HELP I can't use my legs lol?


Well-Known Member
6 January 2011
South East
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Hi all,

Just after some tips please?

I bought a new ponio about 3 months ago and he is an absolute angel. Safe as houses, perfect nature and just generally an all round dude!

He was previously mainly used for show jumping and I am more of a dressage diva, so we are currently doing some retraining. I have to say mainly it is going very well, he is a super bright chap and is already happily adopting a long and low outline, working from behind and really stretching, so his paces have become much less choppy and front end draggy lol. :)

However, he is very, very sharp off the leg to the point that I am currently only able to turn him using body weight, position and angle, also only able to use seat bones rather than inside leg to outside hand to get him on the bit! Any pressure from legs and he shoots off, even just laying them on.

Suffice to say my circles and rein changes are interesting and cannot even contemplate moving on to any leg yielding! I was hoping to get him out competing in the spring but, can't unless I get this sorted.

Any nifty tips please?

Thanks in advance. :)


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7 April 2013
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Mine doesn't quite shoot off but if any forwardness when Im using my leg that's not wanted my instructor has always said do a small half halt before so he's listening and at the time you put the leg on do another half halt so he knows you mean to use the leg instead of asking him to go forward, hope this helped?