yeah, I don'twant to put anything in that isnt necessary, so just wanted something basic to add a multivitamin (D&H) to. I'm just one of these 'keep it simple' kind of people.
What about Happy Hoof or D & H Safe and Sound? Both are more interesting than Hi-Fi Lite. My lami's love Safe & Sound whereas they've went off the Hi-fi. I find Safe & Sound also keeps fresher longer.
i feed hifi good doer to both my miniature shetland and my gypsy cob and they both do very well on it and dont get fat or fizzy what so ever, my friend also had a sugar intolerant highland pony and he gets high fi good doer too and has no problems what so ever, have you thought about kwick beet or similar as thats sugar free???? and very high fibre
I got all paranoid about mollasses last year and cut it all out of my mare's feed, fed her on Simple Systems feeds. She hated it, lost all her sparkle and tons of weight and it gave her ealry laminitic signs.
She is now on Top Spec products and Hifi lite and doing just fine, so my feeling now is that a little bit of mollasses isn't that bad!