Horrible question


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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I haven’t ever wanted the ashes back, so go with the least expensive option. For us, it is the memories and photos that count.

We used the equine end of life service to find a local guy to come and do the two we lost this year. Really good, sensitive professional, who gave them a kind and stress-free end. Much better than our last experience with a vet pts, and much cheaper. You can get individual cremation through them also with ashes back if you want.


Mildred's Maid
21 October 2021
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Mine are taken away by the knackersman and cremated. I sympathise with you as I have a 29yr old, that I bred, who I will have to make the decision on.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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In my view when the animal is dead, the essence/soul has gone, I don't want the shell back. If I could keep the horse alive for ever, I would do but really don't see the point of having the ashes back. I have the memories and photos and we plant a tree/rose or something in commemoration. We have a weather vane in commemoration of a Clydesdale mare.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I think I am also nearing this decision (why do I feel like a traitor even saying it out loud?). We're still knocking along okay, but there is a slightly sense of frailty that there never was before, if that makes sense. So I was also going to post asking what people do with the body, because I've been fretting about it a lot. I think I would ideally like her buried where she's kept if possible, but I know that often isn't feasible. If not I think I'll have to pay for the private cremation, because I can't bear the thought of her being lumped in with everyone else, or going to the hunt. I'm not judging people for making those choices btw, it's just that she's beyond special to me. I've had her since I was 11 and I'm 32 now (she's 29) - I genuinely can't remember what life was like when she wasn't in it.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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My old lad is probably in his last winter. Those of you who have lost horses do you always have yours cremated? Thankyou

Yes all cremated and collected with fallen stock and cremated with no ashes coming back.

I always thought I'd have Bailey's ashes back, after 17yrs I thought I'd feel that way but wanted to put the £800 towards another.

And having had our previous dog back and finding her in the wardrobe after five years and now she is in the downstairs toilet, i wonder why we bothered. Seemed like a waste of money imho.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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Mine was lethal injection and then group cremation as I didn't want ashes back due to not being able to afford them and nowhere to put them.

I hated the thought of the gun so only wanted the injection.

Whatever you choose to do with regards to ashes make sure you take some tail hair you can get some lovely things made with it. I haven't yet due to memories being tarnished (not his fault) but have the hair should I wish to and have framed some lovely photos OH took

We did have the Alley Cat cremated despite having only had him a year but the ashes container is much more manageable - he sits in the spare room by the windowsill, the vet also took some whiskers and fur for us and they're in the bag with the card they gave us with his ashes


17 September 2022
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Mine was lethal injection and then group cremation as I didn't want ashes back due to not being able to afford them and nowhere to put them.

I hated the thought of the gun so only wanted the injection.

Whatever you choose to do with regards to ashes make sure you take some tail hair you can get some lovely things made with it. I haven't yet due to memories being tarnished (not his fault) but have the hair should I wish to and have framed some lovely photos OH took

We did have the Alley Cat cremated despite having only had him a year but the ashes container is much more manageable - he sits in the spare room by the windowsill, the vet also took some whiskers and fur for us and they're in the bag with the card they gave us with his ashes
He will be done with a gun. I have seen the injection go wrong on more than one occasion


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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He will be done with a gun. I have seen the injection go wrong on more than one occasion
I had 5 injected all went peacefully, I lost my boy 4 weeks ago.

You have what ever method you want, but just for the record I have seen several gun go messily wrong.

Hope everything goes ok what ever happens.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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I had 5 injected all went peacefully, I lost my boy 4 weeks ago.

You have what ever method you want, but just for the record I have seen several gun go messily wrong.

Hope everything goes ok what ever happens.

Mine was also incredibly peaceful with the injection, like he was lying down to sleep and gone very quickly. I couldn't have faced the gun but I know a lot of people swear by it


Well-Known Member
20 January 2010
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Unfortunately due to the nature of my job I have held hundreds of horses while they were put to sleep, and a fair few have been my own.
Of those I only know of three that have been cremated, one being one of mine. I normally send mine to the hunt, but when the time came for him it just felt right to have him cremated. It’s incredibly expensive - my total bill for him including vets etc was over £1k but I don’t regret it.
I think you just have to do what is best for you, and the horse.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I thought most of the hunts cremate these days? Certainly one I've used did and a video doing the rounds last year showed a hunt loading carcasses into bins to go to the animal crematorium. The hunts I used said that horse meat sours the hounds so they didn't use it.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2005
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Mine have all gone peacefully with an injection and then cremated apart from the lady in my picture, she was scattered at the pet cemetery, a decision I bitterly regret. The others ashes were returned in caskets and buried in the field, that's apart from Banner my Shetland, her casket is still in my front room and I think she will be there for a long time.

Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
West Midlands
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Our hunt cremates as well. We have the knacker and they are taken away and cremated. Never asked if it would be cheaper if we buried them so knacker only had to put them down. My sister had had her mare 33yrs so decided to have her ashes back. They are still under her bed many years later.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I thought most of the hunts cremate these days? Certainly one I've used did and a video doing the rounds last year showed a hunt loading carcasses into bins to go to the animal crematorium. The hunts I used said that horse meat sours the hounds so they didn't use it.
I’ve never known a hunt not feed horse. Generally though they are on Bute or something so can’t be fed. Many hunts with a flesh round have an incinerator for the inedible/unsuitable or they go into waste bins for commercial incineration.
I am with the ‘it’s a body why fret’ camp although most of my horses were buried on our old farm. I’m not sure it’s still legal? My OH, who has worked at a few hunt kennels said he remembered loading up the bags from the vets with tagged names and breeds on (small animal) which he found awful.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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In my view when the animal is dead, the essence/soul has gone, I don't want the shell back. If I could keep the horse alive for ever, I would do but really don't see the point of having the ashes back. I have the memories and photos and we plant a tree/rose or something in commemoration. We have a weather vane in commemoration of a Clydesdale mare.
A weather vane is such a lovely idea. We have one of our first GSD - a secret birthday present to me and it was done by a local craftsman who scaled up a favourite photo as a template. Think about him every time I check on the wind direction.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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In my view when the animal is dead, the essence/soul has gone, I don't want the shell back. If I could keep the horse alive for ever, I would do but really don't see the point of having the ashes back. I have the memories and photos and we plant a tree/rose or something in commemoration. We have a weather vane in commemoration of a Clydesdale mare.
This. Totally. Im completely fine with whatever happens after death. O/H likes to bury if or when possible but I’ve had the hunt pts and take, I’ve also used them just to dispose after the vets pets.
Personally I can think of better things to spend £800 or whatever on And don’t feel guilty about that.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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In my view when the animal is dead, the essence/soul has gone, I don't want the shell back. If I could keep the horse alive for ever, I would do but really don't see the point of having the ashes back. I have the memories and photos and we plant a tree/rose or something in commemoration. We have a weather vane in commemoration of a Clydesdale mare.
I’m the same. We have a little birch tree for one and a little rose and flower garden for the other. When we had the dogs ashes returned when I was younger, I found it more upsetting than comforting, I just looked at the little bag and thought ‘that isn’t my dog’. I would like the same for myself too, direct cremation, no ashes returned and just a party later on down the line if that’s what people want. My dad wants the same.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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A weather vane is such a lovely idea. We have one of our first GSD - a secret birthday present to me and it was done by a local craftsman who scaled up a favourite photo as a template. Think about him every time I check on the wind direction.
Would love to see that if you have a photo.