Fly paper for freaks 🍀
At the moment she’s on 1 ½ mugs of speedibeet, 1 ½ mugs of leisure mix and a handful of pony nuts mixed with a bit of carrots. This is split between two feeds; breakfast and tea in order to allow her to take her supplements and bute. She’s a really good weight now, she got quite fat at one point so I reduced her paddock (we have very good grazing) cut down her feeds and hay and increased her exercise and she’s lost about 15KG, according to the vet she needs another 10KG off and she should be about right.
I asked if you had any suggestions for feed which I could try as I would need to give quite a large amount of leisure mix and nuts to make up for the lack of speedibeet in the feeds.
If the vet has said that your horse needs another 10kg off and then "should be about right" why are you 1) feeding speedibeet just now (there are lower calories soaked feeds available if it's needed as a carrier) 2) feeding a mix and nuts (not being facetious, genuinely why are you feeding a leisure mix/pony nuts/those ingredients?) 3) going to increase the leisure mix to replace speedibeet (implying that the beet/need for a soaked feed isn't as a carrier and will increase calorie content of bucket feed).
I would never cut down on hay but if you have restricted the good grazing and the only reason to feed is to give supplements why not use the smallest amount of low calorie soaked feed as a carrier?
Not having a go, it just seems like a big contradiction and was wondering why.