Hip Hip Hooray...Brief Lesson Report time!


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Maybe this one actually will be brief... :D

After the recent confidence thread I started on here, I decided to go easy on myself and remember I've got a lot going on to try to leave behind while I'm riding (my research data analysis phase really is coming along which is fab but it's intense and my poor Brian is quite tired! Also had a really tough meeting on Monday; advocating/standing up for myself and unfortunately that's not going down well so I feel quite anxious about how it will pan out). So the only goals I had for my lesson were...get to know the horse, get to know the instructor, and Just. Have. Fun!

I've got a new horse love in gorgeous O who I clicked with straight away (we may have a new favourite!) - I like his 'Black Beauty' looking face and that he seems to be a chill kind of dude who gives you a bit more when you ask for it (and you ride properly). Goal one...check!

This is my second lesson with this instructor. Last time I nearly ran her over. She was very good about it. I noted she did not opt to stand in the middle of the arena this time haha! She's recognised the confidence thing straight away and is giving me some great exercises to work on my position. My hips feel soooo tight. I really need to yoga or something. I think there's a physical link to all the stresses I've got going on at the moment. I could really feel it even struggling to use one of my legs at all for lateral movement. Some no stirrups work helped a bit but planning to actually try to do something about this outside of my lessons to help more. Goal two...check!

Goal three...big huge check! It wasn't my best or tidiest riding and we said farewell to the corners in canter but we had some canter (actually a fair bit I'd say) and it was really fun! I was chatting away to O (lots of 'good boy' when we were getting the steps on our spiralling out trot circle), and counting randomly (it's supposed to be the strides, and I come out with stuff like "I'm just saying random stuff so that I breathe...doo doo doo...lalala!" - when I'm nervous I don't say much at all so it's a good sign!).

Thanks for reading, and Happy Friday and BH weekend everyone! :D


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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sounds really productive, well done. good start to the weekend :)

re your tightness, check out some equipilates classes, if there's nothing near you in person there are still lots going on online. I do classes with Jo Titterton and would def recommend those (Jo Titterton Dressage and Equipilates on FB), if you just do the equipilates you get 2 classes a week which are done via FB and it's only £20 for the month, you can either join in live or do it yourself later on (I just fit them in as and when). I find the exercises really useful for activating the right things and stretching the tight things.


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6 March 2011
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.................... My hips feel soooo tight. I really need to yoga or something. I think there's a physical link to all the stresses I've got going on at the moment. I could really feel it even struggling to use one of my legs at all for lateral movement. Some no stirrups work helped a bit but planning to actually try to do something about this outside of my lessons to help more. Goal two...check!


Absolutely there is a direct link between mental tension being reflected in physical tension.. (it's exactly the same with horses .. and horses will feel if their rider / handler is tense and become tense themselves... )

Re the leg and lateral movements be careful if you have tight hips .. if you pull your leg too far back you could strain your hip flexor muscles .. I find pilates really really excellent for all things riding..


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Absolutely there is a direct link between mental tension being reflected in physical tension.. (it's exactly the same with horses .. and horses will feel if their rider / handler is tense and become tense themselves... )
totally agree with this - I set my horse off into a meltdown a few weeks ago because I was stressed out of my eyeballs and I didn't leave it at the door o_O she felt my heartrate thumping away and joined in!

Don't know about any others but i find Jo's classes quite meditative as often the mobilising bits involve steady repetition of small movements and you sort of get in the zone and whatever was swirling around in my head drifts away. she also gives good examples of things you can do immediately before riding which are helpful.


Have Marmite, will travel
12 November 2017
South Oxfordshire
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Great report, am really thrilled for you!
You have much to deal with and if the RS can be your haven away from the World Outside that’s brilliant ?.
O sounds a really lovely lad. It’s important (for me) to know, trust and actually like the horse I’m riding.
Second yoga/Pilates for stretching, core strength and balance, it so does make a difference.
Looking forward to more updates ?


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
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Re the leg and lateral movements be careful if you have tight hips .. if you pull your leg too far back you could strain your hip flexor muscles .. I find pilates really really excellent for all things riding..

Yep as soon as I took my stirrups away my hip flexors went "hellooooo!" Things did improve and my stirrups went down about 6 or 7 holes when I took them back.

totally agree with this - I set my horse off into a meltdown a few weeks ago because I was stressed out of my eyeballs and I didn't leave it at the door o_O she felt my heartrate thumping away and joined in!

Don't know about any others but i find Jo's classes quite meditative as often the mobilising bits involve steady repetition of small movements and you sort of get in the zone and whatever was swirling around in my head drifts away. she also gives good examples of things you can do immediately before riding which are helpful.

These classes sound great I will check them out. Sounds like something tailored with riding in mind would be really helpful. Everything feels so clicky and clunky, I'm sure because of the lockdowns and working at home so much!


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
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Adding this week's lesson report here because it probably doesn't need a new thread and today's lesson was a nice follow on from the one I posted about in this thread.

Back on lovely O again. It is love - I want to bring him home! I've just emailed to check out whether RS mind pics of the horses being shared on social media etc so hopefully I can share a nice pic of him with you soon. He must think he is the best boy ever because he got a 'good boy' and a scratch for just about everything today - transition up, transition down, leg yield, standing still, just...existing... :D

I'm really pleased this instructor has focused on sorting out my legs. I struggle to get them back under me and she was able to highlight this through getting me to stand up in my stirrups and notice how they would swing forwards and make me sit down/swing forwards as part of me sitting down on purpose. I could understand the theory but physically was finding it a challenge to bring my leg back into the right place consistently (last week left hip complained, this week it was right knee). After a bit of work in WTC and some leg yields we did a bit of trot without stirrups, maybe just a few circles on each rein, and it really made a difference. It was also more secure than last time as I'd been gripping on one side before but less so today.

Better canter work this week too. Managed to sustain the canter for much longer (braver Brian this time :D) and the difference after the no stirrups work was fab (if my legs aren't swinging in trot then they're gripping in canter, farewell stirrups!) Still need to get in those corners properly but I'm sure we'll nail those soon. :)

@milliepops thank you for the recommendation, I've sent Jo a message and will look forward to giving the classes a try. For £20 for a month it definitely seems worth a go :)


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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excellent :)
I've been re-doing old classes a bit lately for some extras, currently driving MIL's car as mine is on the blink and it sets my back pain off terribly as the seats are so uncomfortable. it's been a lifesaver. hopefully you will notice a benefit. x


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
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excellent :)
I've been re-doing old classes a bit lately for some extras, currently driving MIL's car as mine is on the blink and it sets my back pain off terribly as the seats are so uncomfortable. it's been a lifesaver. hopefully you will notice a benefit. x

I have just got round to actually starting the Equipilates videos (just done a couple this evening) and have a very good feeling about it. Big fan of the spiky balls! Wondering if I can do the rolling seat bones over them in the car before I get on for my next lesson - feels like it would make a huge difference. Even if it doesn't make miracles with the riding it is already providing huge relief from tension from sitting too much and being fairly consistently stressed af at the moment!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Don't know how I missed this thread, but lessons sound fabulous now. Love O, he has such a kind face.

I use this DVD... https://www.amazon.co.uk/ExercisesForInjuries-com-Unlock-Your-Hip-Flexors/dp/B073ZY7GK9

I am sure there is a lot cheaper, even free on Youtube, but this is 10 minutes a day, follow along, quick and effective.

I will look at Jo Titterton though.

Your new instructor sounds very good. Half of being a trainer/coach is providing the space: mentally, physically, chronologically, specially and spiritually, for someone to learn. I can see that this one has this as you now feel confident to express yourself verbally, even when you know it is lalalala that you are talking. You have been given the safe space to explore that. Learning always follows when you can reach this playful exploration. I wish more trainers could provide this.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
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Don't know how I missed this thread, but lessons sound fabulous now. Love O, he has such a kind face.

I use this DVD... https://www.amazon.co.uk/ExercisesForInjuries-com-Unlock-Your-Hip-Flexors/dp/B073ZY7GK9

I am sure there is a lot cheaper, even free on Youtube, but this is 10 minutes a day, follow along, quick and effective.

I will look at Jo Titterton though.

Your new instructor sounds very good. Half of being a trainer/coach is providing the space: mentally, physically, chronologically, specially and spiritually, for someone to learn. I can see that this one has this as you now feel confident to express yourself verbally, even when you know it is lalalala that you are talking. You have been given the safe space to explore that. Learning always follows when you can reach this playful exploration. I wish more trainers could provide this.

Yes she is good, a bit tricky to book in with (presumably quite popular) so not back with her for a couple of weeks. I'm back at the other riding school on Friday this week. Hoping I can rebuild my confidence with S as we got on so well last summer but since my share I've struggled a bit with her as she is more forward going - previously was quite enjoying some of the ease of this! O does have forward in him but will equally happily plod which has helped me feel safe and ready to push forwards again :)


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Don't know how I missed this thread, but lessons sound fabulous now. Love O, he has such a kind face.

I use this DVD... https://www.amazon.co.uk/ExercisesForInjuries-com-Unlock-Your-Hip-Flexors/dp/B073ZY7GK9

I am sure there is a lot cheaper, even free on Youtube, but this is 10 minutes a day, follow along, quick and effective.

I will look at Jo Titterton though.

Your new instructor sounds very good. Half of being a trainer/coach is providing the space: mentally, physically, chronologically, specially and spiritually, for someone to learn. I can see that this one has this as you now feel confident to express yourself verbally, even when you know it is lalalala that you are talking. You have been given the safe space to explore that. Learning always follows when you can reach this playful exploration. I wish more trainers could provide this.

I looked at Jo Titterton and tried to book, but the only way to access the lessons is to befriend her on Facebook. I have an issue with this, I only have friends on Facebook and I don't know the lady, so can't book! She didn't have any alternatives. Hey ho.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
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I looked at Jo Titterton and tried to book, but the only way to access the lessons is to befriend her on Facebook. I have an issue with this, I only have friends on Facebook and I don't know the lady, so can't book! She didn't have any alternatives. Hey ho.

Yes I can see where you're coming from with that. I see updates from her personal page in my feed sometimes now and get a bit confused about who it is!

The Xmas Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
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It's not about me seeing what is on her page, I don't invite everyone onto mine!
You put them on restricted, means you are 'friends' but they can only see your profile pic and any public post you might do as well as any post you tag them in, effectively not being friends.
Hope this helps. I have 3 trainers on restricted and I'm not 'following' one at all.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2010
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Very glad you enjoy your lesson with the new instructor and horse who looks very wise.
You have my sympathy re aching brain and work - I’m hopeless and standing up for myself.


Your new instructor sounds very good. Half of being a trainer/coach is providing the space: mentally, physically, chronologically, specially and spiritually, for someone to learn. I can see that this one has this as you now feel confident to express yourself verbally, even when you know it is lalalala that you are talking. You have been given the safe space to explore that. Learning always follows when you can reach this playful exploration. I wish more trainers could provide this.

This really resonates with me. I am feeling rather discouraged in a lessons with one particular instructor - which is a shame as instructor is very knowledgeable. I want to learn the technical stuff and I hate lessons where you feel you are just going through the motions and not learning, however,
I feel like everything I do is wrong. It doesn’t help that I’m self critical and tend to spiral in negative thinking. I’ve stopped enjoying the lessons and it feels like an expensive chore. But I feel like I should be making the most of my lovely horse having lessons etc while I still can because he isn’t getting any younger (neither am I!) . Sorry for the off-topic whinge on your thread @SaddlePsych'D


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
In My Head
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Very glad you enjoy your lesson with the new instructor and horse who looks very wise.
You have my sympathy re aching brain and work - I’m hopeless and standing up for myself.

This really resonates with me. I am feeling rather discouraged in a lessons with one particular instructor - which is a shame as instructor is very knowledgeable. I want to learn the technical stuff and I hate lessons where you feel you are just going through the motions and not learning, however,
I feel like everything I do is wrong. It doesn’t help that I’m self critical and tend to spiral in negative thinking. I’ve stopped enjoying the lessons and it feels like an expensive chore. But I feel like I should be making the most of my lovely horse having lessons etc while I still can because he isn’t getting any younger (neither am I!) . Sorry for the off-topic whinge on your thread @SaddlePsych'D

No need to apologise :)

A little different for me as I'm not on my own horse but I can relate to the inner critic getting going for sure! I have also had times of thinking of not wanting to go to my lesson as progress feels painfully slow. It feels a bit the wrong way round but I'm finding letting go of the need to progress quite helpful! The main goal every time is to enjoy the lesson and I don't mind how that happens or what I do within the lesson as long as I'm having fun. Interestingly I think I'm probably making more progress now than I was before.

Is your instructor someone you could talk to about how you're feeling? Maybe they could relate to losing enthusiasm at times (I'm sure it must happen more often than we think) and help you think of things you could do to bring that joy back? With both my instructors I really value that I can talk to them about what's going on for me mentally as well as physically, I don't think I'd stick with them if I couldn't do that as the two things are so connected.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2010
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Thankyou for your kind reply!

I think you are completely right about needing to let go of the need to progress and just try and enjoy it. I had tried to do that in last lesson but things didn’t go as planned.

I think I will have a week or so off (a rest after a competition this weekend) then book a solo lesson and try and have that conversation. One thing is I too have 2 instructors and find the other one very easy to talk to and she is very encouraging even when I’m being negative!

Looking forward to your next lesson report ?

No need to apologise :)

A little different for me as I'm not on my own horse but I can relate to the inner critic getting going for sure! I have also had times of thinking of not wanting to go to my lesson as progress feels painfully slow. It feels a bit the wrong way round but I'm finding letting go of the need to progress quite helpful! The main goal every time is to enjoy the lesson and I don't mind how that happens or what I do within the lesson as long as I'm having fun. Interestingly I think I'm probably making more progress now than I was before.

Is your instructor someone you could talk to about how you're feeling? Maybe they could relate to losing enthusiasm at times (I'm sure it must happen more often than we think) and help you think of things you could do to bring that joy back? With both my instructors I really value that I can talk to them about what's going on for me mentally as well as physically, I don't think I'd stick with them if I couldn't do that as the two things are so connected.