New User
There have been a few times where when I dismount my horse, he dips his back downward for a split seconds then comes back up. Almost as if its like a spasm or something. Im not honestly sure what it is, and google brings up nothing like it. He has a poor topline that vets, a chiro, nutritionalist, and myself are working to better so Im unsure if its to do with that. Its almost like when your knee gives out on you and your leg collapses for a second, but with his back instead. Im unsure if its related but there have been 3 times where he was dropped everything and started getting a bit freaky out of nowhere and I have never seen a horse do that. Ill have to get off of him (there was one time I was not on him, but did tack him up and walk him to the arena). He will just stretch down and hump the air a few times and then be done. He is 11, and I believe he was proud cut but Im not sure if thats a reason or not. He is my first owned horse so if I sound really stupid, its because I probably am as I was not ever taught these things. Like I said, Im unsure if the back dipping is related the other, but it was worth mentioning as the almost appear similar.