So Ive had my 11 year old TB for 9 months. He's evented and done a fair bit competition wise with previous owners. They did warn me that he gets excited at shows and can sort of bronc in warm up arenas.
Obviously I haven't been able to take him out due to covid so today I hacked (with a sensible horse for company) to a local pleasure ride to see what he might do (the idea was to get him to the car park, walk/trot about and then continue our hack). I thought this might be a good way to see what he might do before our first comp next month. It didn't go very well - he sort of threw himself about, spun each way and 'humped' as soon as he saw other horses. It completely fried his brain. In the end I got off and lead but even then I really struggled to keep hold of him.
I gave him some valerian to take the edge off (I know this isn't comp legal) so I'm looking for other suggestions of what to do to calm him down.
Normally I would have done the usual stuff like asking to back up, leg yield etc to get him listening but he went from ok to completely wired so fast.
p.s He's had his back, teeth, saddle etc checked.
Obviously I haven't been able to take him out due to covid so today I hacked (with a sensible horse for company) to a local pleasure ride to see what he might do (the idea was to get him to the car park, walk/trot about and then continue our hack). I thought this might be a good way to see what he might do before our first comp next month. It didn't go very well - he sort of threw himself about, spun each way and 'humped' as soon as he saw other horses. It completely fried his brain. In the end I got off and lead but even then I really struggled to keep hold of him.
I gave him some valerian to take the edge off (I know this isn't comp legal) so I'm looking for other suggestions of what to do to calm him down.
Normally I would have done the usual stuff like asking to back up, leg yield etc to get him listening but he went from ok to completely wired so fast.
p.s He's had his back, teeth, saddle etc checked.