hmmm t'would TFT doesn't prevent you from riding like a numpty..


Well-Known Member
30 July 2003
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Had a TFT session with Jo this morning. It was EXTREMELY emotional for me as I realised a few things from my past had been affecting me that I hadn't thought about (or maybe hadn't wanted to think about
Anyway went off for a jumping session straight after. We hired a local indoor school with tons of jumps and fillers. Built a decent course with fillers etc. Chance was jumping fantastically and I felt so confident on him
even if I didn't get the stride completely right I stayed sat up and didn't chuck the rein at him so he helped me out (instead of slamming on the anchors)
I then got a bit cocky and had them put up to about 3' 6". All was fine until at one spread I couldn't see a stride so paniced chance responded to my panic by stopping at the last minute........but I carried on
. It was weird though because it really didn't seem to bother me, in fact as I hit the deck (taking the fence with me) I was laughing

I got back on and carried on and everything still seemed fine but then I rode a corner crap, paniced and chance stopped again and yet again I fell off

This time my poor lad was thoroughly upset (I haven't fallen off prior to today for about 4 years). We put the fences right back down for him and let him just have a little pop to get his confidence back up and called it a day.
I was really angry with myself for not just calling it a day when he was going well, but I know the height of the fences weren't the issue it was me panicing about not seeing a stride and freezing on him.
I must say though that the TFT has obviously helped because under normal circumstances I would be distraught and reliving what went wrong and dwelling on it (ok I'm reliving a bit for you lot but hey it is quite funny that I dit the deck twice I think you'll agree
), today I'm sort of "oh well we had a bad day next time will be better"
Sooooo I'm going to call Jo and maybe have another session to address this panic about not seeing a stride (something we didn't cover today)
and hopefully I've done this years quota of falls in one session


Well-Known Member
19 March 2004
Emm good for you!!! (I think, and ouch for the falls!!) TFT is amazing isnt it? I cant quite describe how it works, yet things that you would be nearly having a canary over seem like normal every day things to you!! Its mental!!! Im having another session with Jo soon, my cantering a round of fences still isnt solved, and I think I need another go at sorting out my fear of jumping bigger fences!!

Well done you though!!


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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yeah but the brilliant thing is when you fall it doesn't become the mahousive issue it did before...I have landed laughing a few times since my sessions!!!