Hind Bilateral Suspensory Damage


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6 February 2011
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Hi all

Some much needed advice and experience needed.....

My horse has just been diagnosed with a Hind bilateral suspensory injury, the vet is 95% sure its this and is coming back Thursday to scan.

A little back ground information for you, Oscar is a 13yo ex racehorse. He retired sound in 2009, since then I have been re schooling him in the hope of doing Dressage. He is currently working at prelim/novice level and was this year was hoping to make the transition to BD.
Oscar hasn't been ridden since December 2013, he began bucking as I asked for the transition into canter in mid December, I got his back looked at and found he had pain over the wither area, he was rested for 3 weeks and as I suspected the bad back was due to the saddle. The fitter came out and fitted saddle again, which was found to be tight over withers (very high withered TB).
A couple of days after this on the 5th of feb 2014 he managed to cause a laceration to his right hind frog and bulb, he original trotted up sound (on hard surface). Vet came out to this injury and cleaned and dressed it, I followed all instructions they gave to me, however 3 weeks after the initial injury, Oscar was 2/10th lame on hard surface in a straight line. Vet back out and found that the wound had healed but left a Protruding mass of granulation tissue from frog. This was then excised, bandaged and antibiotics given, vet advised on putting hind shoes on to lift the hoof off the ground, this was done.

It is now 3 weeks after the shoes went on frog wound healed, but Oscar is still lame and not right in his gait and dosnt look right in his movement.

Vet came back out last night, Oscar sound on hard ground in a straight line and on a circle, lame on a surface. Nerve block carried out from fetlock down to rule out previous injury. Still lame after block, so blocked suspensory on right hind, he came sound on the right hind but then showed lameness on the left hind 1-2/10ths.

Vet coming back Thursday to scan and to make a plan, vet given me a range of options to consider including shockwave and steroid injection, Platelet-rich plasma treatment or Neurectomy.

Just wanting to hear of your experiences of horses that have had these treatments and if they recovered and/or the injury has reoccurred.

Thank you for taking the time to read and I apologise in advance for any spelling or grammar errors.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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Mine!!!! End of season last year, fit sharp warmblood progressing well in showing classes competitively, lateral work and jumping at home, suddenly 'cannot' break over into canter...turns out to be hind suspensory damage....has all of winter on box rest with shockwave, slowly brought back into work with extra large horse walker and swimming plus controlled turnout, now sound as a pound


Active Member
6 February 2011
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Thank you for replay, very interesting..... I have read a lot on the internet and all state that hind limb suspensory damage is very tricky to treat. How long was it from onset of injury to soundness??? Im not feeling very Hopeful at the moment.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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It's very straightforward don't worry and don't believe everything you read on the internet

Where are you based if you don't mind me asking? I've found the quality of vet is very important


Active Member
6 February 2011
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Yes im with a very good vet.....normally have the same one out so he knows the horse really well (he can be very temperamental at time, the horse that is).


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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Then relax, it's a very straightforward rehab and as long as you follow the rules you get your horse back...btw the bucking in the beginning might have been a symptom of the ligament damage


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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IME its not as straightforward as you might think. My ex-racer has PSD and had the double neurectomy - if you search PSD on here you will find loads of threads. Various options available, my horse's suspensories were frayed so the shockwave etc wouldn't work and my vet (Sue Dyson) rated the surgery as a higher chance of getting him back into work.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
Hampshire / Berkshire
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I have a gelding that did a hind suspensory ,he is an Advanced endurance horse.

He did his injury at the end of the season 2010. He was given all the treatment which including Shockwave, Steroid injection and Platelet-rich plasma treatment. We slowly built up the fitness and in August 2011 he completed a 40k endurance ride sound and rearing to go. He has continued to compete successfully. He charges around the field even in all the mud during the winter and still remains sound.

The answer to returning to work is slow Rehab. Plenty of walking to build up the strength in the ligament.