New User
Hi everyone,This is my first post anyway im a 14 year old boy who has been riding for about 3 years and i now feel im ready for my own horse/pony.My family doesnt6 get much money as its a single parent family me and my 2 brothers and my mum.My mums income is not enough to support a horse or ponies livery and all the other needs per week and i woudnt like to ask her for her to give me money for my passion as it wouldnt be fair on her or anyone else.I paid for my own riding lessons by doing a paper round but 2 months ago the paper had to close down so i have had to go without riding lessons for a couple of months (Its been hard!!!).Im looking for a new small job but even i know that this definetly wont pay for a horses keep a week and all the other costs.What im wondering is there anyone out there like me who knows how i could possibly get a hore or pony,Like is there a way i can make the money per week to keep a horse right now.I also have already loaned a horse for a year so i really want my own.I have saved about 300 so far so im on my way but How can i make the money per week to get a horse or is it impossible? <span style="color:blue"> </span>