-inflammatory treatment. However 4 weeks is far too long and I agree that a vet call out is now overdue. Sounds like a foreign body might be in there.

It may be commonly advised now, in an era where vets are so afraid of being sued that they box rest at the drop of a hat, but in my day no horse with a splint got box rested, they just got chucked out for a few weeks and everything was fine. Box rest is incredibly overused at the moment, in my opinion, and it is to the benefit of neither the horse nor the owner.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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Why not ask the postman, they are usually around most days, and so cheep!
How do you people who are so quick to criticise expect novice posters to come on for advice and get it and learn from it? Faced with the kind of comments I have seen on this thread, if I was the OP I would never post again, just keep asking the "local experts" Smart arse sharp comments don't help educate those who are wanting to learn.
Now I'm going to don my tin hat and try not to visit this thread again.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I think the comment was a justifiable reply to someone who has box rested a horse for four weeks and is arguing back when told it's not acceptable not to have called a vet.

Whether it was justifiable for me to have suggested early on that this is a troll is questionable though, but it didn't ring true to me and still doesn't.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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I bet a lot can go wrong with goats .

This little guy had more veterinary visits over his short 3 years than most of my horses did in the last 20 years (excluding vaccinations)



Well-Known Member
7 April 2013
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It certainly isn’t a criticism, once you decide to ask anyone who is NOT qualified under the A.W. Act to give an opinion I don’t really think it matters.
It always amazes me that an owner who does not call the vet for financial reasons ends up paying more to put right something that should have been looked at much earlier.
If this is a site where only ‘nice’ people saying ‘nice’ things about everything, then it is time for me to move on.
Otherwise I will always call it as I see it: you say you have a horse that has been boxed for 4 weeks due to something that you can not explain… my call is get the vet!


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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It certainly isn’t a criticism, once you decide to ask anyone who is NOT qualified under the A.W. Act to give an opinion I don’t really think it matters.
It always amazes me that an owner who does not call the vet for financial reasons ends up paying more to put right something that should have been looked at much earlier.
If this is a site where only ‘nice’ people saying ‘nice’ things about everything, then it is time for me to move on.
Otherwise I will always call it as I see it: you say you have a horse that has been boxed for 4 weeks due to something that you can not explain… my call is get the vet!

hope you don't move on.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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This little guy had more veterinary visits over his short 3 years than most of my horses did in the last 20 years (excluding vaccinations)

Poor thing: seems to have lots of bits to go wrong tho... flappy ears, dangly dongles a "kiss me " mouth, and "I don't care how much it costs, as long its about me!" attitude.
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Well-Known Member
29 June 2007
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CP TRAYES ...Can I ask WHY you have posted on the forum asking for Omprazole to treat your horse ... and stating not been diagnosed by a vet? When your preaching to others get a vet, mmmm. I thought this forum was for help and advice :) and not to insult people by telling them to keep goats!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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CP TRAYES ...Can I ask WHY you have posted on the forum asking for Omprazole to treat your horse ... and stating not been diagnosed by a vet? When your preaching to others get a vet, mmmm. I thought this forum was for help and advice :) and not to insult people by telling them to keep goats!

Because my horse does not need a vet.

I did not post asking for advice, I posted asking for a physical substance. When my horses need a vet, they see one.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2007
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If your horse does not need a vet, why are you giving your horse medication for a undiagnosed medical condition? ......... Yes you weren't asking for advice, what you asked for was another op to supply physical substance for your horse, so you can medicate your own horse .Think it is so wrong that you have critisised the person who started this thread, think you should take your own advice and call a vet .

Nugget La Poneh

Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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If your horse does not need a vet, why are you giving your horse medication for a undiagnosed medical condition? ......... Yes you weren't asking for advice, what you asked for was another op to supply physical substance for your horse, so you can medicate your own horse .Think it is so wrong that you have critisised the person who started this thread, think you should take your own advice and call a vet .

Omeprazole is for Ulcers, which have reasonably specific symptoms which are very quick to disperse once the gastroguard/omeprazole is given so I am sure that had the horse not improved within a week or 2 cptrayes would've gone to plan B that might well have meant calling the vet.

OP came asking what could be wrong, along with the words along the lines of a vet is so expensive, and advised she had had a horse on boxrest for 4 weeks with a suspected splint. This suspected splint had a scab over it, which is not normal, and even Dr. Google would've hinted that something was not right.

Many people people will administer bute/danilon to a slightly colicky horse. or even sometimes a drench. They won't have consulted the vet, but will/would if it was felt that it was needed. Experience and knowledge go a long way, and you could argue that by learning and applying the knowledge that is readily available, this is saving time for the vets to treat horses that really need it.

No one has tried to diagnose what was wrong with the OP's horse, just that the feeling was 4 weeks is excessive for a splint (based on their experience), especially without the vet's guidance.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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If your horse does not need a vet, why are you giving your horse medication for a undiagnosed medical condition? ......... Yes you weren't asking for advice, what you asked for was another op to supply physical substance for your horse, so you can medicate your own horse .Think it is so wrong that you have critisised the person who started this thread, think you should take your own advice and call a vet .

You are of course entitled to think whatever you like, as I am entitled both to know that you are wrong and to ignore your unasked for advice. But thank you for sharing :)

Could I suggest that next time you'd like to offer me unsolicited advice you actually read the thread??. If you had, you would have known that my vets were aware that I was periodically giving the horse Omeprazole and agreed that it was the correct action given the horse's behaviour and history.
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