hmmm not sure what to call post, but justa general problem


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
In the Saddle
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so with my last year at school and the last few weeks being CRAZY!!!!! its has calmed down now, Rupert is living out, now i like my horses quite lean (eventing lean) But we wont be doing any BE untill april so i am doing BD and bsja, maybe some jump cross and xc practice and regular beach visits and also to the gallops.

So as he different breeding than i am used to (hanoverinxtb) i am just wantign to make sure i am doing right by him with regards to excersise, feed etc etc.

He is fed at the moment alfa a oil, Ride and relax, Magic supplement for calming, and feedmark vit something, and also cortaflex liquid and also feedmark joijnt supplement.
Once we get going more with work i think i will need to put him on some conditioning mix or sugar beat as our grazing is not great.
With regards to riding, today is his day off, tomorrow fitness, wed, flatwork in school, thursday, fitness, friday, schooling in school, saturday, beach and sunday will be schooling, probaly some jump schooling.

My problem really is that i am perfroming a dressage test for sally merrison (chief selector for junior team) andway i am slight embaressd as he is by no means fat or skinny but not loads of muscle, what i mean is that not the best condition he coudl be in! I am just going to be embaressed and i only have 10 days untill i ride the test for her! arggghhhhhhhh

pointless post i think but just bit dissapointed in myself! argh

any comment on my fitness, riding routine?

he also has magnets, ice, cold gel, cold hosing, and massage once a week by mesefl! lol


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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That seems fine, you feeding him the right amount, if he is nor fat nor skinny. Now would be the best time to work on muscle I would say, keep the weight on obviously, increasing feed, but increase workload. Doing exercises, circles etc.. to help. Maybe try lungning, that helped my horse loads to get some muscle on her. Also you could try some supplements like bodybuilder, but some people would disagree with me. Or change her onto some conditing mix to improve her condition.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
2 May 2006
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I wouldn't do fitness work after a day off, but that might be purely personal. I just always try and build up to the hard work from a day off.

I am sure Sally will be looking for a good correct test and as look as he looks well I wouldn't worry.


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
In the Saddle
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I see what you mean by he fitness, its just how it works with my school times, i think i may have it lighter with regards to what i am asking on the tuesday


Well-Known Member
23 March 2003
East Anglia
Gosh.............don't tell my lot, they don't get nearly that amount of tlc!

Seriously, although I don't know how much of each you're feeding, I am an old fashioned feeder...........and if he looks OK you must be feeding OK!

Regarding the Sally Merrison do, I understand how you want him to look his best, however she will be more interested in how he goes rather than what he looks like, if you get my meaning, particularly when you tell her you've not had him that long and are working on his condition etc.
Is it a training clinic or a demo for others?
Whichever, enjoy it and report back!!!!!!!!!!

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
Just one question... why are you feeding both cortaflex and feedmark's joint supplement? That's a waste of money - choose one or the other as they both do the same thing!

Kate x


Well-Known Member
20 October 2005
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That is exactly what i was thinking!!

I am thinking that 10 days is a little to shorter time span for you to make any great changes to your horses top line! i event and do BD with mare, who does very very well in her dressage- she definatly does not have a great topline, probably good compared to most typical eventers, but poor compared to typical dressage horses!

I echo everyone else, go and have a good time and dont worry, if she does comment about his topline, then you already know this is an issue, and having someone like her telling will only back up your own thoughts yeah??

From a feeding point of view, i have had alot of success with various 'poor' muscled horses with feeds like blue chip,top spec, and my favorite is teh allen and page calm and condition which did wonders for hunky's muscles! i would also suggest reducing your fittening work to once ever 4 days rather than evety other day and introduce lungeing in a pessoa

Hope that helps!

Edited to say- i assume you will be starting at PN BE next year? if so your neddie definatly does not need fittening work 3 times a week for pre novice, there is getting them fit, and loosing control and condition becasue tehy are too fit!!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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My trainer always says after a day of hard muscle useage (proper schooling or lunge work) the muscles need a day of rest to build up - so school - hack - lunge - hack may be more beneficial