high temp virus , good luck vibes


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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so my 6 year old seemed quite flat coming in from the field on friday night , quiet but eating , checked his temp as was quiet for him , was 39.7 called vets who came within an hour m temp had reached 40 and heart rate was 60 , no other signg no colic , had regualr checks through the night and temp initally came down , monday started t spike again , still remained bright and eating , no coughing or nasal discharge and no enlarged lymph nodes anywere , bloods showing inflammation / and very slight rasied liver enzymes also , having more bloods run today , diagosis list is some sort of viral / perititonisis but not showing colic signs at all .

no sleep for a week and regualr checks , i was supposed to be at somerford as well ton the sat , so glad i checked him as wouldnt have known , and potentially could have made him ten times worse ,

see what the bloods show today , poss referal if needed also


Active Member
19 December 2007
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One of the horses at our yard had the same, had the vet out a huge dose of Finadyne (sp!) And a few days of bute he felt much better. No visible signs nothing untoward so werid but a complete worry


Well-Known Member
2 May 2007
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I've had this twice with the same horse. First time v high temp no other symptoms, recovered over next few days, presumed viral. Second time she was really poorly, no appetite, v high temp and very wobbly, vet was worried about peritonitis so he sent her to vet school. She had colangiohepatits. Actually recovered quite quickly but needed weeks of antibiotics.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2020
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Mine had this but his temp was 41.5!! Vet couldn't believe that he was still standing!
No cough or nasal discharge, blood test just indicated that he had an infection but no way of knowing if it was viral or bacterial. Definitely not strangles, EHV or flu.
Temperature came down within 24 hours once antibiotics and pain relief was started and after about 4 days he was back to his normal self.
We never found out what it was but it was scary for a while !


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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Yep I agree vets been back out today and temp at 39 still and heart rate increased again at 56 but still eating and bright as. A button x


Well-Known Member
8 August 2014
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When my mare was younger…in the springtime of her 5th and 6th year she came down with high temps and the vet and I investigated but decided it was just an immature immune system fighting off exposure to a new virus..my oldie wasn’t affected at all. I hope this is all that is happening with your horse.