Hormonal mare or ulcers


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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My girl has had a huge personality change under saddle. She is her usual self to handle on the ground but as soon as I tack her up she becomes very tense and over reacts to everything and is in a constant state of alert.
she is worked at least five days a week for no less that an hour hacking, 30-40 mins if schooling, reasonably fit as we are in hilly country and copes with her work and recovers from faster work quickly. So I don't think she is feeling like she has a lack of work.
However in the last week she has become very unpredictable and felt like I was sitting on a ticking time bomb! As soon as we walk out the yard she becomes very very tense, if even a twig has moved from where she expected it to be she will give a huge spook, when passing the fields she will snort and jog at best, take off if she can, past any livestock, be it other horses or sheep, where as before she would pass with no problem even if they were running around. She has spun a couple of times with me now, fast and sharp, and when I make her turn around and try to get her past the invisible monster she gets very light in front and will give a huge launch and an equally huge buck on landing.
She is the same in the School, she has gone from a horse who loves to be working in the school to tight tense and in a constant state of alarm, if she hears any noise she will erupt and take off in panic (especially if its children) I am not new to horses, far from a pro but able enough after 24 years of having them, but she has scared me purely because she for the first time has made me feel like she is oblivious to anything I am trying to get across to her when she is in this state.
She has her back done every three months,last check two weeks ago, her teeth were done last week, her saddle fits very well. She has always been a grump when tack was produced, but there was a tail swish the last couple of times and a bit of face pulling with rugs as well. However she also has just come into her first "true season of the year and to be blunt she is horny and this season does tie in time wise.
She is on no heating feeds at all, hi fi molasses free and fast fibre, only sups is her pink powder.
There is no change to her routine or the yard and very private yard so nobody can get in around the horses and spook them.
She was very fat as had to have last Summer off and is a very good do'er so I have been working on getting her weight down and she hasn't been allowed ad lib hay as she would gorge, so there is chunks of the day where she has nothing to eat as her field is bare, not a blade of grass to be seen! her weight is now pretty spot on for her type.
So what does it sound like to you guys? would you put her on a hormone sup and see if that works or would you get in touch with vet re ulcers?
Just don't like riding a raging bull..too old for such things!
Thank you if you have read this far xx


Well-Known Member
15 February 2009
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Ulcers could definitely be a possibility yes.

The way you describe her ridden is EXACTLY like my boy has become, both me and vets suspected ulcers for months until I finally had him scoped (after other things didnt work) no ulcers whatsoever however after x rays etc this week he has been diagnosed with arthritis.

His girthiness is seriously extreme and that has gone unexplained (for now) however, I think we can safely say that his ridden behaivour and the increased tenseness/spookiness was as a result of him being in pain.

If it were me i'd cut out all sugar from diet, as much fibre, ad lib hay and turnout as poss for 2 weeks and put her on a decent ulcer supplement (like Egusin) and see if there is an improvement.

If not, may be worth getting her scoped or other tests as it is likely she is in pain for some reason.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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I think you will find it's the start of spring, there probably is grass coming though even if we can't see it, and mares can be hormonal at this time of year. My own mare was an absolute witch a week or so ago.
I do think that ulcers is the 'new' kissing spines and navicular. It seems fashionable to jump on the bandwagon, I would imagine that the vets love the nice big bills they are producing, scoping every horse that spooks!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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Could def be ulcers best bet is to get a scope from your vet seen so many cases now and the symptoms can be so vague to extreme. There are lots of old post on ulcers if you search for them. Hope you get your horses sorted


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Thanks for replies folks. Im ruling out pain for now as when she is in pain she becomes very subdued and quiet, seeking out contact, only time she is sweet!
her season is passing now and she was a whole lot better to ride this afternoon. I thought I had timed it perfectly so the farm was quiet, but it turns out the pony club had hired the cross country and we met a cavalcade of trailers and lorries leaving as we were going along our normally very quiet road, she never turned a hair and watched them pass her then trotted along past all the thing that was sending her loopy for days!! even the killer white Shetland pony only got a small jog and a beady eye....yesterday it was trying to kill her!! maybe Im wrong but I'm leaning more towards hormones now. Just not going to give her a day off as such but a couple of quiet days a week till her seasons have settled down. If that doesn't work then I will have to think ulcers are the cause.
But thank you all, you gave me food for thought should she raise her raging bull head again! x