Horse Going Bald?? Mites? Mange?

Dizzy socks

Well-Known Member
18 March 2012
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My Shetland pony is going bald.

The hair, mainly around her shoulders, has been coming out. It started off with a small bald patch on either shoulder, which wasn't too worrying as we were given treatment by the vet for a similar thing last year, which appeared to help and she improved.

This year, it's not helping, and literally overnight, a huge clump of hair (Around the size of 2 hand prints) has appeared on each shoulder. The hair around it is very very fragile, and will fall out at the slightest touch. She doesn't really appear to be itchy, the hair just comes out. Could it be mites, and if so, what might help?

It was assumed last year that she caught it from the horses over the fence, as they are pretty much feral.

I will get some pics tomorrow, if that might help?

She is 4.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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ahh. my pony was rugged and when he moulted out his winter coat even though he was clipped his shoulders went bald! (rug rubs that werent as apparent before)

If you suspect mites you could try Deosect. That can be bought over the counter