Help me find photos of my ex race horse as a baby


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18 December 2020
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Does anyone know of a way to track down old owners/trainers or the breeder of my ex racer as I would love more than anything to have photos of her as a foal!
I’ve tried googling and facebooking names but I’m getting no where...
Please help if you can
Thanks I’m advance xx

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Her racing history will be fully detailed here which gives names of breeders/ owners/ trainers, most trainers will have a proper website so her first trainer could be the best place to start but they are busy people and may not have much time to deal with this type of enquiry and will only be allowed to pass on your details to the owner or breeder, not give them out to you, if she was bred at a big stud it is unlikely they will have photos, if it was a smaller breeder they may do and also may be more interested in knowing where she is.
If she went through the sales there may be archive photos/ details from there, sales history is also on the RP site.