Hopetoun BE Novice report


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
Hi all.

So I was writing for the dressage judge on sat at Hopetoun and then when finished, went off and walked the 100a and Novice xc course.

I was originally entered to do the 100 but on walking the xc and hearing from others who were also walking it, I think they have made the novice there a bit easier than in previous years as I honestly didn't think there was anything we couldn't do.

Put on my brave pants and asked if it would be poss to move classes. Kindly they said I could :). Think there was a wait list for the 100.
So on the Sunday I headed over and walked it again. Was still pleased with my decision so tacked up and headed to dressage

38.5 dr which I know could be better if we could sort the tension but still no worse than we get at 100 (or at 90, or 80 it would seem!)

SJ was a disaster. Not the size, mostly muppet jockey who hasn't really noticed the carnage that the double at fence 6 was causing. My horse is not spooky at all and we were going clear until then when he stopped at the first part :confused:! This was happening a lot through the day but I hadn't really noticed this so didn't ride any different and as he's not a spooky horse I just assumed he'd be fine! Anyway represented and he then jumped it fine, but the stop had worried him so he then had two down. Ended up with 9 time also:(.

Headed over to xc. He felt really good in the warm up, jumped a couple of fences one on an angle then headed to the start. I was a little nervous but a friend was doing the xc stewarding and said all the right things!

Set off and flew the first 3. They were log, sticky fence thing, and roll top. Then the rain came and came!! By the time I was coming to fence 14 I couldn't see where I was going!

fence 4 was a box brush, a few strides onto 5abc which was a large rustic house thing, 3 strides to a ski jump/drop(with huge ditch behind - rider frightener) then 4 strides to a skinny up a hill. Fence 6 was a wide white table, and onto a roll top in the trees on an angle and down to fence 8abc, a hexagonal roll top thing, one stride to a drop, then three strides to a (very) narrow skinny brush. there was an alternative to 'c' which was the 100 skinny and was on a much tighter right turn, but doable.

Brave little grey jumped his heart out but we collected 20 penalties as he had a spook on approach to fence 8, we were about 5 strides away and I hadn't presented but I think it was in the grey area of setting up for the fence. Anyway not to worry, popped it and went for the tight turn to the alternative at C which he did easily. carried onto fence 9 another table which he backed off alot at but still jumped. fence 10 was a pheasant feeder and flew it - I then went the wrong side of the string :rolleyes: so quick turn round and on the right track - heading for 11ab which was a narrow pair of kennels on a curve. was worried J would slip out the side door but he locked on and popped them. then turned right to head to the owl hole which a few had miss walked. It started a conversation on the day about whether you count your fences as you ride round - I always do but lots of people don't.
Anyway, pinged through the owl hole and headed to the water. it was an upturned boat in, then a small jump in the water - for some reason we always grind to a trot in water, but he popped it easily from trot and onto fence 14. this was a branch of a tree, with a whiskey barrel underneath, 5 strides to fence 15 a wide table. Was an easy line but he backed off and ended up banking it which was a bit :eek::eek::(. He carried on fine, but I was really having to keep leg on and drive at the big fences.

popped the next viaduct fence, then round to pallisade 17ab, with 'b' being a skinny on a curve - no problems for him there and onto the last which was a roll top.

came through the finish with his ears pricked (helmet cam doesn't lie :)) but for me, I feel he is not ready for this level yet - and me as a rider needs to buck my ideas up and start riding more accurately - I managed to go the wrong side of the string, and at the last event ended up jumping the wrong ditch so Jockey needs a telling off!!

Horse on the other hand, has had plenty of polo mints, hugs, and pats for having a heart of gold. i am going to stick to 100's now for the remaining season to boost his confidence. I have no doubt he has the ability to do it, but i'd rather build on his confidence more and try again another season.

Shame about the 20 pens as he doesn't deserve it, but my new plan is to aim to get our dressage down to the early 30's at 100. fingers crossed! :)

Pics (I have permission to post!):

Fence 5b

Fence 6

Pretty galloping one:


Well-Known Member
16 September 2010
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Great report, ooh-er about banking the table though- does he has Irish blood in him by any chance LOL?
Super pics, especially the galloping shot :)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
Love the ditch shot, classic rider frightener but great photo opportunity! Well done for getting him round :)

Thanks - that is a rider frightener but the horse doesn't see it at all. the only thing he did was back off a bit due to it being a drop. It also has a fence on either side so really helps to keep them going over it.

Nice jump really just looks scary. (and I was a little worried ;))

I just love that first photo. :) I really enjoy reading your reports.

Awww thanks :) I wish I was more gifted with words but I tend to write them as I like to record his progress and hope that others might like to read about it too. Glad you enjoy them :) :)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2005
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Sounds like a good decision to make sure you are both fully confident and firing on all cylinders again, the banking moment sounds abit scary!!

He looks like a lovely type and the galloping picture is great :D


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Wow. Great report & fab pictures, i love that first one :)

Well done & good luck for the rest of the season.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
Thanks all:)

TB - heading to Auchinleck 100, then Hendersyde 100. was going to do Cumwhinton Novice, but will aim for 100 now. Probably then do Hutton and wee burgie to finish. Depends on funds, weather etc!

JA - He didn't seem bothered by the banking episode, but people watching said it wasn't nice as he clattered it. For me I just felt him slide over the fence! You can't even hear the clattering on the Hat cam either. Although the rain was absolutely bouncing off the table.

It has been suggested that I grease him up for Novice if I do it again - is that good advice?


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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Lovely pics especially the ditch/bridge one :D and they certainly show that his scope isn't a factor so I'm sure you'll both be flying round novices sooner rather than later!

Looking at your plans will miss seeing you at Eden this weekend :(


Well-Known Member
17 February 2008
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Brill :)

Re. Greasing up no I wldnt, I only do it in 3days when they may get tired? It might of worked up as a wake up call for both of u at the time. I wld prefer a horse that jumps cleanly! He seems clever enough 2 pick his feet up, I wldnt worry 2 much :)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
Lovely pics especially the ditch/bridge one :D and they certainly show that his scope isn't a factor so I'm sure you'll both be flying round novices sooner rather than later!

Looking at your plans will miss seeing you at Eden this weekend :(

Love that pic, although I should also get the next in the sequence of the table fence - he's giving it masses of room. Maybe thats what worried him.

Good luck at Eden, sorry I'll not see you. Maybe see you at one of the others? You going to wee burgie? I'm planning on going up the night before and staying the sat night to make a weekend of it :)

Brill :)

Re. Greasing up no I wldnt, I only do it in 3days when they may get tired? It might of worked up as a wake up call for both of u at the time. I wld prefer a horse that jumps cleanly! He seems clever enough 2 pick his feet up, I wldnt worry 2 much :)

Thanks :) I didn't think he needed grease, but I did notice every other horse was. And a few at the 100 and 90!

Super pics. Love the one with the bridge behind :)

Isn't it brill, shame about my position though, could do with having shorter reins and being more with the movement rather than behind - reins were far too long really for steering to the last part. Need to practice that (or as my Mum used to do - tie knots in them :D;) - maybe continental reins would be better)


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
South Wales
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Brill :)

Re. Greasing up no I wldnt, I only do it in 3days when they may get tired? It might of worked up as a wake up call for both of u at the time. I wld prefer a horse that jumps cleanly! He seems clever enough 2 pick his feet up, I wldnt worry 2 much :)

That doesn't make any sense as they'd generally be fresher at a 3 day for the XC as it's on a different day to the dressage and they haven't SJed beforehand.

If in doubt do would be my advice at Novice level, it was probably a one off but wouldn't do any harm.

AF, lovely pics! Those broken bridge things are always realy rider frighteners but generally ride well and they're a fantastic photo op!


Well-Known Member
2 October 2008
New Zealand
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Well done for being brave and going for the N in the first place!

Sounds like you are almost there but dropping back down and solidifying a few elements is never going to hurt and you'll be flying over the Novice tracks next year.

Love J, he is so cool and you have some of the best matchy matchy I've seen :D


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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That doesn't make any sense as they'd generally be fresher at a 3 day for the XC as it's on a different day to the dressage and they haven't SJed beforehand.

I was meaning in re. 2 the xc being longer and tougher - makes sense 2 me. Each 2 there own.

I think the point at a 3DE (where I would always grease - never have done at a ODE) is that you are reliant on having a sound horse the following day. So if a horse were to hit a fence at a ODE and have a bit of a big knee the next day it wouldn't be the end of the world but if it meant that it had a big knee and failed the trot-up at a 3DE (where if it had been greased it may have slid over the fence rather than banging it) it's a monumental disappointment, not to mention a huge waste of time and money.

AF - it does sound like the course was a bit softer, but still not to be underestimated. Lovely pics and well done for deciding to regroup for the next few runs.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
Great report and lovely pics - I didn't know you had sun in Scotland?! ;)

Ha ha! we don't, but usually the rain isn't as bad as a monsoon!

Well done for being brave and going for the N in the first place!

Sounds like you are almost there but dropping back down and solidifying a few elements is never going to hurt and you'll be flying over the Novice tracks next year.

Love J, he is so cool and you have some of the best matchy matchy I've seen :D

thanks :) I'm always trying to come up with new matchy ideas - I do have some hair extensions for his tail, but think thats for a trot up one day!

I was meaning in re. 2 the xc being longer and tougher - makes sense 2 me. Each 2 there own.

I think the point at a 3DE (where I would always grease - never have done at a ODE) is that you are reliant on having a sound horse the following day. So if a horse were to hit a fence at a ODE and have a bit of a big knee the next day it wouldn't be the end of the world but if it meant that it had a big knee and failed the trot-up at a 3DE (where if it had been greased it may have slid over the fence rather than banging it) it's a monumental disappointment, not to mention a huge waste of time and money.

AF - it does sound like the course was a bit softer, but still not to be underestimated. Lovely pics and well done for deciding to regroup for the next few runs.

That makes sense about the grease. I think I'll leave it for now (I was given a tub so it can just stay in the locker).

It looked softer than previous years when I walked it, although there were over 30 riders that were eliminated (out of 90) and I'm not sure if thats normal at novice or a high percentage?

I think for J its the boldness he needs to be able to attack them, that we don't quite have yet. He's honest enough to respond when I kick, and i'm not missing strides horribly so not putting him in awful places, but we definitely jump the fences better when we are locked on 3 strides out and I'm not having to really push hard. He's responsive enough that when I take a pull he listens etc and at 100 he finds it easy so i think if i keep doing some 100's to get that easy confidence back, then give him the winter and do some Newcomers/Foxhunters early next year he might then come out packing the punches and be really ready for it. At least thats what I hope :)

He is with me for life, so if Novice isn't his level then I'll keep him at 100, he's only 9 so I've plenty of time to take it slowly.

Brown girl

New User
10 June 2013
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Well done! Love the photos especially the one with the forth rd bridge? Don't suppose you saw any of the 4year old class my friend was taking her young horse


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
South Wales
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I think the point at a 3DE (where I would always grease - never have done at a ODE) is that you are reliant on having a sound horse the following day. So if a horse were to hit a fence at a ODE and have a bit of a big knee the next day it wouldn't be the end of the world but if it meant that it had a big knee and failed the trot-up at a 3DE (where if it had been greased it may have slid over the fence rather than banging it) it's a monumental disappointment, not to mention a huge waste of time and money.

Ah, yes, that would make sense!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
The pic of the Forth Bridge is really cool. It came out slightly lighter but the photographer said it would be better if slightly darken so edited it. (better that way - not sure i like bum shots :D)