Horrid fall sore in many ways sorry this is long


Well-Known Member
21 April 2006
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Tonight we hired the big indoor arena 3 of us for jumps. One was teenager with her new pony. The other two were me n my usual great riding buddy both older v good friends
All going well teenager a bit crazy fast but everyone shouting out - at my insistence - which jumps they were aiming for. So far so good.
Until - my mate turned for a diagonal line jump about 2/3 the way down the school shouting her direction
I turned momentarily later on the same angle for a jump about 1/3 down the school again shouting which jump I was heading for.
So if you get it, we were both aiming for diagonal jumps across the school at the same time.
She didn't make it. Her horse refused turning left and into the path of mine who was mid air!! How I missed her I don't know. But the result was a yanking stop for my horsy and a crashing fall for me. Head crash (brand new hat I can't afford to replace it) back twist bust lip face full of sand broken finger I think the works. Sore and can hardly walk. And angry.
She says she wasn't there. Her horse refused thejump for sure she agrees also agrees he turned left but was nowhere near me. Obviously that could be true. Onlookers won't be drawn.
I could have misconstrued her position as being right in front of me when in reality she was to the side and I only saw her out of the corner of my eye. I concede that. But she will only say that her horse refused the jump. Not that she failed to end up where she said she was going and turned into mh path. She says Its not her fault. But it's certainly not mine.
I left after jumping a couple of little crosspoles upset and miserable. She stayed with the mad teenager.
Having thought for ages I said to her it's possible I misunderstood where she was exactly but was convinced she was right in front of me. Hence screaming at her hauling horse up and being thrown over its head
She just said it was nobody's fault. I don't really think that's good enough. After all who is left broken with knackered confidence?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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Tonight we hired the big indoor arena 3 of us for jumps. One was teenager with her new pony. The other two were me n my usual great riding buddy both older v good friends
All going well teenager a bit crazy fast but everyone shouting out - at my insistence - which jumps they were aiming for. So far so good.
Until - my mate turned for a diagonal line jump about 2/3 the way down the school shouting her direction
I turned momentarily later on the same angle for a jump about 1/3 down the school again shouting which jump I was heading for.
So if you get it, we were both aiming for diagonal jumps across the school at the same time.
She didn't make it. Her horse refused turning left and into the path of mine who was mid air!! How I missed her I don't know. But the result was a yanking stop for my horsy and a crashing fall for me. Head crash (brand new hat I can't afford to replace it) back twist bust lip face full of sand broken finger I think the works. Sore and can hardly walk. And angry.
She says she wasn't there. Her horse refused thejump for sure she agrees also agrees he turned left but was nowhere near me. Obviously that could be true. Onlookers won't be drawn.
I could have misconstrued her position as being right in front of me when in reality she was to the side and I only saw her out of the corner of my eye. I concede that. But she will only say that her horse refused the jump. Not that she failed to end up where she said she was going and turned into mh path. She says Its not her fault. But it's certainly not mine.
I left after jumping a couple of little crosspoles upset and miserable. She stayed with the mad teenager.
Having thought for ages I said to her it's possible I misunderstood where she was exactly but was convinced she was right in front of me. Hence screaming at her hauling horse up and being thrown over its head
She just said it was nobody's fault. I don't really think that's good enough. After all who is left broken with knackered confidence?

You? There should have been enough space between you/other riders and the fence for you to be able to safely pull up.

Its horrible to have a fall, but what else was she supposed to do? She called first, you knew where she was going, and should have been aware of what was happening.


Well-Known Member
3 May 2015
Northern Ireland
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I'm sorry you've had a nasty fall... you sound really shocked by it, and probably need to take it easy while you recover.

I'm not really sure how you think this is her fault though? She was on her line first, presumably didn't plan for her horse to refuse, and was not riding dangerously. If you're going to insist that it's not just an unfortunate accident, then the blame does lie squarely with you- you need to leave enough room for things to go wrong with the horse in front; a refusal and run out is hardly exceptional circumstances. Sharing an arena is like driving; you need to be planning for hazards from all sides at all times.

Hope you're feeling better soon.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2010
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Hind sight is wonderful but better only to have one person jumping at the one time for exactly that reason - accidents happen.

Your friend didn't do it deliberately and posting on here when you are sore and angry may help you vent but I don't think your friend can take full responsibility after all you were jumping at the same time as her so you are both at fault in my books.

I also have busted a new hat with a horse fall when I got lawn darted into an arena surface first time I was wearing a new hat so I can sympathise but the hat did its purpose and saved my head so no matter how annoying it is to pay for a replacement, at least you walked away after the accident.

Don't get me wrong, I am sorry to hear you are hurt, sore and lost confidence but if you continue this way you are likely to lose a good friendship as well. Don't let the pain and hurt make you unreasonably angry with her when sometimes you just have to chalk it up to a life lesson and next time, make sure that you take it in turn to jump to avoid mishaps and misunderstandings.


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24 June 2009
New Zealand
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Firstly, my sympathies. Sounds like a horrible incident and very scary, I'm glad there were no serious injuries but it sounds like you need to down a few bottles of arnica pills over the coming days! And get that finger taped up!
Secondly, and sorry to say this, but I don't think placing blame on one individual is fair in this situation, I feel like you were all a little bit at fault by jumping different things from different places at the same time. It would have been far more sensible to jump one at a time, or to jump the same jumps/routes following each other. Lesson learned on all sides I hope!

Edit - crossposted with above


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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I just can't afford the replacement hat. That's just how it is

It sounds like you want it to be her fault so you can ask her to replace the hat.

I wouldn't ride until I could replace it, or get it checked- it may not be as bad as you think.

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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Is there any chance you could be concussed? You seem to be behaving very out of character and that can be a sign of concussion. Do you think its worth getting checked out? Have you got someone with you?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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i think that's terribly unfair.

Why else would you say this?

'She just said it was nobody's fault. I don't really think that's good enough.'

This women is supposed to be a very good, and old friend. Why else would you need her to accept fault?


Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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Why does it have to be anyone's fault?

We ride big, unpredictable animals and accidents will happen. Assigning the blame to someone else isn't going to help you get your confidence back.

Nowadays we all seem in such a rush to attribute fault to a party for everything that goes wrong. I honestly believe it just exacerbates stress and, in this case, may damage a friendship. Surely who was right and who was wrong is of little importance?


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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So what would you like the outcome from this to be? It's happened, your horse is presumably ok, nobody is seriously hurt. Sounds like you've got off lightly. You keep talking about your hat, but then are upset when it is suggested that you want your friend to pay for it.
What is it that you want to see happen now?


Well-Known Member
21 April 2006
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Is there any chance you could be concussed? You seem to be behaving very out of character and that can be a sign of concussion. Do you think its worth getting checked out? Have you got someone with you?

Yes I do think I could be concussed. And yes I have someone with me. And yes tomorrow if I'm still dizzy I will get checked. But I don't think it's out of character to question someone who suggested I would cheat a friend into paying for my replacement hat no matter whose fault the incident was.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Take it as a lesson, don't ride the same angle jump at the same time with another horse close by. Logic and all that. In future ride in a line, or let one jump, then you jump etc.

And if you can't afford a new hat, well you can do something else for a bit until you can. You can get a cheaper hat and take it easy for a while, but for what its worth i dont think your hat is THAT expensive for you to get annoyed about it. You could have fell off on your own and needed to replace it or could have dropped it etc...its not fair to blame someone else for their horse refusing the jump when they called out first.

I hope you heal quickly though.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2006
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I NEVER suggested anyone else other than me should pay for any replacement hat all I said was I can't afford it so it's not happening.
I just wanted to post how I was feeling especially after the horrid fall. I'm thankful I avoided jumping on top of my friend and her horse after all that's why I suddenly pulled up and came off over the top. And as a result I am dreadfully sore stiff and broken finger. And I felt I had nowhere else to turn to other than this forum.


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24 June 2009
New Zealand
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But they're not likely to say I don't need to pay for a new one. It's a Gatehouse HS1.

Lol yes. Of course if you need a new one you'll have to pay for it. My point is if you get it checked and they say it's ok then you don't NEED a new one. Or if it's got minor damage they can fix it for you for less than the cost of a replacement.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2006
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I have been trying to delete this post or ask mods to remove it.
I cannot find out how to do that.
I'd be grateful for no further comment, thank you all so much for your support, good wishes and advice


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Moderators do not remove posts upon request unless there is something illegal, slandorus, advertising or just horrible behaviour. Unless you want banned I doubt that you will do any of those just to get a thread removed.

But I do hope that other users consider the fact you did hit your noodle and can put this one down to an out of body post.

P s. Stay safe and do get checked. Even a small bump can cause concussion x
Last edited:


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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PMR, you can email admin using the Contact Us bottom at the bottom of the screen, explain that you were concussed when you wrote it, tell them you are going to lose a good friend if she ever finds out about it, and beg them to remove the thread. They aren't heartless, I think they will do it.


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I hope you are okay, a bang on the head is never a good thing, but .... three horses including one unknown and slightly mad sounding partnership, all jumping at the same time, is an accident waiting to happen :(


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I hope you are feeling better today .
Doing slightly silly dangerous things with horses is part of the fun .
But there's no do way I would jump In the situation you describe too silly too dangerous and unnecessary .
You bought a hat to protect yourself it did its job count yourself lucky and buy another .


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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I hope you are feeling better this morning. It sounds like an unfortunate accident but one that you will now know how to avoid in the future. I also hope you are feeling less angry towards your friend - it definitely wasn't her fault, just an accident.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I'd say you were both at fault for being on the course at the same time. Personally if I'm ever jumping in a group we have done it one at a time to avoid this type of situation. Learn from it & move on :)