Horse grunt/groan


Well-Known Member
24 September 2017
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Ever since I started turning my horse out in May, my horse occasionally grunts. There doesn't seem to be any pattern, I originally thought it might be gas from all the grass but he is still doing it. He is otherwise completely fine, weeing/ pooing / eating/ drinking. I had the vet look him over and couldn't find anything. I originally thought it might be colicky but doesn't seem to be going. Some weeks he doesn't do it for days, then I catch him doing it a few times. Today he did it when I rode him as well as in his stable. I would be interested if anyone else has experienced similar?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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My gelding grunts, the mare never has.
He grunts when he *seems* annoyed/pee’d-off about something - neck swirling and head flicking normally follow. But he does it rarely, and when he does, its when im taking a net of hay out to give them. So i assess it as he’s impatient and really wants the hay - it’s normally when its a hay he really likes too...when the supplier got the order wrong and i was given a pallet of high energy forage…that they dont normally get. They both got a bit antsy on that stuff, like toddlers on a sugar high - but that’s mostly when he gave me some weird grunts!
(changing quickly to another pallet of lower energy feed stopped their narky behaviour change and his grunts btw)

So maybe with yours its the higher energy grass feed he’s getting since being turned out in may? So maybe he’s got lots of excess energy, doesnt know how to express the feeling except by grunting?! Do you find after a blast in canter he’s more chilled out and grunts less?