Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any thoughts on what might cause an area of bruising on each side of the heel/quarters on all 4 hooves? I'll try to get some pics later, but basically there's more or less an area about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way down the hoof (so from an event about 8 months ago?), towards the heel of all 4 feet. This is my injured 3 yr old, who has done nothing but in-hand, has done minimal in hand road work. She normally lives on a mix of surfaces including a yard with good fine agregate standing, a small area of concrete, a turnout with good footing, ditto a track, and turnout on grass through the summer. I've now owned her just under 18 months. She has flat "splatty" feet with thin soles and can't seem to grow any heel. She lands toe first/flat and is footy on stones. She's been completely off grass since stifle injury op in october, but has been incredibly footy over the last couple of months - she's been in boots with pads for several weeks (and showing heel first landing in the boots). The footiness was previously only "ouchiness" over stones, even when she was out at grass last summer, it's become much worse since she's been confined on box/small pen rest these last 4 months.
Anyway, I didn't notice the bruising until recently, as it's grown down from under the periople and general crud into a pale area of her hooves. I'm not aware of any event or trauma these bruises could tie in with..
Anyway, I didn't notice the bruising until recently, as it's grown down from under the periople and general crud into a pale area of her hooves. I'm not aware of any event or trauma these bruises could tie in with..