Well-Known Member
Ok so here is an issue. My pony and two others are on the field together getting along really well(long story short, they been moved out of big herd group due to gate hoggers and bullying by big horses) lovely little herd of three cobs who are very laid back and placid. Mothers dreams all three of them. All three are kid’s ponies(my daughters and other lady daughters)
To get to our field we need to walk them passing several fields with other horses in it, they in their fields we just walk along fence line to get to ours. For past month maybe more we’ve been having a bit of the issue with one herd that bordering with our field and has big horses in it and one of them just can’t stand anything that is smaller than him(he’s been moved several times from several fields due to badly bullying and injuring smaller horses and ponies). We have to walk past their field and every time he sees us walking our ponies he goes bonkers trying to barge the gate, fences (he will literally push his chest against the fence or gate and you can see fences bowing out), running up to fence, rearing, neighing and snoring other two that are with him on the field joining the party acting like stallions leaving our ponies who are very placid in state of panic, pretty dangerous if you ask me when you walk a pony that starting dancing on back legs and trying to break free from you holding him or pulling you with him.
Today was particularly bad morning, I really thought they going to jump out of the field to the alleyway as I was walking my pony to his field. I was really scared to the point I had unclipped lead rope and smacked my pony in the bum sending him to his field( it’s straight down the alleyway so that’s the only way he could go but I was praying for him not to turn around)
I only done this because lady that owns two other ponies was on the field already with hers and hers two we’re getting very distressed so she had to unclip them too as she was fearing the risk of being dragged so ponies started galloping around then headed towards the gate that was open so I thought I’d better send mine to the field quick and run after him and shut the gate keeping all three in the field. Lady was safe and gave me a hand signal to release my pony. I was closer to the gate than two other ponies but I wouldn’t get there fast enough holding my pony who was bunny hopping and spinning so I felt I had to do this. After that when all three were locked in the field I literally got to my car and cried that’s how distressing it was and it’s getting worse and worse every day. Other lady was in pretty bad state too.
This been happening for while now. Every time one pony comes closer to the fence the other horse comes charging trying to jump the fence and bite them again, acting like stallion. They sharing water and big one will come charging every time one of the ponies comes to drink or even heading towards water leaving us putting buckets away from the fence.
We will be speaking to yo asking if perhaps we could switch the fields with big horses so they are at the end field and then we don’t need to walk past them. The thing is all three ponies belong to kids(my daughter and other lady daughters) and we don’t feel comfortable sending our kids to get their own ponies to or from the field in fact kids aren’t allowed by us parents and we always have to be present. Sad but not important thing is they can forget about joy bareback ride to the field. I doubt taking to yo will get us anywhere because he’s “sort out among yourself” type of yo but is there anything else anyone can suggest we could do? I doubt owners of big horses will be willing to switch the fields as ours is bit smaller and they will have to walk that extra minute to get to it. Has anyone been in similar situation and double row fencing worked?
How about duty of care from yard owner if it’s not safe to get your pony in or out of the field?
Advice always appreciated.
Many thanks
To get to our field we need to walk them passing several fields with other horses in it, they in their fields we just walk along fence line to get to ours. For past month maybe more we’ve been having a bit of the issue with one herd that bordering with our field and has big horses in it and one of them just can’t stand anything that is smaller than him(he’s been moved several times from several fields due to badly bullying and injuring smaller horses and ponies). We have to walk past their field and every time he sees us walking our ponies he goes bonkers trying to barge the gate, fences (he will literally push his chest against the fence or gate and you can see fences bowing out), running up to fence, rearing, neighing and snoring other two that are with him on the field joining the party acting like stallions leaving our ponies who are very placid in state of panic, pretty dangerous if you ask me when you walk a pony that starting dancing on back legs and trying to break free from you holding him or pulling you with him.
Today was particularly bad morning, I really thought they going to jump out of the field to the alleyway as I was walking my pony to his field. I was really scared to the point I had unclipped lead rope and smacked my pony in the bum sending him to his field( it’s straight down the alleyway so that’s the only way he could go but I was praying for him not to turn around)
I only done this because lady that owns two other ponies was on the field already with hers and hers two we’re getting very distressed so she had to unclip them too as she was fearing the risk of being dragged so ponies started galloping around then headed towards the gate that was open so I thought I’d better send mine to the field quick and run after him and shut the gate keeping all three in the field. Lady was safe and gave me a hand signal to release my pony. I was closer to the gate than two other ponies but I wouldn’t get there fast enough holding my pony who was bunny hopping and spinning so I felt I had to do this. After that when all three were locked in the field I literally got to my car and cried that’s how distressing it was and it’s getting worse and worse every day. Other lady was in pretty bad state too.
This been happening for while now. Every time one pony comes closer to the fence the other horse comes charging trying to jump the fence and bite them again, acting like stallion. They sharing water and big one will come charging every time one of the ponies comes to drink or even heading towards water leaving us putting buckets away from the fence.
We will be speaking to yo asking if perhaps we could switch the fields with big horses so they are at the end field and then we don’t need to walk past them. The thing is all three ponies belong to kids(my daughter and other lady daughters) and we don’t feel comfortable sending our kids to get their own ponies to or from the field in fact kids aren’t allowed by us parents and we always have to be present. Sad but not important thing is they can forget about joy bareback ride to the field. I doubt taking to yo will get us anywhere because he’s “sort out among yourself” type of yo but is there anything else anyone can suggest we could do? I doubt owners of big horses will be willing to switch the fields as ours is bit smaller and they will have to walk that extra minute to get to it. Has anyone been in similar situation and double row fencing worked?
How about duty of care from yard owner if it’s not safe to get your pony in or out of the field?
Advice always appreciated.
Many thanks