Well-Known Member
Heythrop Hunt on Inside Out now
"From what was shown on Inside Out last night, it is obvious they are not the only ones."
Obvious? In what way, and on what evidence? I'd be very interested if you could identify any breach of the Hunting Act. Just a terrier man shutting a car door to prevent an accident. Oh, and a brown thing sitting in a field while hounds hunted a trail in the opposite direction. It was all quite pathetic really.
If they did that to me when I am driving I would drive into them, blare the horn, rev the engine, but sit there I would not!!
"I would expect any supporter to react with a comment like that! They obviously had LOTS to hide that they didnt want filmed, so i wonder what that might be then!!!!!!"
Obviously? So what did you spot that months of filming failed to expose?
"Also what was all that about, surrounding the vehicles with horses so they couldnt drive forward?"
Probably stopping them driving through hounds.
If the stupid person on the horse was silly enough (or lacking in care for their horse enough) to just sit there then I doubt the horse would be, so you think its ok to surround someone's car and refuse to let them pass? No I would not want to drive into anyone's horse, but I would not be initimated by such people either! I would never put my horse in that sort of danger, WOULD YOU? Please could you point out to me at what point I said I was opposed to foxes being killed? You have also assumed I am an anti, but I havnt said that at all. I am anti arrogant people with the manners of sewer rats however! Of course not all hunting people are like this, but I would never give in to intimidation of any sort from another human being, please explain to me why anyone would?
[quotef someone was on their way to work, a horse wouldn't be blocking their path. please inform me when you are on the roads, so that i can make sure i am not riding a young or inexperianced horse, for fear he may step in your path!
I find it very unlikely that you do not understand the difference between people innocently hacking out their horses and deliberately surrounding a vehicle whilst mounted in order to intimidate the driver, also putting their horse at risk!
if there is nothing to hide there is all the more reason to be a bit hacked off at constantly being filmed.
would you like it if someone filmed you at work, claiming you were doing something wrong?
I would want to prove my innocence!
People don't have to prove their innocence. This is a basic foundation of our freedom.
I think that if I followed you round filming you in case you broke the law then you would get pretty pissed off. Besides how could you prove your innocence when nI am filming you because of something I think you might do?
Please let me explain where I am coming from! I do not have a problem with hunting, as I have said before, many of my friends hunt, my partner has taken our horse in the past, I have followed, quite regularly in the past. I just find it totally unacceptable when some people think it is ok to try and intimidate and be rude to others because they do not approve of their actions. If someone was filming the hunt to try and promote hunting they would have no objection then I suppose. I wouldnt go around filming personally, because to be honest i am not that bothered what the hunt does and have got better things to do, if they hunt illegally thats up to them, but i do object to their attitude towards people sometimes. I have experienced first hand their rudeness, when i have encountered them on a couple of occcasions. I know others that have experienced this on occasions too. If the hunt want to have the ban lifted and gain more support they need to alter their image and be seen to be more down to earth and friendly. They will not gain support otherwise! this will always be a subject that encourages heated debates. But it would be nice if everyone could conduct themselves in a polite and considerate manner.
I will never be able to tolerate intimidation and rudeness and am fed up with this discussion. I have better things to do.
[quoteIyou wrote what if someone was going to work or somewhere important, what about them? the hunt would not be blocking their path, simple answer.
You seem to know that the hunt does deliberately block peoples paths, or how would you know they would not be blocking someone's path that was going somewhere important, if this path blocking thing was being done innocently? Sounds a bit suspect to me!!
you however seem happy to mow anybody down.
[quoteHow do we know? None of us watching had any idea in what context that footage was taken: the road ahead may well have been blocked making it impossible for the field to get out of the way.
Do you believe everything you see on television?
[quoteIyou wrote what if someone was going to work or somewhere important, what about them? the hunt would not be blocking their path, simple answer.
You seem to know that the hunt does deliberately block peoples paths, or how would you know they would not be blocking someone's path that was going somewhere important, if this path blocking thing was being done innocently? Sounds a bit suspect to me!!
you however seem happy to mow anybody down.
What a very childish and personal statement. Because of course, you know me personally and have video evidence of me committing such an offence!!!! Have you run out of adult things to say?